我正在使用vowpal wabbit训练模型并注意到一些非常奇怪的东西。在训练期间,报告的平均损失非常低,约为0.06。但是我注意到,当我要求模型预测相同训练数据上的标签时,平均损失高约0.66左右,并且模型在预测标签上甚至训练数据也表现不佳。我最初的推测是模型遭受了很大的偏差,因此我增加了模型的复杂性,在第一层使用了300个隐藏节点,但问题仍然存在。
大众提及的教程幻灯片: “如果你在火车上测试,它有用吗?(没有 =>疯狂的事)“
更多细节: 我使用vowpal wabbit进行命名实体识别任务,其中功能是单词表示。我正在尝试使用具有多个隐藏单元的神经网络的几个模型并尝试评估模型。然而,当我对训练数据本身进行测试时,我训练的所有模型都表现出很高的平均损失,我觉得这很奇怪。
vw -d ~/embeddings/eng_train_4.vw --loss_function logistic --oaa 6 --nn 32 -l 10 --random_weights 1 -f test_3.model --passes 4 -c
final_regressor = test_3.model
Num weight bits = 18
learning rate = 10
initial_t = 0
power_t = 0.5
decay_learning_rate = 1
using cache_file = /home/vvkulkarni/embeddings/eng_train_4.vw.cache
ignoring text input in favor of cache input
num sources = 1
average since example example current current current
loss last counter weight label predict features
0.666667 0.666667 3 3.0 1 1 577
0.833333 1.000000 6 6.0 1 2 577
0.818182 0.800000 11 11.0 4 4 577
0.863636 0.909091 22 22.0 1 4 577
0.636364 0.409091 44 44.0 1 1 577
0.390805 0.139535 87 87.0 1 1 577
0.258621 0.126437 174 174.0 1 1 577
0.160920 0.063218 348 348.0 1 1 577
0.145115 0.129310 696 696.0 1 1 577
0.138649 0.132184 1392 1392.0 1 1 577
0.122486 0.106322 2784 2784.0 1 1 577
0.097522 0.072557 5568 5568.0 1 1 577
0.076875 0.056224 11135 11135.0 1 1 577
0.058647 0.040417 22269 22269.0 1 1 577
0.047803 0.036959 44537 44537.0 1 1 577
0.038934 0.030066 89073 89073.0 1 1 577
0.036768 0.034601 178146 178146.0 1 1 577
0.032410 0.032410 356291 356291.0 1 1 577 h
0.029782 0.027155 712582 712582.0 1 1 577 h
finished run
number of examples per pass = 183259
passes used = 4
weighted example sum = 733036
weighted label sum = 0
average loss = 0.0276999
best constant = 0
total feature number = 422961744
vw -t ~/embeddings/eng_train_4.vw -i test_3.model -p test_3.pred
only testing
Num weight bits = 18
learning rate = 10
initial_t = 1
power_t = 0.5
predictions = test_3.pred
using no cache
Reading datafile = /home/vvkulkarni/embeddings/eng_train_4.vw
num sources = 1
average since example example current current current
loss last counter weight label predict features
0.333333 0.333333 3 3.0 1 1 577
0.500000 0.666667 6 6.0 1 4 577
0.636364 0.800000 11 11.0 6 3 577
0.590909 0.545455 22 22.0 1 1 577
0.500000 0.409091 44 44.0 4 1 577
0.482759 0.465116 87 87.0 1 1 577
0.528736 0.574713 174 174.0 1 3 577
0.500000 0.471264 348 348.0 1 3 577
0.517241 0.534483 696 696.0 6 1 577
0.536638 0.556034 1392 1392.0 4 4 577
0.560345 0.584052 2784 2784.0 1 5 577
0.560884 0.561422 5568 5568.0 6 2 577
0.586349 0.611820 11135 11135.0 1 1 577
0.560914 0.535477 22269 22269.0 1 1 577
0.557200 0.553485 44537 44537.0 1 1 577
0.568938 0.580676 89073 89073.0 1 2 577
0.560568 0.552199 178146 178146.0 1 1 577
finished run
number of examples per pass = 203621
passes used = 1
weighted example sum = 203621
weighted label sum = 0
average loss = 0.557428 <<< This is what is tricky.
best constant = -4.91111e-06
total feature number = 117489309
我尝试过的事情: 我试图将隐藏节点的数量增加到600但无济于事。 2.我也尝试使用具有300个隐藏节点的二次特征,但这也没有帮助。
更新: 更令人感兴趣的是,如果我在测试阶段指定通过次数为4(即使我假设模型已经学会了决策边界),那么问题就会消失。我想知道为什么?
vvkulkarni@einstein:/scratch1/vivek/test$ vw -t ~/embeddings/eng_train_4.vw -i test_3.model -p test_3_1.pred --passes 4 -c
only testing
Num weight bits = 18
learning rate = 10
initial_t = 1
power_t = 0.5
decay_learning_rate = 1
predictions = test_3_1.pred
using cache_file = /home/vvkulkarni/embeddings/eng_train_4.vw.cache
ignoring text input in favor of cache input
num sources = 1
average since example example current current current
loss last counter weight label predict features
0.333333 0.333333 3 3.0 1 1 577
0.166667 0.000000 6 6.0 1 1 577
0.090909 0.000000 11 11.0 4 4 577
0.045455 0.000000 22 22.0 1 1 577
0.022727 0.000000 44 44.0 1 1 577
0.011494 0.000000 87 87.0 1 1 577
0.017241 0.022989 174 174.0 1 1 577
0.022989 0.028736 348 348.0 1 1 577
0.020115 0.017241 696 696.0 1 1 577
0.043822 0.067529 1392 1392.0 1 1 577
0.031968 0.020115 2784 2784.0 1 1 577
0.031968 0.031968 5568 5568.0 1 1 577
0.032959 0.033950 11135 11135.0 1 1 577
0.029952 0.026944 22269 22269.0 1 1 577
0.029212 0.028471 44537 44537.0 1 1 577
0.030481 0.031750 89073 89073.0 1 1 577
0.028673 0.026866 178146 178146.0 1 1 577
0.034001 0.034001 356291 356291.0 1 1 577 h
0.034026 0.034051 712582 712582.0 1 1 577 h
答案 0 :(得分:1)
运行学习阶段并添加--invert_hash final 然后用这些线检查碰撞:
tail -n +13 final | sort -n -k 2 -t ':' | wc -l
tail -n +13 final | sort -nu -k 2 -t ':' | wc -l
值输出应该相同。我从Vowpal Wabbit的创造者John Langford那里得到了这个提示。