WP_Mail仅显示来自用户的消息,并且不显示用户发布的任何数据。我大部分都尝试了所有内容,并在谷歌的3/4页面上寻求帮助,然后在此发布。我还尝试使用$ current_user函数在电子邮件中显示登录信息给管理员。
$et_contact_error = true;
} else if ( empty($_POST['et_contact_title']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_art']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_gen']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_message']) ){
$et_error_message .= '<p>' . esc_html__('Make sure you fill all fields. ','Lucid') . '</p>';
$et_contact_error = true;
} else {
$et_contact_error = true;
if ( isset($_SESSION['et_first_digit'] ) ) unset( $_SESSION['et_first_digit'] );
if ( isset($_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ) ) unset( $_SESSION['et_second_digit'] );
if ( !isset($_SESSION['et_first_digit'] ) ) $_SESSION['et_first_digit'] = $et_first_digit = rand(1, 15);
else $et_first_digit = $_SESSION['et_first_digit'];
if ( !isset($_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ) ) $_SESSION['et_second_digit'] = $et_second_digit = rand(1, 15);
else $et_second_digit = $_SESSION['et_second_digit'];
if ( ! $et_contact_error && isset( $_POST['_wpnonce-et-contact-form-submitted'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_wpnonce-et-contact-form-submitted'], 'et-contact-form-submit' ) ) {
$et_email_to = ( isset($et_ptemplate_settings['et_email_to']) && !empty($et_ptemplate_settings['et_email_to']) ) ? $et_ptemplate_settings['et_email_to'] : get_site_option('admin_email');
$et_site_name = is_multisite() ? $current_site->site_name : get_bloginfo('name');
$contact_name = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['et_contact_name'] );
$contact_email = sanitize_email( $_POST['et_contact_email'] );
$headers = 'From: ' . $contact_name . ' <' . $contact_email . '>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $contact_name . ' <' . $contact_email . '>';
**wp_mail( apply_filters( 'et_contact_page_email_to', $et_email_to ), sprintf( '%s - ' . sanitize_text_field( $_POST['et_contact_title'] ), $et_site_name ), wp_strip_all_tags( $_POST['et_contact_title'] ), apply_filters( 'et_contact_page_headers', $headers, $contact_name, $contact_email, $message ) );**
$et_error_message = '<p class="contact_info">' . esc_html__('Thanks for contacting us, we will reply to your query within next 48 hours. ','Lucid') . '<a href="#">Back to Home Page</a>' . '</p>';
wp_mail( apply_filters( 'et_contact_page_email_to', $et_email_to ), sprintf( '%s - ' . sanitize_text_field( $_POST['et_contact_title'] ), $et_site_name ), wp_strip_all_tags( $_POST['et_contact_title, et_contact_art, et_contact_gen, et_contact_message'] ), apply_filters( 'et_contact_page_headers', $headers, $contact_name, $contact_email ) );
如果可能的话,使用$ current_user使用wp_mail将电子邮件中的所有字段信息发送给管理员。真的很感激帮助。