1是对话框,2和4分别指定文件夹和文件。一旦指定了这些,我想重复使用6和7,因为7依赖于6的输入。是否有一个循环在它完成7然后返回到6除非指定停止?< / strong>
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我认为您可以在工作流程A中添加步骤1-5,然后在工作流程A中放置最终的“运行工作流程”步骤。然后您可以设置另一个工作流程,B运行步骤6-7,然后是“循环” “行动,将继续持续执行第6-7步。
-- Step 1: Run Applescript (* Insert whatever Applescript statements you require here *) -- Step 2: Ask for Finder Items -- https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/applescript/conceptual/applescriptlangguide/reference/aslr_cmds.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000983-CH216-SW4 set fileListA to choose file with multiple selections allowed -- Step 3: Run Shell Script set output to do shell script "echo 123" -- Step 4: Ask for Finder Items set fileListB to choose file with multiple selections allowed -- Step 5: Run Shell Script set output to do shell script "echo abc" repeat -- Step 6: Ask for Text -- https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/applescript/conceptual/applescriptlangguide/reference/aslr_cmds.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000983-CH216-SW12 set dialogResult to display dialog "Enter text" default answer "" -- Step 7: Run Shell Script set output to do shell script "echo XYZ" end repeat