Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim lspTrainingDb As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim uiView As NotesUIView
Dim childView As NotesView
Dim trainView As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim uiDoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim childDoc As NotesDocument
Dim trainDoc As NotesDocument
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim dcTrain As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim TotalDocs As Long
Dim awards(24) As Variant
Dim commendations(74) As Variant
Dim xlArray() As String
Dim experience1 As Variant
Dim timeInGrade1 As Variant
Dim fullName As Variant
Dim allAwards As String
Dim allCommendations As String
Dim allTraining As String
Dim docKey As Variant
Dim vRecertify As Variant
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
arrayDocs% = 0
Set uiView = ws.currentview
Set dc = uiView.documents
If(dc.Count = 0) Then
MessageBox "Please select an officer. (To select a document, place a check mark in the column preceding the document)",48,"Error:"
Exit Sub
End If
'Get field values from the LSP Training Records database
Set profileDoc = db.GetProfileDocument("ProfileDocument")
LSPTrainingServer$ = profileDoc.GetItemValue("LSPTrainingDbServer")(0)
LSPTrainingDbName$ = profileDoc.GetItemValue("LSPTrainingDbName")(0)
Set lspTrainingDb = New NotesDatabase(LSPTrainingServer$, LSPTrainingDbName$)
Set trainView = lspTrainingDb.GetView("(DataNoSpreadsheetView)")
' Set view = db.GetView("All Docs By Name")
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
While Not(doc Is Nothing)
docKey = doc.GetItemValue("datanum")
experience1 = doc.GetItemValue("HireDate")
texperience1 = CStr(experience1(0))
timeInGrade1 = doc.GetItemValue("RankDate")
timeInGrade1 = CStr(timeInGrade1(0))
fullName = doc.GetItemValue("FullName")
tfullName = CStr(fullName(0))
physicalCity = doc.GetItemValue("PhysicalCity")
tPhysicalCity = CStr(physicalCity(0))
Set children = doc.Responses
Set childDoc = children.GetFirstDocument
Do Until childDoc Is Nothing
If childDoc.Form(0) = "Awards" Then
'Award Year fields
awardYear1 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_1")
tawardYear1 = CStr(awardYear1(0))
awardYear2 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_2")
tawardYear2 = CStr(awardYear2(0))
awardYear3 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_3")
tawardYear3 = CStr(awardYear3(0))
awardYear4 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_4")
tawardYear4 = CStr(awardYear4(0))
awardYear5 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_5")
tawardYear5 = CStr(awardYear5(0))
awardYear6 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_6")
tawardYear6 = CStr(awardYear6(0))
awardYear7 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_7")
tawardYear7 = CStr(awardYear7(0))
awardYear8 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_8")
tawardYear8 = CStr(awardYear8(0))
awardYear9 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_9")
tawardYear9 = CStr(awardYear9(0))
awardYear10 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_10")
tawardYear10 = CStr(awardYear10(0))
awardYear11 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_11")
tawardYear11 = CStr(awardYear11(0))
awardYear12 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_12")
tawardYear12 = CStr(awardYear12(0))
awardYear13 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_13")
tawardYear13 = CStr(awardYear13(0))
awardYear14 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_14")
tawardYear14 = CStr(awardYear14(0))
awardYear15 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_15")
tawardYear15 = CStr(awardYear15(0))
awardYear16 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_16")
tawardYear16 = CStr(awardYear16(0))
awardYear17 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_17")
tawardYear17 = CStr(awardYear17(0))
awardYear18 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_18")
tawardYear18 = CStr(awardYear18(0))
awardYear19 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_19")
tawardYear19 = CStr(awardYear19(0))
