C tcp socket magic:clientip,关闭端口,重新加入stdin / stdout,sigaction,speed

时间:2013-10-13 06:38:51

标签: c tcp

我正在编写一个程序员 - 用户友好的inetd风格的包装器,但都在C中。这个守护进程将一直运行,并且必须很快,所以inetd不是一个选项。此外,我希望我的下面的代码对其他人有用 - 事实上,作为一个新手,我发现奇怪的是它已经不存在很多次了。 (我编写了我的代码,因为我之前的问题是否存在某些库中存在的违反指南。)


  1. 我不知道如何获取xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx表单中的clientip。在tcpserver_clientip()中,需要将其写入c-> ipaddress,然后由我的tcpserver_clientip()函数返回。我也很想知道如何反向查找客户端DNS名称tcpserver_clientname(),但这是另一天。

  2. 我不知道如何关闭本地端口,以便在有序程序终止时立即释放它。现在,几秒钟后端口再次可用。依靠进程死亡来释放资源对我来说似乎是个错误。 setsockopt这样做似乎也很奇怪 - 我想在有效退出时关闭它,而不是在我打开它时设置一个选项。

  3. 我更愿意,如果不使用tcpserver_clientwrite(),listener()可以打印到stdout;而不是使用tcpserver_clientread(),listener()可以从stdin读取。这可能在Linux(和C)中不会失去很大的速度吗?我不相信。也就是说,我不相信可以将stdin / stdout挂接到套接字recvfrom和sendto。但我想问一下,而不是猜测。

  4. 有谁知道为什么sigaction()失败,signal()有效? (为了保护我免受僵尸孩子的伤害?)这是在linux gcc下。 sigaction和signal的原型似乎有所不同。

  5. 对于tcp(而不是udp),是否有一个这样的示例程序无需分叉?我只用fork看过这种类型的代码。据推测,读取器/写入器功能必须携带一个结构,以确定特定输入/输出的许多客户端中的哪一个来自/将要发生。并且据推测,避免使用前叉可以节省更多时间。

  6. 另外,如果有人注意到安全漏洞或其他错误,请告诉我。


        a high-level library implementation of a tcp server, with an inetd-like
        ease-of-use.  the library takes care of forking, reaping, etc. The focus
        right now are clean text connections ('\0' terminated, but overflow safe).
        the user calls the tcpserver function with a callback, the listener():
    static int tcpserver(const int port, const int msgmaxlen, int (*listener)(void *));
    static int tcpserver_verbose(const int port, const int msgmaxlen, int (*listener)(void *));
        the listener() has access to the following functions:
    static int  tcpserver_clientwrite( const void *, const char *msg );
    static char *tcpserver_clientread( const void * );
    static char *tcpserver_clientip( void * );  // this will store inside the structure, so its volatile
    static int  tcpserver_clientport( const void *);
    static const char *tcpserver_version= "tcpserver.h 0.1";


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "tcpserver.h"
    int listener( void *c ) {
      printf("listener %d> Hello IP='%s' on port %d\n", getpid(), 
         tcpserver_clientip(c), tcpserver_clientport(c));
      int terminate=0;
      do {
        char *msgin= tcpserver_clientread( c );
        printf("listener %d r> '%s'\n", getpid(), msgin);
        tcpserver_clientwrite( c, msgin );
        printf("listener %d w> '%s'\n", getpid(), msgin);
        terminate= (((strncmp(msgin, "quit", 4)==0)&&(msgin[4]=='\r'))
            ||((strncmp(msgin, "bye", 3)==0)&&(msgin[3]=='\r')));
      } while (!terminate);
      printf("\nlistener %d> **** listener requested orderly termination ****\n", getpid());
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      const int PORT= (argc>=2) ? atoi(argv[1]) : (32001);
      const int MAXMSGLEN=1024;
      printf("Parent %d.  version %s\n", getpid(), tcpserver_version);
      return tcpserver( PORT, MAXMSGLEN, &listener );


