我想要一个groovy脚本来删除上面的文物,除了2.75.0.3.jar(脚本应该使用Artifactory REST API)。在这种情况下,是否有人有一个示例脚本来执行此操作或至少删除所有.jars?
如何我可以在groovy脚本中使用以下用法 例如:在groovy中使用以下行
DELETE /api/build/{buildName}[?buildNumbers=n1[,n2]][&artifacts=0/1][&deleteAll=0/1]
curl -X POST -v -u admin:password "http://artifactory.company.com:8081/artifactory/api/build/service_y?buildNumbers=129,130,131&artifacts=1&deleteAll=1"
在安装了artifactory的同一台服务器上使用Linux Putty中的上述curl命令不起作用,给出了错误。
* About to connect() to sagrdev3sb12 port 8081
* Trying 10.123.321.123... Connection refused
* couldn't connect to host
* Closing connection #0
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
http://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-DeleteBuilds 要么 http://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-DeleteItem
以上链接显示了他们的 - 使用示例/用法输出 - 让我感到困惑。
如果我们可以调整此脚本以保留一个构建并删除“projectA”(组ID),“service_y”(工件ID)和发布“<的所有其他构建,则以下链接可能是答案。强> 2.75.0 .X”。
Using Artifactory's REST API to deploy jar file
答案 0 :(得分:2)
最终答案:此脚本程序脚本/ Groovy脚本 - 包括从BOTH - Jenkins(使用groovy it.delete())和Artifactory(使用Artifactory REST API调用)删除构建。
"name" : "Bulk Delete Builds except the given build number",
"comment" : "For a given job and a given build numnber, delete all builds of a given release version (M.m.interim) only and except the user provided one. Sometimes a Jenkins job use Build Name setter plugin and same job generates and",
"parameters" : [ 'jobName', 'releaseVersion', 'buildNumber' ],
"core": "1.409",
"authors" : [
{ name : "Arun Sangal - Maddys Version" }
} END META **/
import groovy.json.*
import jenkins.model.*;
import hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet;
import hudson.model.Job;
import hudson.model.Fingerprint;
//these should be passed in as arguments to the script
if(!artifactoryURL) throw new Exception("artifactoryURL not provided")
if(!artifactoryUser) throw new Exception("artifactoryUser not provided")
if(!artifactoryPassword) throw new Exception("artifactoryPassword not provided")
def authString = "${artifactoryUser}:${artifactoryPassword}".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString()
def artifactorySettings = [artifactoryURL: artifactoryURL, authString: authString]
if(!jobName) throw new Exception("jobName not provided")
if(!buildNumber) throw new Exception("buildNumber not provided")
def lastBuildNumber = buildNumber.toInteger() - 1;
def nextBuildNumber = buildNumber.toInteger() + 1;
def jij = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItem(jobName);
def promotedBuildRange = new Fingerprint.RangeSet()
def promoteBuildsList = jij.getBuilds(promotedBuildRange)
assert promoteBuildsList.size() == 1
def promotedBuild = promoteBuildsList[0]
// The release / version of a Jenkins job - i.e. in case you use "Build name" setter plugin in Jenkins for getting builds like,, .. , etc.
// and over the time, change the release/version value (2.75.0) to a newer value i.e. 2.75.1 or 2.76.0 and start builds of this new release/version from #1 onwards.
def releaseVersion = promotedBuild.getDisplayName().split("\\.")[0..2].join(".")