awardYear20 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_20")
tawardYear20 = CStr(awardYear20(0))
awardYear21 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_21")
tawardYear21 = CStr(awardYear21(0))
awardYear22 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_22")
tawardYear22 = CStr(awardYear22(0))
awardYear23 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_23")
tawardYear23 = CStr(awardYear23(0))
awardYear24 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_24")
tawardYear24 = CStr(awardYear24(0))
awardYear25 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_25")
tawardYear25 = CStr(awardYear25(0))
'Award Type fields
awardType1 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_1")
tawardType1 = CStr(awardType1(0))
awardType2 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_2")
tawardType2 = CStr(awardType2(0))
awardType3 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_3")
tawardType3 = CStr(awardType3(0))
awardType4 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_4")
tawardType4 = CStr(awardType4(0))
awardType5 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_5")
tawardType5 = CStr(awardType5(0))
awardType6 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_6")
tawardType6 = CStr(awardType6(0))
awardType7 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_7")
tawardType7 = CStr(awardType7(0))
awardType8 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_8")
tawardType8 = CStr(awardType8(0))
awardType9 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_9")
tawardType9 = CStr(awardType9(0))
awardType10 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_10")
tawardType10 = CStr(awardType10(0))
awardType11 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_11")
tawardType11 = CStr(awardType11(0))
awardType12 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_12")
tawardType12 = CStr(awardType12(0))
awardType13 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_13")
tawardType13 = CStr(awardType13(0))
awardType14 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_14")
tawardType14 = CStr(awardType14(0))
awardType15 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_15")
tawardType15 = CStr(awardType15(0))
awardType16 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_16")
tawardType16 = CStr(awardType16(0))
awardType17 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_17")
tawardType17 = CStr(awardType17(0))
awardType18 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_18")
tawardType18 = CStr(awardType18(0))
awardType19 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_19")
tawardType19 = CStr(awardType19(0))
awardType20 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_20")
tawardType20 = CStr(awardType20(0))
awardType21 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_21")
tawardType21 = CStr(awardType21(0))
awardType22 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_22")
tawardType22 = CStr(awardType22(0))
awardType23 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_23")
tawardType23 = CStr(awardType23(0))
awardType24 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_24")
tawardType24 = CStr(awardType24(0))
awardType25 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardType_25")
tawardType25 = CStr(awardType25(0))
allAwards = tawardType1 + " " + tawardYear1 + " " + tawardType2 + " " + tawardYear2 + " " + tawardType3 + " " + tawardYear3 + " " + _
tawardType4 + " " + tawardYear4 + " " + tawardType5 + " " + tawardYear5 + " " + tawardType6 + " " + tawardYear6 + " " + _
tawardType7 + " " + tawardYear7 + " " + tawardType8 + " " + tawardYear8 + " " + tawardType9 + " " + tawardYear9 + " " + _
tawardType10 + " " + tawardYear10 + " " + tawardType11 + " " + tawardYear11 + " " + tawardType12 + " " + tawardYear12 + " " + _
tawardType13 + " " + tawardYear13 + " " + tawardType14 + " " + tawardYear14 + " " + tawardType15 + " " + tawardType16 + " " + _
tawardType17 + " " + tawardYear17 + " " + tawardType18 + " " + tawardYear18 + " " + tawardType19 + " " + tawardYear19 + " " + _
tawardType20 + " " + tawardYear20 + " " + tawardType21 + " " + tawardYear21 + " " + tawardType22 + " " + tawardYear22 + " " + _
