在尝试用Clang编译现有的(GCC开发的)代码库时,我们面临着这个有趣的问题。因此, Clang编译的可执行文件会创建一些单例的多个实例。不确定我们的使用和理解是否符合标准,或者Linux上的GCC和/或Clang或C ++标准库和工具链是否确实存在问题。
文件-1 :clang-static-init.hpp
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
namespace test {
/* === Layer-1: a singleton factory based on a templated static variable === */
template<typename I ///< Interface of the product type
,template <class> class Fac ///< Policy: actual factory to create the instance
struct Holder
static I* instance;
if (!instance)
cout << "Singleton Factory: invoke Fabrication ---> address of static instance variable: "<<&instance<<"...\n";
instance = Fac<I>::create();
return *instance;
* allocate storage for the per-type shared
* (static) variable to hold the singleton instance
template<typename I
,template <class> class F
I* Holder<I,F>::instance;
template<typename C>
struct Factory
static C*
return new C();
/* === Layer-2: configurable product type === */
template<typename I>
struct Adapter
typedef I* FactoryFunction (void);
static FactoryFunction* factoryFunction;
template<typename C>
static I*
return static_cast<I*> (Factory<C>::create());
template<typename X>
struct AdaptedConfigurableFactory
static X*
return (*factoryFunction)();
/** storage for the per-type shared function pointer to the concrete factory */
template<typename I>
typename Adapter<I>::FactoryFunction* Adapter<I>::factoryFunction;
template<typename C>
struct TypeInfo { };
* Singleton factory with the ability to configure the actual product type C
* only at the \em definition site. Users get to see only the interface type T
template<typename T>
struct ConfigurableHolder
: Holder<T, Adapter<T>::template AdaptedConfigurableFactory>
/** define the actual product type */
template<typename C>
ConfigurableHolder (TypeInfo<C>)
Adapter<T>::factoryFunction = &Adapter<T>::template concreteFactoryFunction<C>;
/* === Actual usage: Test case fabricating Subject instances === */
struct Subject
static int creationCount;
typedef ConfigurableHolder<Subject> AccessPoint;
/** singleton factory instance */
extern AccessPoint fab;
Subject& fabricate();
} // namespace test
文件-2 :clang-static-init-1.cpp
#include "clang-static-init.hpp"
return test::fab.get();
main (int, char**)
cout << "\nStart Testcase: invoking two instances of the configurable singleton factory...\n\n";
test::Subject& ref1 = test::fab.get();
test::Subject& sub2 = test::fabricate(); ///NOTE: invoking get() from within another compilation unit reveales the problem
test::Subject& sub3 = localFunction();
cout << "sub1=" << &ref1
<< "\nsub2="<< &sub2
<< "\nsub3="<< &sub3
<< "\n";
return 0;
文件-3 :clang-static-init-2.cpp
#include "clang-static-init.hpp"
namespace test {
int Subject::creationCount = 0;
std::cout << "Subject("<<creationCount<<")\n";
namespace {
TypeInfo<Subject> shall_build_a_Subject_instance;
* instance of the singleton factory
* @note especially for this example we're using just \em one
* shared instance of the factory.
* Yet still, two (inlined) calls to the get() function might
* access different addresses for the embedded singleton instance
AccessPoint fab(shall_build_a_Subject_instance);
return fab.get();
} // namespace test
的不同位置 ConfigurableHolder
和10: 0000000000000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS research/clang-static-init-1.cpp
11: 0000000000400cd0 11 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 14 global constructors keyed to a
12: 0000000000400b70 114 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 14 test::Holder<test::Subject, test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory>::get()
13: 00000000004027e0 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 28 test::Holder<test::Subject, test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory>::instance
14: 00000000004027d8 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 28 std::__ioinit
15: 0000000000400b10 62 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 14 __cxx_global_var_init
16: 0000000000000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS research/clang-static-init-2.cpp
17: 00000000004010e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 GCC_except_table9
18: 0000000000400e60 16 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 14 global constructors keyed to a
19: 00000000004027f9 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 28 test::(anonymous namespace)::shall_build_a_Subject_instance
20: 0000000000400de0 114 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 14 test::Holder<test::Subject, test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory>::get()
21: 0000000000402800 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 28 test::Holder<test::Subject, test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory>::instance
44: 0000000000400b8c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 14 localFunction()
45: 00000000004026dc 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 28 test::fab
46: 0000000000400c96 86 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 14 test::Holder<test::Subject, test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory>::get()
47: 00000000004026e0 272 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 28 std::cout
48: 0000000000000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(st
49: 0000000000400d4b 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 14 test::fabricate()
50: 0000000000000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::operator<<(void const*)
51: 00000000004026d0 8 OBJECT UNIQUE DEFAULT 28 test::Holder<test::Subject, test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory>::instance
52: 0000000000400cec 15 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 14 test::Adapter<test::Subject>::AdaptedConfigurableFactory<test::Subject>::create()
53: 00000000004026c8 8 OBJECT UNIQUE DEFAULT 28 test::Adapter<test::Subject>::factoryFunction
我们正在使用Debian / stable 64bit(GCC-4.7和Clang-3.0)和Debian /测试32bit(Clang-3.2)来构建
答案 0 :(得分:0)
编译代码时,编译器会在每次完全指定时实例化单例模板。在链接时,除了一个实例之外的所有实例都被丢弃。但是,如果您的项目中有共享库,并且有几个链接时间会发生什么?每个共享对象都有一个模板实例。 GCC确保最终可执行文件中只有一个幸存的模板实例化(可能使用vague linkage?),但显然Clang没有。