
时间:2013-09-29 21:21:00

标签: java swing


public class Draw extends JFrame
    private JSplitPane itemPane;

    private Point position = null;

        public Draw()
            // Set the layout to a grid
            setLayout ( new BorderLayout (5,5));
            // Set the properties of the window
            setTitle ("Emulator");
            setSize ( 900, 700);
            setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
            setBackground ( new Color (15, 255, 10));

            // Add the components
            addComponents ();

        public static void startWindowsGui() 
            // We are in the static main, set the form to invoke later
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater ( new Runnable() 
                public void run() 
                    // Create a new instance of server and set it to visible
                    Draw gui = new Draw();
                    gui.setVisible (true);
            } );

        private void addComponents() 
            // Create the main and an itemPane
            JSplitPane mainPane = new JSplitPane ( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT );
            setItemPane(new JSplitPane ( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT ));

            mainPane.add ( createPane ( ), JSplitPane.LEFT );
            mainPane.add ( getItemPane(), JSplitPane.RIGHT );
            mainPane.setOneTouchExpandable ( true );

            getItemPane().setBackground(new Color(0xffffffc0));

            JPanel p = new JPanel();

            add ( mainPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );

        public static void main(final String[] args) 
            Runnable gui = new Runnable() 
                public void run() 
                    new Draw().setVisible(true);

        private class Drawing extends JPanel {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            private final Point position;

            public Drawing(Point position) {
                this.position = position;

            protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                g2.fillOval(160 + position.x, 160 - position.y, 15, 15);

        private JPanel createPane() 
            // Create the feedPanel
            JPanel panel = new JPanel ( );
            JPanel panel2 = new JPanel ( );
            JPanel panel3 = new JPanel ( );
            this.position = new Point();

            TrackBall myJoystick = new TrackBall(150, position, 100);
            panel.add(myJoystick, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
            Drawing drawing = new Drawing(position);

            panel2.add(drawing, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);

            return panel3;
        public JSplitPane getItemPane() {return itemPane;}
        public void setItemPane(JSplitPane itemPane) {this.itemPane = itemPane;}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • panel2需要使用BorderLayout而不是默认FlowLayout才能使用BorderLayout.PAGE_START约束
  • 课程Drawing需要覆盖getPreferredSize
  • Dimension指定的getPreferredSize应足够大,以容纳position
  • 构造函数中指定的Drawing

阅读:Changing preferred size of a Swing component