tawardType23 + " " + tawardYear23 + " " + tawardType24 + " " + tawardYear24 + " " + tawardType25 + " " +tawardYear25
End If
If childDoc.Form(0) = "Disciplinary Actions" Then
'Disciplinary Date Fields
DiscDate1 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_1")
tDiscDate1 = CStr(DiscDate1(0))
DiscDate2 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_2")
tDiscDate2 = CStr(DiscDate2(0))
DiscDate3 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_3")
tDiscDate3 = CStr(DiscDate3(0))
DiscDate4 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_4")
tDiscDate4 = CStr(DiscDate4(0))
DiscDate5 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_5")
tDiscDate5 = CStr(DiscDate5(0))
DiscDate6 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_6")
tDiscDate6 = CStr(DiscDate6(0))
DiscDate7 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_7")
tDiscDate7 = CStr(DiscDate7(0))
DiscDate8 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_8")
tDiscDate8 = CStr(DiscDate8(0))
DiscDate9 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_9")
tDiscDate9 = CStr(DiscDate9(0))
DiscDate10 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_10")
tDiscDate10 = CStr(DiscDate10(0))
DiscDate11 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_11")
tDiscDate11 = CStr(DiscDate11(0))
DiscDate12 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_12")
tDiscDate12 = CStr(DiscDate12(0))
DiscDate13 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_13")
tDiscDate13 = CStr(DiscDate13(0))
DiscDate14 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_14")
tDiscDate14 = CStr(DiscDate14(0))
DiscDate15 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_15")
tDiscDate15 = CStr(DiscDate15(0))
DiscDate16 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_16")
tDiscDate16 = CStr(DiscDate16(0))
DiscDate17 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_17")
tDiscDate17 = CStr(DiscDate17(0))
DiscDate18 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_18")
tDiscDate18 = CStr(DiscDate18(0))
DiscDate19 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_19")
tDiscDate19 = CStr(DiscDate19(0))
DiscDate20 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_20")
tDiscDate20 = CStr(DiscDate20(0))
DiscDate21 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_21")
tDiscDate21 = CStr(DiscDate21(0))
DiscDate22 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_22")
tDiscDate22 = CStr(DiscDate22(0))
DiscDate23 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_23")
tDiscDate23 = CStr(DiscDate23(0))
DiscDate24 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_24")
tDiscDate24 = CStr(DiscDate24(0))
DiscDate25 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDate_25")
tDiscDate25 = CStr(DiscDate25(0))
'Disciplinary Charge Fields
DiscCharge1 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_1")
tDiscCharge1 = CStr(DiscCharge1(0))
DiscCharge2 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_2")
tDiscCharge2 = CStr(DiscCharge2(0))
DiscCharge3 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_3")
tDiscCharge3 = CStr(DiscCharge3(0))
DiscCharge4 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_4")
tDiscCharge4 = CStr(DiscCharge4(0))
DiscCharge5 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_5")
tDiscCharge5 = CStr(DiscCharge5(0))
DiscCharge6 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_6")
tDiscCharge6 = CStr(DiscCharge6(0))
DiscCharge7 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_7")
tDiscCharge7 = CStr(DiscCharge7(0))
DiscCharge8 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_8")
tDiscCharge8 = CStr(DiscCharge8(0))
DiscCharge9 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_9")
tDiscCharge9 = CStr(DiscCharge9(0))
DiscCharge10 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_10")
tDiscCharge10 = CStr(DiscCharge10(0))
DiscCharge11 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_11")
tDiscCharge11 = CStr(DiscCharge11(0))
DiscCharge12 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_12")
tDiscCharge12 = CStr(DiscCharge12(0))
