您好我是HTML5 svg概念的新手,所以想通过创建游戏来学习它。刚刚在svg中创建了n个圆圈并限制了它的移动,现在我正试图从特定位置(cx,cy)射出一个圆圈,但看起来这个位置完全与现有的坐标不同步svg ...帮助我理解为什么会出现这个问题
border:1px solid black;
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svgBoard" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewbox="0,0,600,550"/>
<rect id = "tank" x="10" y="465" width="20" height="35" style="fill:red;stroke-width:2;stroke:black;">
<script type="text/javascript">
var intCircles = 1;
var intRadius = 20;
var arrColors = new Array("green","maroon","yellow","pink","lime","orange","red","darkblue");
var intBoardXLeft = 12;
var intBoardYTop = 13;
var intBoardXRight = 288;
var intBoardYBottom = 210;
var intBombFired = 0;
var xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
function fnMoveCircles(circleID)
var objCircle = document.getElementById(circleID);
if(objCircle == undefined) {return;}
var x = parseInt(objCircle.getAttribute("cx"),10);
var y = parseInt(objCircle.getAttribute("cy"),10);
if ( x < intBoardXLeft )
var resetIncX = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
resetIncX = Math.abs(resetIncX);
objCircle.setAttribute("incX", resetIncX);
else if ( x > intBoardXRight)
var resetIncX = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
resetIncX = resetIncX * -1;
objCircle.setAttribute("incX", resetIncX);
if ( y < intBoardYTop)
var resetIncY = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
resetIncY = Math.abs(resetIncY);
objCircle.setAttribute("incY", resetIncY);
else if ( y > intBoardYBottom)
var resetIncY = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
resetIncY = resetIncY * -1;
objCircle.setAttribute("incY", resetIncY);
x = x + parseInt(objCircle.getAttribute("incX"),10);
y = y + parseInt(objCircle.getAttribute("incY"),10);
objCircle.setAttribute("cx", x);
objCircle.setAttribute("cy", y);
var transformAttr = ' translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')';
objCircle.setAttribute('transform', transformAttr);
setTimeout("fnMoveCircles('" + circleID + "')",20);
function getRandomX()
return Math.floor((Math.random()*intBoardXRight-intBoardXLeft)+1)+intBoardXLeft;
function getRandomY()
return Math.floor((Math.random()*intBoardYBottom-intBoardYTop)+1)+intBoardYTop;
function fireBomb()
var objBomb = document.getElementById("circleBomb");
var x = parseInt(objBomb.getAttribute("cx"),10);
var y = parseInt(objBomb.getAttribute("cy"),10);
y = y-1;
if ( y < intBoardYTop)
intBombFired = 0;
objBomb.setAttribute("cy", y);
for(intChk=0;intChk <= intCircles-1; intChk++)
var objCheck = document.getElementById("svgcircle"+intChk);
if ( objCheck != undefined )
var xchk = parseInt(objCheck.getAttribute("cx"),10);
var ychk = parseInt(objCheck.getAttribute("cy"),10);
if ((x >= xchk && x <= xchk+intRadius*2) && (y >= ychk && y <= ychk+intRadius*2))
intBombFired = 0;
(function ($) {
function () {
//Create the circles
for(intCreate=0;intCreate <= intCircles-1; intCreate++)
var objCircle = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "circle");
objCircle.setAttribute("id", "svgcircle" + intCreate);
objCircle.setAttribute("cx", getRandomX());
objCircle.setAttribute("cy", getRandomY());
objCircle.setAttribute("r", intRadius );
var rand = Math.floor((Math.random()*arrColors.length-1)+1);
objCircle.setAttribute("fill", arrColors[rand].toString());
objCircle.setAttribute("incX", Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1));
objCircle.setAttribute("incY", Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1));
setTimeout("fnMoveCircles('svgcircle" + intCreate + "')",20);
function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 37 ){ //left arrow key
var objRect = document.getElementById("tank");
var x = parseInt(objRect.getAttribute("x"),10);
if ( (x-3) > 3 )
objRect.x.baseVal.value = x-3;
else if (event.keyCode == 39){//right arrow key
var objRect = document.getElementById("tank");
var x = parseInt(objRect.getAttribute("x"),10);
if ( (x+3) + parseInt(objRect.getAttribute("width"),10) < 600 )
objRect.x.baseVal.value = x+3;
else if (event.keyCode == 38 && intBombFired == 0) {//Up arrow key "THIS IS WHERE IM FACING THE PROBLEM"
var objNewBomb = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "circle");
var svg = document.querySelector("svgBoard");
//var objRect = document.getElementById("tank");
objNewBomb.setAttribute("id", "circleBomb");
objNewBomb.setAttribute("r", intRadius );
objNewBomb.setAttribute("fill", "black");
objNewBomb.setAttribute("stroke", "red");
objNewBomb.setAttribute("cx", getRandomX());
objNewBomb.setAttribute("cy", 210);
intBombFired = 1;
alert (objNewBomb.getAttribute("cy"));
}) (jQuery);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
为什么要同时设置圆的位置(cx,cy = x,y)并将圆圈换成相同的x,y值?你应该只需要做一个或另一个。