187712 201 37 0.18
2525 580 149 0.25
136829 137 43 0.31
我需要在txt文件中使用相同的空格,相同的格式导出此文件。我该怎么做?我试过Save As | Formatted Text (Space Delimited) (*.prn)
Sub TEST()
Dim c As Range, r As Range
Dim output As String
For Each r In Range("A1:L504").Rows
For Each c In r.Cells
output = output & " " & c.Value
Next c
output = output & vbNewLine
Next r
Open "D:\MyPath\text.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, output
End Sub
187712 201 37 0.18
2525 580 149 0.25
136829 137 43 0.31
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我也经常多次努力,我找到的唯一方法是使用我创建的VBA功能(棘手的部分是确定"最宽的"用于纯文本布局的列)。公平警告:我没有建立很多" smarts"对此,输出可能有点古怪。
使用方法: 选择要格式化为纯文本的单元格,然后运行宏(我将宏分配给按钮,我一直使用它!)。如果顶行是中心对齐的,那么让我们/假设/它是一个标题。并观察右对齐列,并输出右对齐列。
CustId Views Selected Cost
187712 201 37 0.18
2525 580 149 0.25
136829 137 43 0.31
Sub FormatSelectionToPlainText()
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Author: Jay R. Ohman
' Ohman Automation Corp., http://www.OhmanCorp.com
' ** disclaimer and release: I am NOT an expert **
' ** programmer, use my coding at your own risk! **
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim rFound As Range, RngCol1 As Integer, RngRow1 As Integer, ActCol As Integer, ActRow As Integer, x As Integer
Dim MaxCellLen() As Variant, CellAlignRight() As Variant, HdrLen() As Variant, xDbg As Boolean, xVal As Variant
Dim SepSpace As Integer, RetStr As String, RetLen As Integer, MsgStr As String, HasHdr As Boolean
Dim GeneralIsRightAlignedFactor As Single, TotalRows As Integer
Dim oClip As DataObject
xDbg = True ' output stuff to the immediate window?
GeneralIsRightAlignedFactor = 0.75 ' threshhold for deeming a column as right-aligned
Set oClip = New DataObject
MsgStr = "(looking for top row to be center aligned as header)"
If MsgBox("Are the cells to be copied selected?" & vbCrLf & MsgStr, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Auto-Fill Time Slots") = vbYes Then
If (Selection Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "Nothing Selected."
SepSpace = 2 ' number of spaces between columns
RetLen = 0
HasHdr = True
Set rFound = Selection
RngCol1 = rFound.Column
RngRow1 = rFound.Row
Debug.Print Selection.Columns.Count
ReDim Preserve MaxCellLen(Selection.Columns.Count) ' max cell length
ReDim Preserve CellAlignRight(Selection.Columns.Count) ' track the cell alignment
ReDim Preserve HdrLen(Selection.Columns.Count) ' header row max cell length
For ActCol = RngCol1 To RngCol1 + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
x = (ActCol - RngCol1 + 1)
' If xDbg Then Debug.Print Cells(RngRow1, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment
If (Cells(RngRow1, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment <> xlCenter) And (Cells(RngRow1, ActCol).Value <> "") Then HasHdr = False
HdrLen(x) = IIf(HasHdr, Len(Cells(RngRow1, ActCol).Value), 0)
MaxCellLen(x) = 0
CellAlignRight(x) = 0
If xDbg Then Debug.Print "HasHdr: " & HasHdr
TotalRows = (RngRow1 + Selection.Rows.Count) - (RngRow1 + IIf(HasHdr, 1, 0))
For ActCol = RngCol1 To RngCol1 + Selection.Columns.Count - 1 ' go find the longest text in each column
x = (ActCol - RngCol1 + 1)
xVal = IIf(HasHdr, 1, 0)
For ActRow = RngRow1 + xVal To RngRow1 + Selection.Rows.Count - 1
' If xDbg Then Debug.Print Cells(ActRow, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment
xVal = Cells(ActRow, ActCol).Value
If (MaxCellLen(x) < Len(Cells(ActRow, ActCol).Value)) Then MaxCellLen(x) = Len(xVal)
If (Cells(ActRow, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight) Or _
((Cells(ActRow, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) And (IsDate(xVal) Or IsNumeric(xVal))) Then _
CellAlignRight(x) = CellAlignRight(x) + 1
If xDbg Then Debug.Print "Max Length for Column " & ActCol & ": " & MaxCellLen(x) & _
", CellAlignRight.Count: " & CellAlignRight(x) & "/" & TotalRows
RetLen = RetLen + MaxCellLen(x) + SepSpace
RetLen = RetLen - SepSpace ' subtract that last separator space
If HasHdr Then
For ActCol = RngCol1 To RngCol1 + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
x = (ActCol - RngCol1 + 1)
If (HdrLen(x) > MaxCellLen(x)) Then MaxCellLen(x) = HdrLen(x)
End If
RetStr = "" ' build the output text
For ActRow = RngRow1 To RngRow1 + Selection.Rows.Count - 1
For ActCol = RngCol1 To RngCol1 + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
x = (ActCol - RngCol1 + 1)
MsgStr = Cells(ActRow, ActCol).Value ' re-use string variable
' format for right-aligned
If (CellAlignRight(x) / TotalRows >= GeneralIsRightAlignedFactor) And (Not (HasHdr And (ActRow = 1))) Or (Cells(ActRow, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight) Then ' aligned right
RetStr = RetStr & Space(MaxCellLen(x) - Len(MsgStr)) & MsgStr
ElseIf (Cells(ActRow, ActCol).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter) Then
xVal = Fix((MaxCellLen(x) - Len(MsgStr)) / 2)
RetStr = RetStr & Space(xVal) & MsgStr & Space(MaxCellLen(x) - Len(MsgStr) - xVal)
RetStr = RetStr & MsgStr & Space(MaxCellLen(x) - Len(MsgStr))
End If
If ((ActCol - RngCol1) + 1 < UBound(MaxCellLen)) Then RetStr = RetStr & Space(SepSpace)
RetStr = RetStr & vbCrLf
oClip.SetText RetStr
MsgBox ("The selection has been copied to clipboard." & vbCrLf & "Max line length: " & RetLen)
End If
MsgBox ("Have a nice day. :)")
End If
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Sub FixedField()
Dim fld(1 To 4) As Long
Dim V(1 To 4) As String
Dim N As Long, L As Long
Dim K As Long
fld(1) = 8
fld(2) = 7
fld(3) = 7
fld(4) = 4
N = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Close #1
Open "c:\TestFolder\test.txt" For Output As #1
For L = 1 To N
outpt = ""
For K = 1 To 4
V(K) = Cells(L, K).Text
While Len(V(K)) <> fld(K)
V(K) = V(K) & " "
outpt = outpt & V(K)
Next K
MsgBox outpt
Print #1, outpt
Next L
Close #1
End Sub