public class ICS3URightOnJavaAssignment2c
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception
BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String d; //creates a string variable to get distance (travelled) from user
double distance = 0.0; //double distance
System.out.print("Enter distance travelled(KM): "); //gets distance travelled from user
d = buffer.readLine(); //reads a line from the console
distance = Double.parseDouble(d);//gets the double value from string variable d
System.out.println("Distance Travelled: " + d); //states string variable d
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String t; //creates a string variable to get time (travelled) from user
double time = 0.0; //double time
System.out.print("Enter time travelled(Minutes): "); //gets time travelled from user
t = buffer.readLine(); //reads a line from the console
time = Double.parseDouble(t);//gets the double value from string variable t
System.out.println("Time Travelled: " + t); //states string variable t
System.out.println("The average speed (KM/H) with a distance travelled of " + d + and time travelled of " + t + " is " + distance / time);
/*speed (average) = distance divided by time*/