
时间:2013-10-06 19:40:38

标签: python sql postgresql python-2.7


Col1   Col2    Col3              Col4
id1    a       b                 c 
id2    id1     timeBegin         1###-##-##
id2    id1     timeEnd           22##-##-##
id3    id4     id5               id6
id6    id3     timeBegin         2##-##-##
id7    id3     timeEnd           200-3-## 
id13   id8     id14              id15
id8    id9     timeBegin         -2-1-1
id10   id11    id12              id13

此处1 ### - ## - ##表示时间不确定(1000-01-01至1999-12-31)

和22 ## - ## - ##意味着时间的不确定性(2200-01-01至2200-12-31)

和2 ## - ## - ##暗示从(200-01-01到200-12-31)的时间不确定

和200-3 - ##意味着从(200-3-01到200-3-31)的时间不确定

和20-3 - ##意味着从(20-3-01到20-3-31)的时间不确定性

和200-3 - ##意味着从(200-3-01到200-3-31)的时间不确定性

和-200-3 - ##意味着从(-200-3-31到-200-3-01)的时间不确定性

现在我想将col1 == col2的3行合并为以下形式之一:

Col1   Col2    Col3              Col4       timeBegin      timeEnd
id1    a       b                 c          1000-01-01     2200-12-31 
id3    id4     id5               id6        200-01-02      200-3-31
id10   id11    id12              id13       NULL           NULL
id13   id8     id14              id15       2-1-1 BC       9999-12-12

如果未给出col1 == col2的timeEnd,则将9999-12-12假定为timeEnd

如果没有给出col1 == col2的timeBegin,则01-01-01被假定为timeBegin




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<强> Example Fiddle

Create Function preprocessPattern(pat varchar(11), out cpat varchar(10), out neg boolean) as $$
  y varchar(4);
  m varchar(2);
  d varchar(2);
  i int;
  neg = false;
  if left(pat, 1) = '-' then
    neg = true;
    pat = right(pat, -1);
  end if;

  i = position('-' in pat);

  y = right('000' || left(pat, i - 1), 4);
  pat = right(pat, -i);
  i = position('-' in pat);
  m = right('0' || left(pat, i - 1), 2);
  pat = right(pat, -i);
  d = right('0' || pat, 2);
  cpat = y || '-' || m || '-' || d;
$$ Language plpgsql;

Create Function dateFromFmt(fmt varchar(10), neg boolean) returns date as $$
  if neg then
    return to_date(fmt || ' BC', 'yyyy-mm-dd BC');
    return to_date(fmt, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
  end if;
$$ Language plpgsql;

Create Function minDateFromPattern(pat varchar(11)) returns date as $$
    i int;
    neg boolean;
    n varchar(10);
    select * into pat, neg from preprocessPattern(pat);
    i = position('#' in pat);
    if i = 0 then
      return dateFromFmt(pat, neg);
      n = left(pat, i - 1) || right('0000-00-00', 0 - position('#' in pat) + 1);
      n = replace(n, '-00', '-01');
      return dateFromFmt(n, neg);
    end if;
$$ Language plpgsql;

Create Function maxDateFromPattern(pat varchar(11)) returns date as $$
    i int;
    y int;
    m int;
    d int;
    x varchar(10);
    neg boolean;
    res date;
    select * into pat, neg from preprocessPattern(pat);
    i = position('#' in pat);
    if i = 0 then
        return dateFromFmt(pat, neg);
    elsif i = 1 then
        return date '9999-12-31';
        -- from here down, pick the next highest mask, convert to min date then subtract one day
    elsif i <= 6 then -- just add 1 to year
        if i = 6 then i = 5; end if; -- skip - char
        x = cast(cast(left(pat, i - 1) as int) + 1 as varchar) || right(pat, 0 - i + 1);
      y = cast(left(pat, 4) as int);
      if i = 7 then
          m = cast(substr(pat, 6, 1) as int) + 1;
          if m = 2 then
              m = 0;
              y = y + 1;
          end if;
          x = left(to_char(y, 'FM0000'), 4) || '-' || to_char(m, 'FM0') || '#-##';
      elsif i = 9 then
          m = cast(substr(pat, 6, 2) as int) + 1;
          if m > 12 then
              m = 1;
              y = y + 1;
          end if;
          x = left(to_char(y, 'FM0000'), 4) || '-' || to_char(m, 'FM00') || '-##';
      elseif i = 10 then
          m = cast(substr(pat, 6, 2) as int);
          d = cast(substr(pat, 9, 1) as int) + 1;
          if (m = 2 and d = 3) or d = 4 then
              m = m + 1;
              d = 0;
              if m > 12 then
                  m = 1;
                  y = y + 1;
              end if;
          end if;
          x = left(to_char(y, 'FM0000'), 4) || '-' || to_char(m, 'FM00') || '-' || to_char(d, 'FM0') || '#';
      end if;
    end if;
    -- the original logic looks a little silly now as we're preprocessing twice
    res = minDateFromPattern(x) - interval '1 day';
    if neg then
      return dateFromFmt(to_char(res, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), neg);
      return res;
    end if;
$$ Language  plpgsql;


答案 1 :(得分:0)




select t.col1, t.col2, t.col3, t.col4,
       parse_begin_time(bt.col4) as timeBegin,
       parse_end_time(et.col4) as timeEnd
from yourtable t
left join yourtable as bt on begin_t.col2 = t.col1 and bt.col3 = 'timeBegin'
left join yourtable as et on end_t.col2 = t.col1 and et.col3 = 'timeEnd'
where t.col3 not in ('timeBegin', 'timeEnd');


select t.col1, t.col2, t.col3, t.col4,
       min(parse_begin_time(bt.col4)) as timeBegin,
       max(parse_end_time(et.col4)) as timeEnd
from yourtable t
left join yourtable as bt on begin_t.col2 = t.col1 and bt.col3 = 'timeBegin'
left join yourtable as et on end_t.col2 = t.col1 and et.col3 = 'timeEnd'
where t.col3 not in ('timeBegin', 'timeEnd')
group by t.col1, t.col2, t.col3, t.col4;

