
时间:2013-09-26 15:05:46

标签: javascript d3.js treemap

我正在努力扩展d3 for rap示例:


通过树形图表。 如果不是neseccary,我不想详细说明。当我尝试在我的结构上运行树形图布局时,会出现特定问题。 这个结构包含一个'Treemap'作为根,其中包含'children'数组,其中包含root类型为'ChartItem'的所有直接子节点。那些包含儿童。 每个chartitem都包含一个数值'value'。

我希望这不会让人感到困惑。 关键是,我不知道不同的树图属性是什么。下面的配置是唯一一个“有效”的配置,只显示连接到根的子项(Treemap - > this)

  • 我认为,我不需要.value属性,因为我的节点已经包含'值'这是错误的吗?

  • 与'children'和'nodes'属性相同

  • 我不知道如何设置这些属性。我知道d3 treemap示例和API参考,但它们对我没有帮助..

    var treemap = d3.layout.treemap()
    .children(function(d) { return d })
    .value(function(d){return d.value})
      var selection = this._layer.selectAll( "g.item" ) 
      var color = d3.scale.category20c();
      var cells = selection
        .attr("class", "item")
        .attr("x", function(d){return d.x;})
        .attr("y", function(d){return d.y;})
        .attr("width", function(d){return d.dx;})
        .attr("height", function(d){return d.dy;})
        .attr("fill", function(d){return color(d.parent) })
        .attr("stroke", "black")
      var textfields =  selection
        .attr("opacity", 1.0)
        .attr("x", function(d){return d.x;})
        .attr("y", function(d){return d.y+20;})
        //.text(function(d){return d.children ? null : d._text;});
        .text(function(d){return d._text;});



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var family= {
  "name": "Fred",
  "age": 81,
  "kids": [
      "name": "Becky",
      "age": 51,
      "kids": [
         {"name": "John", "age": 15},
         {"name": "Jill", "age": 11}

var treemap = d3.layout.treemap()
  .children(function(d) { return d.kids})  // instructs the algorithm to find children by looking for node.kids instead of the default node.children
  .value(function(d) { return d.age; })  // similarly, value of the nodes is the age attribute of the node

// now whenever treemap has gone through and set up your structure, you can call
var persons = treemap.node(family)   // to get all the people in the family (flat structure)
// each person object will have (after d3 enriches it)
// * parent - the parent node, or null for the root.
// * children - the array of child nodes, or null for leaf nodes.
// * value - the node value, as returned by the value accessor.
// * depth - the depth of the node, starting at 0 for the root.
// * x - the minimum x-coordinate of the node position.
// * y - the minimum y-coordinate of the node position.
// * dx - the x-extent of the node position.
// * dy - the y-extent of the node position.

var relationship = treemap.links(persons)  // this will give you the link nodes which will be objects with the following attributes
// * source - the parent node (as described above).
// * target - the child node.
