
时间:2013-09-24 19:03:01

标签: haskell pattern-matching

我正在Haskell写一个Magic The Gathering(MTG)游戏引擎。


{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Data.Set

data Color = W | U | B | R | G
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Card = Card (Set Color) -- simplified Card type with only its colors

viewColors :: Card -> [Color]
viewColors (Card colors) = toList colors


foo :: Card -> String
foo (viewColors -> [W, B]) = "card is white and black"
foo _ = "whatever"


bar :: Card -> String
bar (viewColors -> [B, W]) = "this will never get hit"
bar _ = "whatever"


viewColors :: Card -> (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool)
viewColors (Card colors) = let m = (`member` colors)
    in (m W, m U, m B, m R, m G)


baz :: Card -> String
baz (viewColors -> (False, False, False, False, True)) = "it's green"

data ColorView = W | WU | WUB | ... all combos here

viewColors :: Card -> ColorView
viewColors (Card colors) = extract correct Colorview from colors

此解决方案具有组合爆炸。看起来实现起来非常糟糕,但很好用,特别是如果我有一个colorViewToList :: ColorView -> [Color]允许在模式匹配后进行编程提取。


fuz :: Card -> String
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* ())) = "it's white"
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* U :* ())) = "it's white and blue"
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* B :* ())) = "it's white and black"



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

主要问题是您希望从view获取排列而不是单个值。我们只有一种允许排列的类型 - 记录。


data B = F|T -- just shorter name for Bool in patterns
data Palette = P {isW, isU, isB, isR, isG :: B}

bool2b :: Bool -> B
bool2b True  = T
bool2b False = F

viewColors :: Card -> Palette
viewColors (Card colors) = let m = bool2b . (`member` colors)
    in P {isW = m W, isU = m U, isB = m B, isR = m R, isG = m G}

foo :: Card -> String
foo (viewColors -> P {isW=T, isB=T}) = "card is white and black"
foo _ = "whatever"



{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data Color = W | U | B | R | G  deriving (Eq)

data W' 
data U' 
data B'
data R'
data G'

data Color' a where
      W' :: Color' W'
      U' :: Color' U'
      B' :: Color' B'
      R' :: Color' R'
      G' :: Color' G'

data M a = N | J a -- just shorter name for Maybe a in patterns

data Palette = Palette 
      (M (Color' W')) 
      (M (Color' U')) 
      (M (Color' B')) 
      (M (Color' R')) 
      (M (Color' G'))


viewColors :: Card -> Palette
viewColors (Card colors) = 
    m :: Color -> Color' a -> M (Color' a)
    m c e = if c `member` colors then J e else N
  in P (m W W') (m U U') (m B B') (m R R') (m G G')

foo :: Card -> String
foo (viewColors -> Palette (J W') N (J B') N N) = 
      "card is white and black"
foo _ = "whatever"

答案 1 :(得分:3)


{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import qualified Data.Set as Set

data Color = W' | U' | B' | R' | G' deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Card = Card (Set.Set Color) 

newtype W a = W a
newtype U a = U a
newtype B a = B a
newtype R a = R a
newtype G a = G a

class ToColors x where
  toColors :: x -> [Color]
  reify :: x

instance ToColors () where
  toColors _ = []
  reify = ()

instance ToColors a => ToColors (W a) where
  toColors (W a) = W':toColors a
  reify = W reify

--other instances

members :: Set.Set Color -> [Color] -> Bool
members s = foldl (\b e -> b && (Set.member e s)) True

viewColors :: forall a. ToColors a => Card -> Maybe a
viewColors (Card s) = let a = reify :: a in 
  if members s (toColors a) then (Just a) else Nothing

foo :: Card -> String
foo (viewColors -> Just (W (B ()))) = "card is white and black"
foo _ = "whatever"


编辑:如果你想匹配那些容易的精确集合 - 只需替换members函数就好了

viewColors :: forall a. ToColors a => Card -> Maybe a
viewColors (Card s) = let a = reify :: a in 
  if s == (Set.fromList . toColors $ a) then (Just a) else Nothing

答案 2 :(得分:2)



{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Data.Set

data Color = W | U | B | R | G
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Card = Card (Set Color) -- simplified Card type with only its colors

-- you may need to fiddle with the precedence here
infixr 0 :*
data MyList a = END | a :* (MyList a) deriving (Show)

myFromList :: [a] -> MyList a
myFromList [] = END
myFromList (x:xs) = x :* myFromList xs

instance Eq a => Eq (MyList a) where
    END == END = True
    END == _   = False
    _   == END = False
    l1  == l2  = allElem l1 l2 && allElem l2 l1
            -- optimize this, otherwise it'll just be really slow
            -- I was just too lazy to write it correctly
            elemMyList :: Eq a => a -> MyList a -> Bool
            elemMyList a ml = case ml of
                END -> False
                (h :* rest) -> if a == h then True else elemMyList a rest
            allElem :: Eq a => MyList a -> MyList a -> Bool
            allElem END l = True
            allElem (h :* rest) l = h `elemMyList` l && allElem rest l

viewColors :: Card -> MyList Color
viewColors (Card colors) = myFromList $ toList colors

fuz :: Card -> String
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* END)) = "it's white"
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* U :* END)) = "it's white and blue"
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* B :* END)) = "it's white and black"
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* B :* R :* END)) = "it's white, black, and red"
fuz (viewColors -> (W :* U :* B :* R :* G :* END)) = "it's all colors"
fuz _ = "I don't know all my colors"

main = do
    putStrLn $ fuz $ Card $ fromList [W, B]
    putStrLn $ fuz $ Card $ fromList [B, W]


答案 3 :(得分:0)



data CardColors = W' BlackBool GreenBool ...
                | B' WhiteBool GreenBool ...
                | G' BlackBool WhiteBool ...

data BlackBool = B 
               | NotB
-- etc.


答案 4 :(得分:0)



is :: Card -> Color -> Bool
is card col = col `elem` (viewColors card) -- can be optimized to use the proper elem!


foo :: Card -> String
foo c
    | c `is` B && c `is` W = "card is black and white"
    | c `is` R || c `is` G = "card is red or green"
    | otherwise = "whatever"


hasColors :: Card -> [Color] -> Bool
hasColors card = all (`elem` (viewColors card))
