
时间:2013-10-06 04:56:29

标签: vim system sas



myy sas安装在:

C:\ Program Files \ SAS \​​ SAS \​​ 9.1 \ sas.exe

function! RunSASonCurrentFile()
    " Make sure this is a SAS program file (ends with .sas) so that
    " we don't run SAS on a log file or similar.
    :let checkSASpgm=match(expand("%"),"\.sas")

    " If we did not match .sas in the file name, end this function with
    " a warning msg
    if checkSASpgm==-1
       :echo "*** Current file is not a SAS program.  SAS run has been canceled."

    " Ask user if we want to run SAS so we don't accidentally run it.
    :let l:answer = input("Run SAS? Y/N ") 
    :if (l:answer == "Y" || l:answer == "y")

    " If file has been modified, save it before running
    if exists(&modified)
       :echo "*** Saving modified file before SAS run..."

    " Run SAS on path/file name (modify to your location of sas)
    :echo "*** Running SAS..."
    "let returntxt = system("/usr/local/bin/sas -nodms " . shellescape(expand("%:p")))
    " The following may work for your Windows system. Comment the line above and uncomment 
    " the two lines below and make them one long line.
    let returntxt = system("\"" . shellescape("C:\\Program\ Files\\SAS\\SAS\9.1\\sas.exe") 
    ".  "\ -nosplash" . "\ -sysin" . "\ " . shellescape(expand("%:p")) .  "\"") 

    " Shows the return messages from the SAS commandline (may be useful
    " if no log produced)
    :echo "*** SAS commandline: " . returntxt

    :call LoadSASLogList()

    :echo "SAS Run cancelled."

    " endif for the Run SAS? check

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

Vim补丁7.3.443改变了shell转义的行为(由于神秘的Windows shell转义规则,这仍然是一个麻烦点)。事先,如果它包含一个带有空格的(本身引用的)可执行文件,则必须将整个命令行用双引号括起来,现在必须删除它们。请尝试以下方法:

let returntxt = system(shellescape('C:\Program Files\SAS\SAS\9.1\sas.exe') . ' -nosplash -sysin ' . shellescape(expand('%:p')))


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果这是您的函数的确切文本,我认为您在let returntxt = system("\"" . shellescape("C:\\Program\ Files\\SAS\\SAS\9.1\\sas.exe")行中缺少SAS和9.1之间的第二个\。
