
时间:2013-10-09 19:59:00

标签: javascript angularjs

首先我要说的是,这个问题非常类似于使用ng-options在<select>标签中进行选择的问题。例如,Working with select using AngularJS's ng-options。具体问题是比较一个对象的两个不同实例,它们不是引用相等,但在逻辑上代表相同的数据。


$scope.items = [
   {ID: 1, Label: 'Foo', Extra: 17},
   {ID: 2, Label: 'Bar', Extra: 18},
   {ID: 3, Label: 'Baz', Extra: 19}
$scope.selectedItem = {ID: 1, Label: 'Foo'};

请注意,上述对象仅用于演示。我特意放弃了&#39; Extra&#39; selectedItem上的属性表明有时我的模型对象的特定属性不同。重要的是我想比较ID属性。我在我的真实对象上有一个equals()函数,可以比较原型&#39; class&#39;和身份证。


<label class="radio inline" ng-repeat="item in items">
    <input type="radio" ng-model="selectedItem" ng-value="item"> {{item.Label}}


$scope.selectedItem = items[0];

但是,我遇到的问题是,在我的应用程序中,我并不是简单地在范围内声明这两个简单变量。相反,选项列表和绑定所选选项的数据结构都是使用$ http从服务器查询的较大JSON数据集的一部分。在一般情况下,我很难将数据绑定的选定属性更改为我的数据查询中的等效选项。

所以,我的问题: 在<select>的ng-options中,angular提供了一个track by表达式,允许我说出&#34; object.ID&#34;并通知angular它应该通过ID属性将选定的模型值与选项进行比较。是否有类似的东西我可以用于一堆无线电输入都绑定到相同的模型属性?理想情况下,我可以告诉angular使用我自己的自定义equals()方法,我将这些方法放在这些模型对象上,它们同时检查对象类型和ID。如果失败,那么能够指定ID比较也会有效。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)



<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-app ng-controller="ThingControl">    
    <ul >
        <li ng-repeat="color in colors">
            <input type="radio" name="color" ng-model="$parent.thing" ng-value="color" radio-track-by="name" />{{ color.name }}
    Preview: {{ thing }}


var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('ThingControl', function($scope){
    $scope.colors = [
        { name: "White", hex: "#ffffff"},
        { name: "Black", hex: "#000000"},
        { name: "Red", hex: "#000000"},
        { name: "Green", hex: "#000000"}

    $scope.thing = { name: "White", hex: "#ffffff"};


app.directive('radioTrackBy', function(){
return {
        restrict: "A",
        scope: {
            ngModel: "=",
            ngValue: "=",
            radioTrackBy: "@"
        link: function (ng) {   
            if (ng.ngValue[ng.radioTrackBy] === ng.ngModel[ng.radioTrackBy]) {                                
                ng.ngModel = ng.ngValue;

答案 1 :(得分:2)


.directive('radioOptions', function() {
    // Apply this directive as an attribute to multiple radio inputs. The value of the attribute
    // should be the scope variable/expression which contains the available options for the
    // radio list. Typically, this will be the collection variable in an ng-repeat directive
    // that templates the individual radio inputs which have radio-options applied. In addition,
    // instead of the normal ng-model, use a selected-option attribute set to the same expression.
    // For example, you might use radio-options like this:
    // <label ... ng-repeat="item in collection">
    //     <input type="radio" ... ng-value="item" radio-options="collection" selected-option="myModel.myProperty">
    // </label>
    // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19281404/object-equality-comparison-for-inputradio-with-ng-model-and-ng-value
    // for the SO question that inspired this directive.
    return {
        scope: {
            radioOptions: '=',
            selectedOption: '=',
            ngValue: '='
        link: function( scope, elem, attrs ) {
            var modelChanged =  function() {
                if( jQuery.isArray(scope.radioOptions) ) {
                    jQuery.each( scope.radioOptions, function(idx, item) {
                        // This uses our models' custom 'equals' function for comparison, but another application could use
                        // ID propeties, etc.
                        if( typeof item.equals === 'function' && item.equals(scope.selectedOption) ) {
                            elem.prop( 'checked', item === scope.ngValue );
            scope.$watch( 'radioOptions', modelChanged );
            scope.$watch( 'selectedOption', modelChanged );
            var viewChanged = function() {
                var checked = elem.prop( 'checked' );
                if( checked ) {
                    scope.selectedOption = scope.ngValue;
            elem.bind( 'change', function() {
                scope.$apply( viewChanged );

答案 2 :(得分:1)

正如OP所要求的,这是一个可用于复杂对象的示例radio button directive。它使用underscore.js从选项中查找所选项目。它应该比它应该更复杂,因为它还支持使用AJAX调用加载选项和选定的值。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


<input type="radio" ng-model="selectedItem" ng-value="item.ID"> {{item.Label}}





答案 4 :(得分:0)


.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
   var eq = function(obj) {
       return this.id === obj.id;
   col = [{id: 1, name: 'pizza', equals: eq}, {id:2, name:'unicorns', equals: eq}, {id:3, name:'robots', equals: eq}];

   $scope.collection = col;
   $scope.my = { favorite : {id:2, name:'unicorns'} };


请参阅plunker link