println ""
println("- Jenkins Job_Name: ${jobName} -- Version: ${releaseVersion} -- Keep Build Number: ${buildNumber}");
println ""
/** delete the indicated build and its artifacts from artifactory */
def deleteBuildFromArtifactory(String jobName, int deleteBuildNumber, Map<String, String> artifactorySettings){
println " ## Deleting >>>>>>>>>: - ${jobName}:${deleteBuildNumber} from artifactory"
def artifactSearchUri = "api/build/${jobName}?buildNumbers=${deleteBuildNumber}&artifacts=1"
def conn = "${artifactorySettings['artifactoryURL']}/${artifactSearchUri}".toURL().openConnection()
conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + artifactorySettings['authString']);
if( conn.responseCode != 200 ) {
println "Failed to delete the build artifacts from artifactory for ${jobName}/${deleteBuildNumber}: ${conn.responseCode} - ${conn.responseMessage}"
/** delete all builds in the indicated range that match the releaseVersion */
def deleteBuildsInRange(String buildRange, String releaseVersion, Job theJob, Map<String, String> artifactorySettings){
def range = RangeSet.fromString(buildRange, true);
theJob.getBuilds(range).each {
if ( it.getDisplayName().find(/${releaseVersion}.*/)) {
println " ## Deleting >>>>>>>>>: " + it.getDisplayName();
deleteBuildFromArtifactory(theJob.name, it.number, artifactorySettings)
//delete all the matching builds before the promoted build number
deleteBuildsInRange("1-${lastBuildNumber}", releaseVersion, jij, artifactorySettings)
//delete all the matching builds after the promoted build number
deleteBuildsInRange("${nextBuildNumber}-${jij.nextBuildNumber}", releaseVersion, jij, artifactorySettings)
println ""
println("- Builds have been successfully deleted for the above mentioned release: ${releaseVersion}")
println ""
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我有同样的问题,并找到了这个网站。我接受了这个想法并将其简化为python脚本。您可以在以下位置找到该脚本:clean_artifactory.py on github
答案 2 :(得分:0)
package artifactory
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import groovyx.net.http.RESTClient
import net.sf.json.JSON
* This groovy class is meant to be used to clean up your Atifactory server or get more information about it's
* contents. The api of artifactory is documented very well at the following location
* {@see http://wiki.jfrog.org/confluence/display/RTF/Artifactory%27s+REST+API}
* At the moment there is one major use of this class, cleaning your repository.
* Reading data about the repositories is done against /api/repository, if you want to remove items you need to use
* '/api/storage'
* Artifactory returns a strange Content Type in the response. We want to use a generic JSON library. Therefore we need
* to map the incoming type to the standard application/json. An example of the mapping is below, all the other
* mappings can be found in the obtainServerConnection method.
* 'application/vnd.org.jfrog.artifactory.storage.FolderInfo+json' => server.parser.'application/json'
* The class makes use of a config object. The config object is a map with a minimum of the following fields:
* def config = [
* server: 'http://localhost:8080',
* repository: 'libs-release-local',
* versionsToRemove: ['/3.2.0-build-'],
* dryRun: true]
* The versionsToRemove is an array of strings that are the strart of builds that should be removed. To give an idea of
* the build numbers we use: 3.2.0-build-1 or 2011.10-build-1. The -build- is important for the solution. This is how
* we identify an artifact instead of a group folder.
* The final option to notice is the dryRun option. This way you can get an overview of what will be deleted. If set
* to false, it will delete the selected artifacts.
* Usage example
* -------------
* def config = [
* server: 'http://localhost:8080',
* repository: 'libs-release-local',
* versionsToRemove: ['/3.2.0-build-'],
* dryRun: false]
* def artifactory = new Artifactory(config)
* def numberRemoved = artifactory.cleanArtifactsRecursive('nl/gridshore/toberemoved')
* if (config.dryRun) {* println "$numberRemoved folders would have been removed."
*} else {* println "$numberRemoved folders were removed."
*}* @author Jettro Coenradie
private class Artifactory {
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def config
def Artifactory(config) {
this.config = config
* Print information about all the available repositories in the configured Artifactory
def printRepositories() {
def server = obtainServerConnection()
def resp = server.get(path: '/artifactory/api/repositories')
if (resp.status != 200) {
println "ERROR: problem with the call: " + resp.status
JSON json = resp.data
json.each {
println "key :" + it.key
println "type : " + it.type
println "descritpion : " + it.description
println "url : " + it.url
println ""
* Return information about the provided path for the configured artifactory and server.
