在OCaml中找到所有Change Combinations(money)

时间:2013-10-02 16:17:27

标签: optimization recursion functional-programming ocaml


let change_combos presidents = 
  let rec change amount coinlist =  match amount with 
    |0 -> [[]] (*exits when nothing*)
    |_ when (amount < 0) -> [] (*exits when less than 0*)
    |_ -> match coinlist with
    |[] -> [] (*Returns empty list, exits program*)

(*h::f -> something, using [25;10;5;1] aka all change combinations...*)
(*using recursion, going through all combinations and joining lists returned together*)

let print_the_coin_matrix_for_all_our_joy enter_the_matrix =
print_endline (join "\n" (List.map array_to_string enter_the_matrix));;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


let rec generate lst = match lst with
  | []   -> []
  | h::t -> [h] :: (List.map (fun x -> h::x) (generate t)) @ (generate t)

如果列表为[],则没有组合。如果我们有一个元素,我们生成没有该元素的所有组合,并根据该假设建立我们的构造。这时组件就到位了。将tth cons'd组合的组合列表连接到h的每个和单个。{/ p>