DiscCharge13 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_13")
tDiscCharge13 = CStr(DiscCharge13(0))
DiscCharge14 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_14")
tDiscCharge14 = CStr(DiscCharge14(0))
DiscCharge15 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_15")
tDiscCharge15 = CStr(DiscCharge15(0))
DiscCharge16 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_16")
tDiscCharge16 = CStr(DiscCharge16(0))
DiscCharge17 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_17")
tDiscCharge17 = CStr(DiscCharge17(0))
DiscCharge18 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_18")
tDiscCharge18 = CStr(DiscCharge18(0))
DiscCharge19 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_19")
tDiscCharge19 = CStr(DiscCharge19(0))
DiscCharge20 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_20")
tDiscCharge20 = CStr(DiscCharge20(0))
DiscCharge21 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_21")
tDiscCharge21 = CStr(DiscCharge21(0))
DiscCharge22 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_22")
tDiscCharge22 = CStr(DiscCharge22(0))
DiscCharge23 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_23")
tDiscCharge23 = CStr(DiscCharge23(0))
DiscCharge24 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_24")
tDiscCharge24 = CStr(DiscCharge24(0))
DiscCharge25 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscCharge_25")
tDiscCharge25 = CStr(DiscCharge25(0))
'Disciplinary Disposition Fields
DiscDispo1 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_1")
tDiscDispo1 = CStr(DiscDispo1(0))
DiscDispo2 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_2")
tDiscDispo2 = CStr(DiscDispo2(0))
DiscDispo3 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_3")
tDiscDispo3 = CStr(DiscDispo3(0))
DiscDispo4 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_4")
tDiscDispo4 = CStr(DiscDispo4(0))
DiscDispo5 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_5")
tDiscDispo5 = CStr(DiscDispo5(0))
DiscDispo6 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_6")
tDiscDispo6 = CStr(DiscDispo6(0))
DiscDispo7 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_7")
tDiscDispo7 = CStr(DiscDispo7(0))
DiscDispo8 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_8")
tDiscDispo8 = CStr(DiscDispo8(0))
DiscDispo9 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_9")
tDiscDispo9 = CStr(DiscDispo9(0))
DiscDispo10 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_10")
tDiscDispo10 = CStr(DiscDispo10(0))
DiscDispo11 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_11")
tDiscDispo11 = CStr(DiscDispo11(0))
DiscDispo12 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_12")
tDiscDispo12 = CStr(DiscDispo12(0))
DiscDispo13 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_13")
tDiscDispo13 = CStr(DiscDispo13(0))
DiscDispo14 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_14")
tDiscDispo14 = CStr(DiscDispo14(0))
DiscDispo15 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_15")
tDiscDispo15 = CStr(DiscDispo15(0))
DiscDispo16 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_16")
tDiscDispo16 = CStr(DiscDispo16(0))
DiscDispo17 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_17")
tDiscDispo17 = CStr(DiscDispo17(0))
DiscDispo18 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_18")
tDiscDispo18 = CStr(DiscDispo18(0))
DiscDispo19 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_19")
tDiscDispo19 = CStr(DiscDispo19(0))
DiscDispo20 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_20")
tDiscDispo20 = CStr(DiscDispo20(0))
DiscDispo21 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_21")
tDiscDispo21 = CStr(DiscDispo21(0))
DiscDispo22 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_22")
tDiscDispo22 = CStr(DiscDispo22(0))
DiscDispo23 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_23")
tDiscDispo23 = CStr(DiscDispo23(0))
DiscDispo24 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_24")
tDiscDispo24 = CStr(DiscDispo24(0))
DiscDispo25 = childDoc.GetItemValue("DiscDispo_25")
tDiscDispo25 = CStr(DiscDispo25(0))
allDisciplinary = tDiscDate1 + "-" + tDiscCharge1 + "-" + tDiscDispo1 + " " + tDiscDate2 + "-" + tDiscCharge2 + "-" + tDiscDispo2 + " " + _