注意:如果你有大量数据,预计上述情况不会特别好。在create table中将它们作为...语句运行一次并删除原始模式,或创建物化视图以供将来使用。


create or replace function parse_begin_time(text) returns date as $$
  _input  text := $1;
  _output text;

  _bc     boolean := false;
  _y      text;
  _m      text;
  _d      text;

  _tmp    text;
  _i      int;
  _input := trim(both from _input);

  -- PG is fine with '200-01-01 BC' as a date, but not with '-200-01-01'
  if left(_input, 1) = '-'
    _bc    := true;
    _input := right(_input, -1);
  end if;

  -- Extract year, month and day
  _tmp := _input;
  _i   := position(_tmp for '-');
  _y   := substring(_tmp from 1 for i - 1);

  _tmp := substring(_tmp from i);
  _i   := position(_tmp for '-');
  _m   := substring(_tmp from 1 for i - 1);

  _tmp := substring(_tmp from i);
  _i   := position(_tmp for '-');
  _d   := substring(_tmp from 1 for i - 1);

  if _tmp <> '' or left(trim(left '0' from _y), 1) = 'X'
    raise exception 'invalid date input: %', _input;
  end if;

  -- Prevent locale-specific text to date conversion issues with one or two digit years
  -- e.g. rewrite 1-2-3 as 0001-02-03.
  if length(_y) < 4
    _y := lpad(_y, 4, '0');
  end if;

  if length(_m) < 2
    _m := lpad(_m, 2, '0');
  end if;

  if length(_d) < 2
    _d := lpad(_m, 2, '0');
  end if;

  -- Process year, month, day
  -- Add suitable logic here per your specs, using string and date functions
  -- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-string.html
  -- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-formatting.html
  -- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-datetime.html
  -- for end-of-months, use the built-in arithmetics, e.g.:
  -- _date := _date + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day'

  -- Build _output
  _output := _y || '-' || _m || '-' || _d;

  if _bc
    _output := _output || ' BC';
  end if;

  return _output::date;
$$ language plpgsql strict stable;



答案 2 :(得分:0)

下面的方法使用带有SELECT语句的单个SQL CASE,通过后处理子查询来应用规则。可能会进一步调整,但它提供了一般的想法。对复杂性表示道歉 - 这只是基于帖子中的规则而开始时相当简单,但已被修改以处理一般情况,结果证明非常繁琐!


SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4,
       CASE WHEN timeBegin IS NULL AND timeEnd IS NOT NULL
            THEN '01-01-01'
            WHEN timeBegin LIKE '-%' -- Handle negative (= BC) dates separately
            THEN CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-[0-1]#'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 2) || '9 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-1-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-31 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-2-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-28 BC' -- No leap year calculation
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-3-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-31 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-4-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-30 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-5-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-31 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-6-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-30 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-7-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-31 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-8-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-31 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-9-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-30 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-10-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-31 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-11-##'
                      THEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 4) || '-30 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-0#-##'
                      THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 7), '#', '9') || '-09-30 BC'
                      WHEN SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-12-##' OR SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2) LIKE '%-_#-##'
                      THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2, CHAR_LENGTH(timeBegin) - 7), '#', '9') || '-12-31 BC'
                      ELSE REPLACE(SUBSTRING(timeBegin, 2), '#', '9')
            ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(timeBegin, '-0#', '-01'), '-##', '-01'), '#', '0')
       END AS timeBegin,
       CASE WHEN timeEnd IS NULL AND timeBegin IS NOT NULL
            THEN '9999-12-12'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '-%' -- Handle negative (= BC) dates separately
            THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 2), '-0#', '-01'), '-##', '-01'), '#', '0') || ' BC'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-[0-1]#'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 1) || '9'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-1-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-1-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '31'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-2-2#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-2-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2)|| '28' -- No leap year calculation
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-3-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-3-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2)|| '31'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-4-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-4-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '30'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-5-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-5-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '31'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-6-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-6-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '30'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-7-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-7-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '31'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-8-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-8-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '31'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-9-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-9-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '30'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-10-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-10-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '31'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-11-3#' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-11-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 2) || '30'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-0#-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(timeEnd, 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 5) || '09-30'
            WHEN timeEnd LIKE '%-1#-##' OR timeEnd LIKE '%-##-##'
            THEN SUBSTRING(REPLACE(timeEnd, '#', '9'), 1, CHAR_LENGTH(timeEnd) - 5) || '12-31'
            ELSE REPLACE(timeEnd, '#', '9')
       END AS timeEnd
(SELECT t1.*,
        (SELECT Col4 FROM Tbl t2 WHERE (t1.Col1 = t2.Col2 OR t1.Col2 = t2.Col1)
                                   AND t2.Col3 = 'timeBegin') AS timeBegin,
        (SELECT Col4 FROM Tbl t2 WHERE (t1.Col1 = t2.Col2 OR t1.Col2 = t2.Col1)
                                   AND t2.Col3 = 'timeEnd') AS timeEnd
 FROM Tbl t1
 WHERE t1.Col3 NOT IN ('timeBegin', 'timeEnd')) subquery

这是一个SQL Fiddle Demo,它显示了它与发布的示例产生类似的结果。