* @param path String representing the path to obtain information for
* @return JSON object containing information about the specified folder
def JSON folderInfo(path) {
def binding = [repository: config.repository, path: path]
def template = engine.createTemplate('''/artifactory/api/storage/$repository/$path''').make(binding)
def query = template.toString()
def server = obtainServerConnection()
def resp = server.get(path: query)
if (resp.status != 200) {
println "ERROR: problem obtaining folder info: " + resp.status
println query
return resp.data
* Recursively removes all folders containing builds that start with the configured paths.
* @param path String containing the folder to check and use the childs to recursively check as well.
* @return Number with the amount of folders that were removed.
def cleanArtifactsRecursive(path) {
def deleteCounter = 0
JSON json = folderInfo(path)
json.children.each {child ->
if (child.folder) {
if (isArtifactFolder(child)) {
config.versionsToRemove.each {toRemove ->
if (child.uri.startsWith(toRemove)) {
removeItem(path, child)
} else {
if (!child.uri.contains("ro-scripts")) {
deleteCounter += cleanArtifactsRecursive(path + child.uri)
return deleteCounter
private RESTClient obtainServerConnection() {
def server = new RESTClient(config.server)
server.parser.'application/vnd.org.jfrog.artifactory.storage.FolderInfo+json' = server.parser.'application/json'
server.parser.'application/vnd.org.jfrog.artifactory.repositories.RepositoryDetailsList+json' = server.parser.'application/json'
return server
private def isArtifactFolder(child) {
private def removeItem(path, child) {
println "folder: " + path + child.uri + " DELETE"
def binding = [repository: config.repository, path: path + child.uri]
def template = engine.createTemplate('''/artifactory/$repository/$path''').make(binding)
def query = template.toString()
if (!config.dryRun) {
def server = new RESTClient(config.server)
server.delete(path: query)
Artifactory REST API会像(我不确定):
我看到行:def artifactSearchUri =“api / build / $ {jobName} / $ {buildNumber}”
import groovy.json.*
def artifactoryURL= properties["jenkins.ARTIFACTORY_URL"]
def artifactoryUser = properties["artifactoryUser"]
def artifactoryPassword = properties["artifactoryPassword"]
def authString = "${artifactoryUser}:${artifactoryPassword}".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString()
def jobName = properties["jobName"]
def buildNumber = properties["buildNumber"]
def artifactSearchUri = "api/build/${jobName}/${buildNumber}"
def conn = "${artifactoryURL}/${artifactSearchUri}".toURL().openConnection()
conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + authString);
println "Searching artifactory with: ${artifactSearchUri}"
def searchResults
if( conn.responseCode == 200 ) {
searchResults = new JsonSlurper().parseText(conn.content.text)
} else {
throw new Exception ("Failed to find the build info for ${jobName}/${buildNumber}: ${conn.responseCode} - ${conn.responseMessage}")
答案 3 :(得分:0)
脚本文件本身和有用的附件文件可以从以下位置获得: https://github.com/brianpcarr/ArtifactoryCurator
groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy [--dry-run] [--full-log] --function <func> --value <val> --web-server http://YourWebServer --repository yourRepoName --domain <com/YourOrg> Version1 ...
