链接的图像和表格到MS Word

时间:2013-09-30 18:16:08

标签: excel matlab vba templates ms-word



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


    Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:="Paint.Picture", FileName:= _
      "C:\Users\name\Pictures\test.bmp", LinkToFile:=True, DisplayAsIcon:= _



enter image description here


Sub LinkToCurrentImageFolder()
    'Get current folder by date
    Dim clientFiguresPath As Variant
    filePath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\ClientFigures\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fld = fso.GetFolder(filePath)
    Dim currentFolder As Variant: currentFolder = ""
    For Each sf In fld.SUBFOLDERS
        'Look at name and get current date
        If currentFolder = "" Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        ElseIf sf.Path > currentFolder Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        End If

    ' Debug: display current figure folder path
    'MsgBox (currentFolder)

    'Loop through all shapes in document and check if path is current.
    'If path is not current delete current shape and add new because SourcePath is read-only

    Dim Ishape As InlineShape, Wdoc As Document
    MsgBox (ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count)

    For Each Ishape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
       If Not GetSourceInfo(Ishape) Then GoTo nextshape

        With Ishape
            currentPath = .LinkFormat.SourcePath

            If currentPath <> currentFolder Then
                cType = .OLEFormat.ClassType
                shpName = .LinkFormat.SourceName
                newPath = currentFolder & "\" & shpName

                'Delete existing image

                'Create new image
                Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:=cType, FileName:=newPath, LinkToFile:=True, DisplayAsIcon:=False
            End If
       End With
    Next Ishape
End Sub

Function GetSourceInfo(oShp As InlineShape) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo Error_GetSourceInfo
    Test = oShp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName
    GetSourceInfo = True
    Exit Function
   GetSourceInfo = False
End Function

<强> 修改


enter image description here

Sub LinkToCurrentImageFolder()
    'Get current folder by date
    Dim clientFiguresPath As Variant
    filePath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\ClientFigures\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fld = fso.GetFolder(filePath)
    Dim currentFolder As Variant: currentFolder = ""
    For Each sf In fld.SUBFOLDERS
        'Look at folder name/date and get most current date
        If currentFolder = "" Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        ElseIf sf.Path > currentFolder Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        End If

    Dim Ishape As InlineShape

    For Each Ishape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
        If Ishape.Type = msoComment Then
            With Ishape
                currentPath = .LinkFormat.SourcePath

                If currentPath <> currentFolder Then
                    shpName = .LinkFormat.SourceName
                    newPath = currentFolder & "\" & shpName

                    'Delete existing image

                    'Create new image
                    Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:=newPath, LinkToFile:=True, SaveWithDocument:=True
                End If
           End With
        End If
    Next Ishape
End Sub