
时间:2013-09-19 20:45:17

标签: windows batch-file scripting

Hello StackOverflow成员!


REM the below line lists the folder names that are to be read
FOR /F "TOKENS=* DELIMS=" %%d in (%start_dir%\folder_list.txt) DO (
    ECHO Entering into: %%d Directory
    REM The below line lists the folders and all of it's subfolders. It than outputs it to a file.

        FOR /F "TOKENS=* DELIMS=" %%e in ('DIR /s "%work_dir%\%%d"') DO (
           ECHO %%e>>%start_dir%\tmp_folder\%%d.size



如果我的文件夹大于100GB,脚本将花费大约一个小时来输出DIR / S>> %% d命令。

当我在大约150GB的单个文件夹上运行时:Dir / s“150GB_Folder”>> dir_ouput_file.txt它在大约6-10秒内完成。

我的问题是:为什么从脚本中输出DIR /S>>whatever.txt需要一个小时,而它不在脚本中只需几秒钟?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

这是for中的一个错误,其中使用命令解析大量行会导致大量延迟 解决方案是使用信息创建一个文件,然后读取文件。

REM the below line lists the folder names that are to be read
FOR /F "TOKENS=* DELIMS=" %%d in (%start_dir%\folder_list.txt) DO (
    ECHO Entering into: %%d Directory
    REM The below line lists the folders and all of it's subfolders. It than outputs it to a file.

DIR /s "%work_dir%\%%d" >%temp%\temp.tmp

        FOR /F "TOKENS=* DELIMS=" %%e in (%temp%\temp.tmp) DO (
           ECHO %%e>>%start_dir%\tmp_folder\%%d.size
del %temp%\temp.tmp