
时间:2013-10-01 15:30:41

标签: string matrix ascii nasm

我写的程序旨在从文本文件中获取一个表。该表格式如下:表格为NxN,第一行是数字N.表格的每一行都包含在自己的行中。因此,该文件有N + 1行。




2 45 16 22 4
17 21 67 29 65
45 67 97 35 87
68 34 90 72 7
77 15 105 3 66


; this program demonstrates how to open files for reading
; It reads a text file line by line and displays it on the screen

extern fopen
extern fgets
extern fclose
extern printf
extern exit

global main

segment .data
readmode: db "r",0
filename: db "hw6_1.dat",0 ; filename to open
error1:   db "Cannot open file",10,0
format_1: db "%d",10,0
format_2: db "%s",10,0

segment .bss
buflen:   equ 256         ; buffer length
buffer:   resd buflen     ; input buffer
tempBuff: resd buflen

segment .text

push readmode       ; 1- push pointer to openmode   
push filename       ; 2- push pointer to filename
call fopen          ; fopen retuns a filehandle in eax
add esp, 8          ;   or 0 if it cannot open the file
cmp eax, 0          
jnz .L1             
push error1         ; report an error and exit
call printf
add esp, 4
jmp .L4

mov ebx, eax        ; save filepointer of opened file in ebx

; Get first line and pass to ecx
push ebx
push buflen
push buffer
call fgets
add esp, 12
cmp eax, 0
je .L3

;convert string -> numeric
push buffer
call parseInt
mov ecx, eax

push ecx

push ebx            ; 1- push filehandle for fgets
push dword buflen   ; 2- push max number of read chars
push buffer         ; 3- push pointer to text buffer
call fgets          ; get a line of text        
add esp, 12         ; clean up the stack

cmp eax, 0          ; eax=0 in case of error or EOF
je .L3

push buffer         ; output the read string
call printf
add esp, 4
push dword 2
push buffer
call grabNum ;Get the 3rd number in the current line. Space delimited.

;do somehing with the number. For now, lets just output to screen.
push eax
push format_1
call printf
add esp, 8

pop ecx
dec ecx

cmp ecx, 0
jg .L2

push ebx            ; push filehandle 
call fclose         ; close file
add esp, 4          ; clean up stack

call exit

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
mov esi, [ebp+8]        ; esi points to the string

xor eax, eax            ; clear the accumulator

cmp byte [esi], 48       ; end of string?
jl .I2
mov ebx, 10
mul ebx                 ; eax *= 10
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, [esi]           ; bl = character
sub bl, 48              ; ASCII conversion
add eax, ebx
inc esi
jmp .I1

pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp

ret 4


;This method will grab a specified number in a sequence.
;Ex: passed in is buffer and the number 4. The 4th number will be
;returned. It is assumed to be a space delimited buffer.

mov esi, [esp + 4]
mov ecx, [esp + 8]
dec ecx

;for each number in ecx, advance past a number in esi.
;this is done by decrementing ecx each time a "non-digit" is detected.
;Since the buffer is known to be space delimted, this is a valid strategy.
cmp ecx, 0
je .doneSkipping

cmp byte [esi], 48
jl .numSkipped
cmp byte [esi], 57
jg .numSkipped

inc esi

jmp .skipNum


inc esi
dec ecx
jmp .skipNum

;now we grab the number from buffer in its ASCII form. We place it in tempBuff,
;and call parseInt. This should leave the number in integer form waiting in eax
;after the end of the grabNum call.

cmp byte [esi + 1 * ecx], 48
jl .retGrab
cmp byte [esi + 1 * ecx], 57
jg .retGrab
mov ebx, [esi + 1 * ecx]
mov [tempBuff + 1 * ecx], ebx
inc ecx
jmp .doneSkipping

mov [tempBuff + 1 * ecx], byte 0
push tempBuff
call parseInt

ret 8


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

无意中使用EBX寄存器来保存一些临时数据。这会破坏文件句柄并导致段错误。 EAX用于保存此数据,这解决了问题!


mov ebx, [esi + 1 * ecx] 
mov [tempBuff + 1 * ecx], ebx


mov eax, [esi + 1 * ecx]
mov [tempBuff + 1 * ecx], eax