我想将MOV文件转换为AVI文件作为我项目的一部分。 MOV正在从一组JPEG文件中正确转换。但我无法将MOV转换为AVI。它说输出.avi文件是0字节。有人可以帮忙吗?
public class Transcode implements ControllerListener, DataSinkListener {
* Given a source media locator, destination media locator and
* an array of formats, this method will transcode the source to
* the dest into the specified formats.
public boolean doIt(MediaLocator inML, MediaLocator outML, Format fmts[],
int start, int end) {
Processor p;
try {
p = Manager.createProcessor(inML);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Cannot create a processor from the given url: " + e);
return false;
// Put the Processor into configured state.
if (!waitForState(p, p.Configured)) {
System.err.println("Failed to configure the processor.");
return false;
// Set the output content descriptor based on the media locator.
setContentDescriptor(p, outML);
// Program the tracks to the given output formats.
if (!setTrackFormats(p, fmts))
return false;
// We are done with programming the processor. Let's just
// realize the it.
if (!waitForState(p, p.Realized)) {
System.err.println("Failed to realize the processor.");
return false;
// Set the JPEG quality to .5.
setJPEGQuality(p, 0.5f);
// Now, we'll need to create a DataSink.
DataSink dsink;
if ((dsink = createDataSink(p, outML)) == null) {
System.err.println("Failed to create a DataSink for the given output MediaLocator: " + outML);
return false;
fileDone = false;
// Set the start time if there's one set.
if (start > 0)
p.setMediaTime(new Time((double)start));
// Set the stop time if there's one set.
if (end > 0)
p.setStopTime(new Time((double)end));
// OK, we can now start the actual transcoding.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("IO error during transcoding");
return false;
// Wait for EndOfStream event.
// Cleanup.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
return true;
* Set the content descriptor based on the given output MediaLocator.
void setContentDescriptor(Processor p, MediaLocator outML) {
ContentDescriptor cd;
// If the output file maps to a content type,
// we'll try to set it on the processor.
if ((cd = fileExtToCD(outML.getRemainder())) != null) {
if ((p.setContentDescriptor(cd)) == null) {
// The processor does not support the output content
// type. But we can set the content type to RAW and
// see if any DataSink supports it.
p.setContentDescriptor(new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW));
* Set the target transcode format on the processor.
boolean setTrackFormats(Processor p, Format fmts[]) {
if (fmts.length == 0)
return true;
TrackControl tcs[];
if ((tcs = p.getTrackControls()) == null) {
// The processor does not support any track control.
System.err.println("The Processor cannot transcode the tracks to the given formats");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < fmts.length; i++) {
System.err.println("- set track format to: " + fmts[i]);
if (!setEachTrackFormat(p, tcs, fmts[i])) {
System.err.println("Cannot transcode any track to: " + fmts[i]);
return false;
return true;
* We'll loop through the tracks and try to find a track
* that can be converted to the given format.
boolean setEachTrackFormat(Processor p, TrackControl tcs[], Format fmt) {
Format supported[];
Format f;
for (int i = 0; i < tcs.length; i++) {
supported = tcs[i].getSupportedFormats();
if (supported == null)
for (int j = 0; j < supported.length; j++) {
if (fmt.matches(supported[j]) &&
(f = fmt.intersects(supported[j])) != null &&
tcs[i].setFormat(f) != null) {
// Success.
return true;
return false;
* Setting the encoding quality to the specified value on the JPEG encoder.
* 0.5 is a good default.
void setJPEGQuality(Player p, float val) {
Control cs[] = p.getControls();
QualityControl qc = null;
VideoFormat jpegFmt = new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.JPEG);
// Loop through the controls to find the Quality control for
// the JPEG encoder.
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
if (cs[i] instanceof QualityControl &&
cs[i] instanceof Owned) {
Object owner = ((Owned)cs[i]).getOwner();
// Check to see if the owner is a Codec.
// Then check for the output format.
if (owner instanceof Codec) {
Format fmts[] = ((Codec)owner).getSupportedOutputFormats(null);
for (int j = 0; j < fmts.length; j++) {
if (fmts[j].matches(jpegFmt)) {
qc = (QualityControl)cs[i];
System.err.println("- Set quality to " +
val + " on " + qc);
if (qc != null)
* Create the DataSink.
DataSink createDataSink(Processor p, MediaLocator outML) {
DataSource ds;
if ((ds = p.getDataOutput()) == null) {
System.err.println("Something is really wrong: the processor does not have an output DataSource");
return null;
DataSink dsink;
try {
dsink = Manager.createDataSink(ds, outML);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Cannot create the DataSink: " + e);
return null;
return dsink;
Object waitSync = new Object();
boolean stateTransitionOK = true;
* Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
* Return false if the transition failed.
boolean waitForState(Processor p, int state) {
synchronized (waitSync) {
try {
while (p.getState() < state && stateTransitionOK)
} catch (Exception e) {}
return stateTransitionOK;
* Controller Listener.
public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) {
if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||
evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ||
evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
synchronized (waitSync) {
stateTransitionOK = true;
} else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) {
synchronized (waitSync) {
stateTransitionOK = false;
} else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
} else if (evt instanceof MediaTimeSetEvent) {
System.err.println("- mediaTime set: " +
} else if (evt instanceof StopAtTimeEvent) {
System.err.println("- stop at time: " +
Object waitFileSync = new Object();
boolean fileDone = false;
boolean fileSuccess = true;
* Block until file writing is done.
boolean waitForFileDone() {
System.err.print(" ");
synchronized (waitFileSync) {
try {
while (!fileDone) {
} catch (Exception e) {}
return fileSuccess;
* Event handler for the file writer.
public void dataSinkUpdate(DataSinkEvent evt) {
if (evt instanceof EndOfStreamEvent) {
synchronized (waitFileSync) {
fileDone = true;
} else if (evt instanceof DataSinkErrorEvent) {
synchronized (waitFileSync) {
fileDone = true;
fileSuccess = false;
* Convert a file name to a content type. The extension is parsed
* to determine the content type.
