特征/ news.feature:
Scenario: News on the home page
Given a news article exists with the title "I love mung"
When I go to the root page
Then I should see "I love mung" within ".news"
特征/ step_definitions / news_steps.rb:
Given /^a news article exists with the title "([^"]+)"$/ do |title|
# I've added the FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods to the `World`
create :news, title: title
# If I check the data here, it seems to think everything is ok
expect(News.find_by(title: title).title).to eql title
应用程序/视图/信息/ welcome.html.erb
<% if news_article %>
<!-- This element never displays (according to cucumber) -->
<div class="news">
<h3><%= news_article.title %></h3>
<% end %>