
时间:2013-10-04 01:28:53

标签: loops assembly x86 masm irvine32


 ;loop that prints from a to z & z to a

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
letter BYTE 65, 0
space BYTE ' ', 0

main PROC

    MOV EDX, offset letter
    CALL writechar
    INC letter
    MOV EDX, offset space
    CALL writechar
LOOP myloop

CALL crlf


    MOV EDX, offset letter
    CALL writechar
    DEC letter
    MOV EDX, offset space
    CALL writechar
LOOP myloop2


main ENDP
END main

这个程序使用了Irvine32.inc库中的一些函数,但我确信这与该问题无关,所以我暂时忽略它。 。 。如果需要,我会提供更多详细信息。




; Include file for Irvine32.lib             (Irvine32.inc)

INCLUDE SmallWin.inc        ; MS-Windows prototypes, structures, and constants

; Last update: 1/27/02

; Procedure Prototypes
ClrScr PROTO        ; clear the screen
Crlf PROTO      ; output carriage-return / linefeed
Delay PROTO     ; delay for n milliseconds
DumpMem PROTO       ; display memory dump
DumpRegs PROTO      ; display register dump
GetCommandTail PROTO        ; get command-line string
GetDateTime PROTO,      ; get system date and time
startTime:PTR QWORD
GetMseconds PROTO       ; get milliseconds past midnight
Gotoxy PROTO
IsDigit PROTO       ; return ZF=1 if AL is a decimal digit
Randomize PROTO     ; reseed random number generator
RandomRange PROTO       ; generate random integer in specified range
Random32 PROTO      ; generate 32-bit random integer
ReadInt PROTO       ; read signed integer from console
ReadChar PROTO      ; reach single character from console
ReadHex PROTO       ; read hexadecimal integer from console
ReadString PROTO        ; read string from console
SetTextColor PROTO      ; set console text color
WaitMsg PROTO       ; display wait message, wait for Enter key
WriteBin PROTO      ; write integer to output in binary format
WriteChar PROTO     ; write single character to output
WriteDec PROTO      ; write unsigned decimal integer to output
WriteHex PROTO      ; write hexadecimal integer to output
WriteInt PROTO      ; write signed integer to output
WriteString PROTO       ; write null-terminated string to output

; Copy a source string to a target string.
Str_copy PROTO,
source:PTR BYTE,
target:PTR BYTE

; Return the length of a null-terminated string..
Str_length PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE

; Compare string1 to string2. Set the Zero and
; Carry flags in the same way as the CMP instruction.
Str_compare PROTO,
string1:PTR BYTE,
string2:PTR BYTE

; Trim a given trailing character from a string.
; The second argument is the character to trim.
Str_trim PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE,

; Convert a null-terminated string to upper case.
Str_ucase PROTO,
pString:PTR BYTE

; Standard 4-bit color definitions
black        = 0000b
blue         = 0001b
green        = 0010b
cyan         = 0011b
red          = 0100b
magenta      = 0101b
brown        = 0110b
lightGray    = 0111b
gray         = 1000b
lightBlue    = 1001b
lightGreen   = 1010b
lightCyan    = 1011b
lightRed     = 1100b
lightMagenta = 1101b
yellow       = 1110b
white        = 1111b

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我有一点小小的烦恼 - 你称之为writecharcrlf的函数,但是,基普先生创建了这些函数,并将它们称为WriteCharCrlf。 / p>


WriteChar PROC
; Write a character to the console window
; Recevies: AL = character
; Last update: 10/30/02
; Note: WriteConole will not work unless direction flag is clear.

因此,在致电WriteChar之前,您要将字符的ASCII值打印到AL NOT 地址中!

MOV     al, letter
CALL    WriteChar
INC     letter

另外,正如Frank提到的,您的变量应该在.data.data?部分而不是 .code部分