tDiscDate3 + "-" + tDiscCharge3 + "-" + tDiscDispo3 + " " + tDiscDate4 + "-" + tDiscCharge4 + "-" + tDiscDispo4 + " " + _
tDiscDate5 + "-" + tDiscCharge5 + "-" + tDiscDispo5 + " " + tDiscDate6 + "-" + tDiscCharge6 + "-" + tDiscDispo6 + " " + _
tDiscDate7 + "-" + tDiscCharge7 + "-" + tDiscDispo7 + " " + tDiscDate8 + "-" + tDiscCharge8 + "-" + tDiscDispo8 + " " + _
tDiscDate9 + "-" + tDiscCharge9 + "-" + tDiscDispo9 + " " + _
tDiscDate10 + "-" + tDiscCharge10 + "-" + tDiscDispo10 + " " + tDiscDate11 + "-" + tDiscCharge11 + "-" + tDiscDispo11 + " " + _
tDiscDate12 + "-" + tDiscCharge12 + "-" + tDiscDispo12 + " " + tDiscDate13 + "-" + tDiscCharge13 + "-" + tDiscDispo13 + " " + _
tDiscDate14 + "-" + tDiscCharge14 + "-" + tDiscDispo14 + " " + tDiscDate15 + "-" + tDiscCharge15 + "-" + tDiscDispo15 + " " + _
tDiscDate16 + "-" + tDiscCharge16 + " " + tDiscDate17 + "-" + tDiscCharge17 + " " + tDiscDate18 + "-" + tDiscCharge18 + " " + _
tDiscDate19 + "-" + tDiscCharge19 + "-" + tDiscDispo19 + " " + tDiscDate20 + "-" + tDiscCharge20 + "-" + tDiscDispo20 + " " + _
tDiscDate21 + "-" + tDiscCharge21 + "-" + tDiscDispo21 + " " + tDiscDate22 + "-" + tDiscCharge22 + "-" + tDiscDispo22 + " " + _
tDiscDate23 + "-" + tDiscCharge23 + "-" + tDiscDispo23 + " " + tDiscDate24 + "-" + tDiscCharge24 + "-" + tDiscDispo24 + " " + _
tDiscDate25 + "-" + tDiscCharge25 + "-" + tDiscDispo25
End If
Set childDoc = children.GetNextDocument(childDoc)
'Goes and gets information from LSP Training
Set dcTrain = trainView.GetAllDocumentsByKey(docKey, True)
Set trainDoc = dcTrain.GetFirstDocument
' Set trainDoc = dc.GetFirstDocument
trainView.AutoUpdate = False
Do While Not (trainDoc Is Nothing)
If (trainDoc.Form(0) = "Training Record") Then
sInstTrnOfcr = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstTrnOfcr")
If (sInstTrnOfcr(0) = "X") Then
tInstTrnOfcr = "Field Training Officer"
End If
sInstDutyOfcr = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstDutyOfcr")
If (sInstDutyOfcr(0) = "X") Then
tInstDutyOfcr = "Duty Officer"
End If
sInstTechAccInvest = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstTechAccInvest")
If (sInstTechAccInvest(0) = "X") Then
tInstTechAccInvest = "Crash Reconstructionist"
End If
sInstAccInvest = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstAccInvest")
If (sInstAccInvest(0) = "X") Then
tInstAccInvest = "Crash Investigation Instructor"
End If
sInstDefTact = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstDefTact")
If (sInstDefTact(0) = "X") Then
tInstDefTact = "Defensive Tactics Instructor"
End If
sInstPR24 = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstPR24")
If (sInstPR24(0) = "X") Then
tInstPR24 = "PR-24 Instructor"
End If
sInstSWAT = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstSWAT")
If (sInstSWAT(0) = "X") Then
tInstSWAT = "SWAT"
End If
sInstGeneral = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstGeneral")
If (sInstGeneral(0) = "X") Then
tInstGeneral = "General Instructor"
End If
sInstRangeSafetyOfcr = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstRangeSafetyOfcr")
If (sInstRangeSafetyOfcr(0) = "X") Then
tInstRangeSafetyOfcr = "Range Safety Officer"
End If
sInstFireArms = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstFireArms")
If (sInstFireArms(0) = "X") Then
tInstFireArms = "Firearms Instructor"
End If
sInstTaser = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstTaser")
If (sInstTaser(0) = "X") Then
tInstTaser = "Taser Instructor"
End If
sInstRadar = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstRadar")
If (sInstRadar(0) = "X") Then
tInstRadar = "RADAR/LIDAR Instructor"
End If
sInstFirstAid = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstFirstAid")
If (sInstFirstAid(0) = "X") Then
tInstFirstAid = "First Aid Instructor"
End If
sInstCPR = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstCPR")
If (sInstCPR(0) = "X") Then
tInstCPR = "CPR Instructor"
End If
sInstDefDriv = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstDefDriv")
If (sInstDefDriv(0) = "X") Then
tInstDefDriv = "EVO Instructor"
End If
