
时间:2013-10-04 01:10:57

标签: java methods



Please enter the name of the course: CourseNameHere
Please enter the scores for CSC 201 on a single line and type a -1 at the end
71 02 81 44 84 17 38 11 20 05 93 -1

The course name     : CourseNameHere
Number of Scores    : 11
The Average Score   : 42.37
The Minimum Score   : 02
The Maximum Score   : 93

平均分数必须四舍五入到小数点后2位(我认为我可以处理) 对我来说唯一的问题是在一行上扫描可变数量的输入,以及如果我没有在输入之间输入,如何让程序计算输入的数量。 这是我到目前为止所做的。但我不知道从哪里开始。我可以让它询问顺序值,但它们不是全部在同一行

public static int calculate(int again)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int numberOfValues = 0;
int max = -9999;
int min =  100000;
int sum = 0;
double value;

System.out.print("What is the name of the course you wish to evaluate? : ");
String courseName = input.next();
System.out.println("Please enter the scores for the class, press enter between each value." + "\n" + "Enter -1 to finish and calculate.");
for(value = 0; value != 1; numberOfValues++)
            value = input.nextDouble();
            sum += value;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
String courseName = kb.nextLine();
String scoreLine = kb.nextLine();

// courseName and scoreLine now become the parameters to you method...

// You could then use another scanner to break the line down...
Scanner scoreLineScanner = new Scanner(scoreLine);

while (scoreLineScanner.hasNextInt()) {
    int score = scoreLineScanner.nextInt();
    if (score != -1) {
        // Calculate other values...
    } else {

我确实考虑过使用String#split(" "),但是你可能需要自己将每个元素转换为int,这可能适合也可能不适合(它有点混乱)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

首先使用arg [0],您需要使用substring将字符串切割成一组数组变量。然后使用array.len或count来完成剩下的工作。希望这有帮助。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



String input; // assign the String to be the input

// split the input by spaces and assign every part to an element in the array
String inputArray[] = input.split(" "); 

// get the number of input numbers
double num = inputArray.length - 1; // don't include the last number, -1

double avg = 0; double max = 0; double min = Double.parseDouble(inputArray[0]);

// get the average and min/max numbers
for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length - 1; i++) // i < inputArray.length - 1 so you don't count the last input, which is -1
    avg += Double.parseDouble(inputArray[i]); // for now, set the avg to be the sum of all the numbers

    // if this input is greater than the last greatest one, set the max to be the this input
    if (Double.parseDouble(inputArray[i]) > max) {max = Double.parseDouble(inputArray[i]);}

    // if this input is lesser than the last least one, set the min to be the this input
    if (Double.parseDouble(inputArray[i]) < min) {min = Double.parseDouble(inputArray[i]);}
avg = avg / num; // complete the average calculation by diving by total number of inputs
avg = (double)Math.round(avg * 100) / 100; // round the average to two decimal places
