#lang racket
; return xs split into n sublists
(define (chunk-into n xs)
(define N (length xs))
(cond [(= 1 n) (list xs)]
[(> n N)
(cons empty
(chunk-into (sub1 n) xs))]
(define m (ceiling (/ N n)))
(cons (take xs m)
(chunk-into (sub1 n) (drop xs m)))]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (length (chunk-into 4 (range 5))) 4)
(check-equal? (length (chunk-into 2 (range 5))) 2))
(define (parallel-map f xs)
(define n-cores (processor-count))
(define xs* (chunk-into n-cores xs))
(define ps
(for/list ([i n-cores])
(place ch
(map f
(place-channel-get ch))))))
(apply append (map place-channel-put ps xs*)))
(define (parallel-map f xs)
(define xs** (chunk-into (processor-count) xs))
(define fs (map (λ (xs*) (future (thunk (map f xs*)))) xs**))
(apply append (map touch fs)))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(define (worker pch)
(define my-id (place-channel-get pch)) ; get worker id
(define wch-w (place-channel-get pch)) ; get work channel (shared between controller and all workers) - worker side
(define f (place-channel-get pch)) ; get function
(define ns (make-base-namespace)) ; for eval
(let loop ()
(define n (place-channel-get wch-w)) ; get work order
(let ((res (eval `(,f ,n) ns))) ; need to use eval here !!
(eprintf "~a says ~a\n" my-id res)
(place-channel-put wch-w res) ; put response
(loop)))) ; loop forever
(define (parallel-map f xs)
(define l (length xs))
(define-values (wch-c wch-w) (place-channel)) ; create channel (2 endpoints) for work dispatch (a.k.a. shared queue)
(for ((i (in-range (processor-count))))
(define p (place pch (worker pch))) ; create place
(place-channel-put p (format "worker_~a" i)) ; give worker id
(place-channel-put p wch-w) ; give response channel
(place-channel-put p f)) ; give function
(for ((n xs))
(place-channel-put wch-c n)) ; create work orders
(let loop ((i 0) (res '())) ; response loop
(if (= i l)
(reverse res)
(let ((response (sync/timeout 10 wch-c))) ; get answer with timeout (place-channel-get blocks!)
(+ i 1)
(if response (cons response res) res))))))
(module+ main
(displayln (parallel-map 'add1 (range 10))))
worker_1 says 1
worker_1 says 3
worker_1 says 4
worker_1 says 5
worker_1 says 6
worker_1 says 7
worker_1 says 8
worker_1 says 9
worker_1 says 10
worker_0 says 2
(1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2)