使用Scala Actors创建像管道一样的东西

时间:2009-12-17 19:45:51

标签: scala concurrency actor pipeline


def query(title: String): List[Search]   // query("Terminator") => ["Terminator I", "Terminator II", "Terminator 1984", etc...]

def searchIMDB(s: Search): List[SearchResult]
def searchTMDB(s: Search): List[SearchResult]

def filterRedundantSearchResults(sr: SearchResult): Option[SearchResult]

def fetchIMDB(sr: SearchResult): List[MetaInfo]
def fetchTMDB(sr: SearchResult): List[MetaInfo]

def consolidate(infos: List[MetaInfo]): List[List[MetaInfo]]


-> [askIMDB, askTMDB, ...]
-> filterRedundantSearchResults (already-searched-state per query)
-> [fetchIMDB, fetchTMDB, ...]
-> consolidate                  (collected-meta-infos-state per query)
   => List[  TerminatorI-List[MetaInfo],  TerminatorII-List[MetaInfo],  ...]

到目前为止,我已将每个Pipeline-Segment实现为Actor。 我需要为每个Query创建专用的actor实例,因为像filterXXX和mergeate这样的一些actor需要维护每个查询的状态。

像askIMDB这样的函数会产生多个我希望同时处理的结果(每个结果都是一个单独的actor)。所以我没有找到任何方法在执行query()之前预构建actor 的整个图形,而且没有一种在运行时修改它的优雅方法。

我的第一次尝试是一系列演员,并在消息中传递像Transaction-ID一样,所以每个Actor都有一个Map [TransactionID-> State],但这感觉相当难看。 第二个尝试是创建一个排序管道,将演员的有向图抽象为一个流程,但到目前为止我失败了。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我建议你看看ScalaQuery,它做同样的事情。它可以这样做,因为这是一个单子问题。实际上,由Scalaz library实现的一些Haskell解决方案(如Arrows)似乎非常接近。



abstract class QueryModifiers
case object Consolidate extends QueryModifiers
// create others as appropriate

class Query(title: String) {
  self =>

  // Create actors
  def createActor(qm: QueryModifiers): Actor = {
    val actor = qm match {
      case Consolidate => // create a consolidator actor
      case //... as needed

  // The pipeline
  val pipe: List[List[QueryModifiers]] = Nil

  // Build the pipeline
  def ->(qms: List[QueryModifiers]) = new Query(title) {
    override val pipe = qms :: self.pipe
  def ->(qm: QueryModifiers) = new Query(title) {
    override val pipe = List(qm) :: self.pipe
  def ->(c: Consolidate.type) = {
    // Define the full pipeline
    // Because the way pipe is built, the last layer comes first, and the first comes last
    val pipeline = Consolidate :: pipe

    // Create an actor for every QueryModifier, using an unspecified createActor function
    val actors = pipeline map (_ map (createActor(_))

    // We have a list of lists of actors now, where the first element of the list
    // was the last QueryModifiers we received; so, group the layers by two, and for each
    // pair, make the second element send the result to the first.
    // Since each layer can contain many actors, make each member of the second
    // layer send the results to each member of the first layer.
    // The actors should be expecting to receive message SendResultsTo at any time.
    for {
      List(nextLayer, previousLayer) <- actors.iterator sliding 2
      nextActor <- nextLayer
      previousActor <- previousLayer
    } previousActor ! SendResultsTo(nextActor)

    // Send the query to the first layer
    for ( firstActor <- actors.last ) firstActor ! Query(title)

    // Get the result from the last layer, which is the consolidator
    val results = actors.head.head !? Results

    // Return the results


你可以保证订购,有点诀窍。我试图在这里避免使用Scala 2.8,虽然它可以使命名和默认参数更容易。

sealed abstract class QueryModifiers
case class QMSearcher(/*...*/) extends QueryModifiers
case class QMFilter(/*...*/) extends QueryModifiers
case class QMFetcher(/*...*/) extends QueryModifiers
case object Consolidate extends QueryModifiers

class Query[NextQM] private (title: String, searchers: List[QMSeacher], filters: List[QMFilter], fetchers: List[QMFetcher]) {

// Build the pipeline
  def ->[T <: NextQM](qms: List[NextQM])(implicit m: Manifest[T]) = m.toString match {
    case "QMSearch" => new Query[QMFilter](title, qms, Nil, Nil)
    case "QMFilter" => new Query[QMFetcher](title, seachers, qms, Nil)
    case "QMFetcher" => new Query[Consolidate.type](title, searches, filters, qms)
    case _ /* "Consolidate$", actually */ => error("List of consolidate unexpected")
  // Do similarly for qm: NextQM

  // Consolidation
  def ->(qm: Consolidate.type) = {
     // Create Searchers actors
     // Send them the Filters
     // Send them Fetchers
     // Create the Consolidator actor
     // Send it to Searchers actors
     // Send Searchers the query
     // Ask Consolidator for answer

object Query {
  def apply(title: String) = new Query[QMSearcher](title, Nil, Nil, Nil)

现在,搜索者演员保留了过滤器列表,获取者列表以及对整合者的引用。他们会收听消息,告知他们这些事情以及查询。对于每个结果,他们为列表中的每个过滤器创建一个Filter actor,向每个过滤器发送一个fetchers和mergeator列表,然后将结果发送给他们。





  1. 在Query中,通知Consolidator actor创建的每个Searcher。合并者保留一份列表,并附有一个标志,表明它们是否已完成。
  2. 每个搜索者都会保留其创建的过滤器列表,并等待来自他们的“完成”消息。当搜索者没有剩余的处理要做并且已经从所有过滤器接收到“已完成”时,它会向合并者发送一条消息,通知它已完成。
  3. 每个过滤器依次保留 已创建的取件器列表,同样等待来自它们的“完成”消息。当它完成处理并且已经收到所有获取者的“完成”后,它会通知搜索者它已经完成了。
  4. 它的提取器会在完成工作并将其发送给整合商的过滤器中发送“完成”消息。
  5. 整合者只收到所有搜索者收到“完成”后查询结果的消息。