ContentDescriptor fileExtToCD(String name) {
String ext;
int p;
// Extract the file extension.
if ((p = name.lastIndexOf('.')) < 0)
return null;
ext = (name.substring(p + 1)).toLowerCase();
String type;
// Use the MimeManager to get the mime type from the file extension.
if ( ext.equals("mp3")) {
type = FileTypeDescriptor.MPEG_AUDIO;
} else {
if ((type = com.sun.media.MimeManager.getMimeType(ext)) == null)
return null;
type = ContentDescriptor.mimeTypeToPackageName(type);
return new FileTypeDescriptor(type);
* Create a media locator from the given string.
public static MediaLocator createMediaLocator(String url) {
MediaLocator ml;
if (url.indexOf(":") > 0 && (ml = new MediaLocator(url)) != null)
return ml;
if (url.startsWith(File.separator)) {
if ((ml = new MediaLocator("file:" + url)) != null)
return ml;
} else {
String file = "file:" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + url;
if ((ml = new MediaLocator(file)) != null)
return ml;
return null;
* Parse the audio format specifier and generate an AudioFormat.
* A valid audio format specifier is of the form:
* [encoding]:[rate]:[sizeInBits]:[channels]:[big|little]:[signed|unsigned]
public static Format parseAudioFormat(String fmtStr) {
int rate, bits, channels, endian, signed;
String encodeStr = null, rateStr = null,
bitsStr = null, channelsStr = null,
endianStr = null, signedStr = null;
// Parser the media locator to extract the requested format.
if (fmtStr != null && fmtStr.length() > 0) {
while (fmtStr.length() > 1 && fmtStr.charAt(0) == ':')
fmtStr = fmtStr.substring(1);
// Now see if there's a encode rate specified.
int off = fmtStr.indexOf(':');
if (off == -1) {
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
encodeStr = fmtStr;
} else {
encodeStr = fmtStr.substring(0, off);
fmtStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
// Now see if there's a sample rate specified
off = fmtStr.indexOf(':');
if (off == -1) {
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
rateStr = fmtStr;
} else {
rateStr = fmtStr.substring(0, off);
fmtStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
// Now see if there's a size specified
off = fmtStr.indexOf(':');
if (off == -1) {
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
bitsStr = fmtStr;
} else {
bitsStr = fmtStr.substring(0, off);
fmtStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
// Now see if there's channels specified.
off = fmtStr.indexOf(':');
if (off == -1) {
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
channelsStr = fmtStr;
} else {
channelsStr = fmtStr.substring(0, off);
fmtStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
// Now see if there's endian specified.
off = fmtStr.indexOf(':');
if (off == -1) {
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
endianStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
} else {
endianStr = fmtStr.substring(0, off);
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
signedStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
// Sample Rate
rate = AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED;
if (rateStr != null) {
try {
Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(rateStr);
if (integer != null)
rate = integer.intValue();
} catch (Throwable t) { }
// Sample Size
bits = AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED;
if (bitsStr != null) {
try {
Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(bitsStr);
if (integer != null)
bits = integer.intValue();
} catch (Throwable t) { }
// # of channels
channels = AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED;
if (channelsStr != null) {
try {
Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(channelsStr);
if (integer != null)
channels = integer.intValue();
} catch (Throwable t) { }
// Endian
endian = AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED;
if (endianStr != null) {
if (endianStr.equalsIgnoreCase("big"))
endian = AudioFormat.BIG_ENDIAN;
else if (endianStr.equalsIgnoreCase("little"))
endian = AudioFormat.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
// Signed
signed = AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED;
if (signedStr != null) {
if (signedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("signed"))
signed = AudioFormat.SIGNED;
else if (signedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned"))
signed = AudioFormat.UNSIGNED;
return new AudioFormat(encodeStr, rate, bits, channels, endian, signed);
* Parse the video format specifier and generate an VideoFormat.
* A valid video format specifier is of the form:
* [encoding]:[widthXheight]
public static Format parseVideoFormat(String fmtStr) {
String encodeStr = null, sizeStr = null;
// Parser the media locator to extract the requested format.
if (fmtStr != null && fmtStr.length() > 0) {
while (fmtStr.length() > 1 && fmtStr.charAt(0) == ':')
fmtStr = fmtStr.substring(1);
// Now see if there's a encode rate specified.
int off = fmtStr.indexOf(':');
if (off == -1) {
if (!fmtStr.equals(""))
encodeStr = fmtStr;
} else {
encodeStr = fmtStr.substring(0, off);
sizeStr = fmtStr.substring(off + 1);
if (encodeStr == null || encodeStr.equals(""))
// prUsage();
if (sizeStr == null)
return new VideoFormat(encodeStr);
int width = 320, height = 240;
int off = sizeStr.indexOf('X');
if (off == -1)
off = sizeStr.indexOf('x');
if (off == -1) {
System.err.println("Video dimension is not correctly specified: " + sizeStr);
// prUsage();
} else {
String widthStr = sizeStr.substring(0, off);
String heightStr = sizeStr.substring(off + 1);
try {
Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(widthStr);
if (integer != null)
width = integer.intValue();
integer = Integer.valueOf(heightStr);
if (integer != null)
height = integer.intValue();
} catch (Throwable t) {
// prUsage();
return new VideoFormat(encodeStr,
new Dimension(width, height),
VideoFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED, // maxDataLen
null, // data class
VideoFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED // FrameRate
return null;