    #ifndef INETVERBOSE
    #define INETVERBOSE 1
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <strings.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
     * Storage for each client connection
    #define MAXIPSTRLEN
    struct tcpserver_clientconnection {
      struct sockaddr_in cliaddr; // Socket Library
      int connfd; // Socket Library
      socklen_t clilen; // Socket Library
      // read/write to client
      char *msgbuf;  // the buffer for a single longest message
      int msgmaxlen;  // its maximum length
      int verbose;  // makes debugging easier
      // write by tcpserver, read-only to client
      unsigned int port;
      char ipaddress[MAXIPSTRLEN];
     * The Actual Server
    static int _tcpserver(const int port, const int msgmaxlen, int (*listener)(void *c), const int verbose) {
      void die(const char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "tcpserver.h death: %s : ", s); perror(""); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
      const int parentpid= getpid();
      const int listenfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
      struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
      servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
      if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[parent %d] ---------------- Listening on Port %d\n", parentpid, port);
      if (bind(listenfd,(struct sockaddr *)&(servaddr),sizeof(servaddr)))
        die("Sorry, we could not bind to the socket");
      // safety --- reap all children
      signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);  // sigaction(SIGCHLD, SA_NOCLDWAIT)
      if (listen(listenfd,1024)) die("Cannot listen to you.");
      for(;;) {
        // collect what we need to pass
        struct tcpserver_clientconnection c;
        c.port= port;
        c.connfd = accept(listenfd,(struct sockaddr *)&(c.cliaddr),&(c.clilen));
        if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[parent %d] incoming connection ", parentpid);
        pid_t childpid;
        if ((childpid = fork()) == 0) {
          close(listenfd);  // the child can close its listenfd connection
          if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "[Spawned Child Process %d for connection]\n", getpid()); }
          c.verbose= verbose;
          c.msgmaxlen= msgmaxlen;
          c.msgbuf= (char *) calloc( msgmaxlen, sizeof(char) );
          if (!c.msgbuf) die("cannot allocate memory to message buffer");
        int status;
        waitpid(childpid, &status, 0);
        if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[Parent Asynch: Child %d was stopped with return value %d]\n", childpid, status);
        close(c.connfd);  // release the connection
      if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] Main Program Bye", parentpid);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    static inline int tcpserver_verbose(const int port, const int msgmaxlen, int (*listener)(void *c)) {
      return _tcpserver(port, msgmaxlen, listener, 1);
    static inline int tcpserver(const int port, const int msgmaxlen, int (*listener)(void *c)) {
      return _tcpserver(port, msgmaxlen, listener, 0);
     * Listener (Client) Access Functions
    static char *tcpserver_clientip(void *v) { 
      struct tcpserver_clientconnection *c= (struct tcpserver_clientconnection *)v;
      const char *peer_addr(int sockfd, char *ipnamedest, size_t ipnamedestsiz) {
        struct sockaddr_in adr_inet;
        unsigned int len_inet = sizeof(adr_inet);
        int z = getpeername(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&adr_inet, &len_inet);
        if ( z == -1 ) return NULL;    /* Failed */
        z = snprintf(ipnamedest, ipnamedestsiz, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(adr_inet.sin_addr), (unsigned)ntohs(adr_inet.sin_port));
        if ( z == -1 ) return NULL;    /* Ipnamedestfer too small */
        return ipnamedest;
      strcpy(c->ipaddress, "unknown");
      //peer_addr( listenfd, c->ipaddress, MAXIPSTRLEN );
      if (c->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "IP=%s\n", c->ipaddress);
      return c->ipaddress;
    static int tcpserver_clientport( const void *v ) { 
      struct tcpserver_clientconnection *c= (struct tcpserver_clientconnection *)v;
      return c->port;
    static char *tcpserver_clientread( const void *v ) {
      struct tcpserver_clientconnection *c= (struct tcpserver_clientconnection *)v;
      if (!c->msgbuf) perror("internal error: NULL msgbuf");
      int rc= recvfrom(c->connfd, c->msgbuf, c->msgmaxlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&(c->cliaddr), &(c->clilen));
      if (rc<0) { perror("what is wrong with you?\n"); return NULL; }
      c->msgbuf[c->msgmaxlen -1]='\0';  // for safety...always
      if (rc>0) c->msgbuf[rc]='\0';  // for safety...always
      if (c->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "clientread> '%s'\n", c->msgbuf); 
      return c->msgbuf;
    static int tcpserver_clientwrite( const void *v, const char *msg ) {
      struct tcpserver_clientconnection *c= (struct tcpserver_clientconnection *)v;
      if (!msg) perror("why would you want to write a NULL msg??");
      int n=strlen(msg);
      if (n==(-1)) n= strlen(c->msgbuf);  // -1 means textmode
      if (n > (c->msgmaxlen)) n= c->msgmaxlen;
      if (c->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "clientwriting> '%s'\n", c->msgbuf); 
      sendto(c->connfd, c->msgbuf, n, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&(c->cliaddr),sizeof((c->cliaddr)));
      if (c->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "clientwritten> '%s'\n", c->msgbuf); 
      return n;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)












您的代码并不像您想象的那么精彩。例如,它一次只处理一个客户端,而不是并行处理它们,因为您在启动它之后等待每个子节点。您还在等待孩子 孩子,这是一个错误。您的消息发送/接收API与send()和recv()相比没有任何改进。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


我怎样才能使听众能够读取stdin而不是调用   tcpserver_read()通过recv获取消息?


             dup2(c->connfd, 0);
             dup2(0, 1);