sInstMotorcycle = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstMotorcycle")
If (sInstMotorcycle(0) = "X") Then
tInstMotorcycle = "Motorcycle Instructor"
End If
sInstChildRestraint = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstChildRestraint")
If (sInstChildRestraint(0) = "X") Then
tInstChildRestraint = "Child Restraint Instructor"
End If
sInstFldSobr = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstFldSobr")
If (sInstFldSobr(0) = "X") Then
tInstFldSobr = "SFST Instructor"
End If
sInstDrugRecExpert = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstDrugRecExpert")
If (sInstDrugRecExpert(0) = "X") Then
tInstDrugRecExpert = "Drug Recognition Expert"
End If
sInstFbiInstDevlp = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstFbiInstDevlp")
If (sInstFbiInstDevlp(0) = "X") Then
tInstFbiInstDevlp = "FBI Instructor Development"
End If
sInstFBI = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstFBI")
If (sInstFBI(0) = "X") Then
tInstFBI = "FBI National Academy"
End If
sInstNorthwestern = trainDoc.GetItemValue("InstNorthwestern")
If (sInstNorthwestern(0) = "X") Then
tInstNorthwestern = "NU School Police Staff/Command"
End If
allTraining = tInstTrnOfcr + ", " + tInstDutyOfcr + ", " + tInstTechAccInvest + ", " + tInstAccInvest + ", " + _
tInstDefTact + ", " + tInstPR24 + ", " + tInstSWAT + ", " + tInstGeneral + ", " + tInstRangeSafetyOfcr + ", " + _
tInstFireArms + ", " + tInstTaser + ", " + tInstRadar + ", " + tInstFirstAid + ", " + tInstCPR + ", " + _
tInstDefDriv + ", " + tInstMotorcycle + " , " + tInstChildRestraint + ", " + tInstFldSobr + ", " + tInstDrugRecExpert + " " +_
tInstFbiInstDevlp + ", " + tInstFBI + ", " + tInstNorthwestern
End If
If (trainDoc.Form(0) = "Recertify Record") Then
vRecertify = childDoc.GetItemValue("RecertifyRequalSelection")
tRecertify = CStr(vRecertify(0))
End If
Set trainDoc = dcTrain.GetNextDocument(trainDoc)
' Set trainDoc = dc.GetNextDocument(trainDoc)
Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc)
'\\\Create the Report document
End Sub
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您可能还想参加我在此课程中发布的课程: http://blog.texasswede.com/export-notes-view-to-excel-with-multi-value-fields/
awardYear1 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_1")
tawardYear1 = CStr(awardYear1(0))
awardYear2 = childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_2")
tawardYear2 = CStr(awardYear2(0))
awardYear1 = Cstr(childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_1")(0))
Dim awardYear(24) as String
For i = 0 to 24
awardYear(i) = Cstr( childDoc.GetItemValue("AwardYear_" & i+1)(0) )
这几行将替换50行代码开始...... 您可以通过代码完成此操作,并使其更小。 您还可以使用自定义数据类型的数组。
Type OfficerData
awardYear As Integer
awardType As String
discDate As NotesDateTime
discCharge As String
discDispo As String
End Type
Dim officer(24) as OfficerData
officer(1).awardYear = 2010
officer(1).awardType = "Pistol Champion"
很简单,对吧? : - )
您应该始终使用Option Declare。这会强制您声明任何变量,但也会帮助您,因为在变量名称中查找拼写错误会更容易。这是一个历史悠久的最佳实践。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Dim allAwards() as String
Set children = doc.Responses
Redim allAwards(children.Count-1)
i = 0
allAwards(i) = tawardType1 + " " + tawardYear1 + " " + tawardType2 + " " + tawardYear2 + " " + tawardType3 + " " + tawardYear3 + " " + _
tawardType4 + " " + tawardYear4 + " " + tawardType5 + " " + tawardYear5 + " " + tawardType6 + " " + tawardYear6 + " " + _
tawardType7 + " " + tawardYear7 + " " + tawardType8 + " " + tawardYear8 + " " + tawardType9 + " " + tawardYear9 + " " + _
tawardType10 + " " + tawardYear10 + " " + tawardType11 + " " + tawardYear11 + " " + tawardType12 + " " + tawardYear12 + " " + _
tawardType13 + " " + tawardYear13 + " " + tawardType14 + " " + tawardYear14 + " " + tawardType15 + " " + tawardType16 + " " + _
tawardType17 + " " + tawardYear17 + " " + tawardType18 + " " + tawardYear18 + " " + tawardType19 + " " + tawardYear19 + " " + _
tawardType20 + " " + tawardYear20 + " " + tawardType21 + " " + tawardYear21 + " " + tawardType22 + " " + tawardYear22 + " " + _
tawardType23 + " " + tawardYear23 + " " + tawardType24 + " " + tawardYear24 + " " + tawardType25 + " " +tawardYear25
i = i + 1