其中: - domain domain:要扫描的域的名称。 - 干涸:不要改变任何事情;只列出将要做的事情 --full-log:记录处理工件的其他步骤 --function function:对工件执行的函数 --maxInState maxInState:具有状态和最大计数的csv文件的名称,可选 - 必须具有:在应用删除之前需要的属性,标记, 下载或清除,可选 --password password:用于访问Artifactory服务器的密码。 --repository repoName:要扫描的存储库的名称。 --targetDir targetDir:下载工件的目标目录 --userName userName:用于访问Artifactory服务器的userName --value value:通常需要与上面的函数一起使用的值 --web-server webServer:用于访问Artifactory服务器的URL
示例:groovy ArtifactoryCleanup.groovy --domain domain --dry-run --full-log --function function --maxInState maxInState.csv --must-have mustHave --password password --repository repoName --targetDir targetDir --userName userName --value value --web-server webServer 1.0.1 1.0.2
config csv文件中的列可以是[repoName,targetDir,maxInState,domain,value,userName,mustHave,webServer,password,function]
ArtifactoryProcess脚本可以在几种主要模式中使用 一种超模式。
groovy.bat ArtifactoryProcess.groovy --function mark --value production --web-server http://YourWebServer/ --repository yourRepoName --domain <com.YourOrg> --userName fill-in-userID --password fill-in-password 1.0.45-zdf
将使用版本1.0.45-zdf标记yourRepoName中的所有工件 正在生产中。
另一种模式是清理旧工件。这可以分两个阶段完成 删除先前标记的工件,然后删除其他工件 将在下次运行时标记为删除。
清理是在两个阶段还是一个阶段完成,其中的不同状态 可以在逗号分隔值(csv)文件中定义工件 状态的名称以及要在该状态中保留的工件的数量。该 MaxInState.csv文件中的最后一个条目是未命名状态,是最大值 应保留其他未标记的工件数量。
还有一个超模式(功能配置),清理的每一步都是 从逗号分隔值(csv)文件中读取。在这种情况下,第一行将 命名要指定的参数以及每个步骤的值 在以下几行。建议使用用户ID和等参数 密码在命令行上传递,而不是在配置文件中传递。
要运行该脚本,可以按照上面的建议从git root运行。然而, 这需要安装groovy 2.3或更高版本(参数关闭 然后添加了支持,并且是使用的闭包实现所必需的)。 这要求您的JVM至少为1.7。如果您不想安装 在你的服务器上groovy,你可以注释掉顶部的@Grapes部分(哦 对于c天的条件编译已经过去了)并构建所需的jar文件 与&#39; gradlew build&#39;。然后,您可以使用以下内容运行该实用程序:
java -jar build/libs/artifactoryProcess-run.jar --dry-run --full-log --function mark --value tested --web-server http://YourWebServer/ --repository yourRepoName --domain <com.YourOrg> --userName fill-in-userID --password fill-in-password 1.0.45-zdf
package artifactoryProcess
import com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvIterator
import groovy.util.logging.Log
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.Artifactory
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.Repositories
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.impl.RepositoryTypeImpl
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.DownloadableArtifact;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.ItemHandle;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.PropertiesHandler;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.Folder
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.ExampleMode;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams;
import groovy.transform.stc.SimpleType;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.ArtifactoryClient;
import org.jfrog.artifactory.client.RepositoryHandle;
import com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser;
@GrabResolver(name='jcenter', root='http://jcenter.bintray.com/', m2Compatible=true),
@Grab(group='net.sf.json-lib', module='json-lib', version='2.4', classifier='jdk15' ),
@Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7'),
@Grab( group='com.xlson.groovycsv', module='groovycsv', version='1.0' ),
@GrabExclude(group='org.codehaus.groovy', module='groovy-xml')
@Grapes( [
@Grab(group='org.kohsuke.args4j', module='args4j-maven-plugin', version='2.0.22'),
@GrabExclude(group='org.codehaus.groovy', module='groovy-xml')
@Grab(group='org.jfrog.artifactory.client', module='artifactory-java-client-services', version='0.13'),
@GrabExclude(group='org.codehaus.groovy', module='groovy-xml')
* This groovy class is meant to mark artifacts for release and clean up old versions.
* The first mode is to mark artifacts with properties such as tested, releasable and production.
* The second mode could be to mark artifacts for removal based on FIFO counts of artifacts in the
* states defined in the maxInState.csv file provided. If you say want at most 5 versions of an
* artifact in the production state and there are more than that, then the oldest versions could be
* marked for removal.
* The third mode could be the actual deletion of any artifacts which were marked for removal.
* The delay is to allow human intervention before wholesale deletion.
* The versionsToUse is an array of strings that are the start of builds that should be processed.
* There are two additional options. The first is the dryRun option. This way you can get
* an overview of what will be processed. If specified, no artifacts will be altered.
* Usage example
* groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy --dry-run --function mark --value production --must-have releasable --web-server http://yourWebServer/artifactory/ --domain <com.YourOrg> --repository libs-release-prod 1.0.1 1.0.2
* @author Brian Carr (snippets from Jettro Coenradie, David Carr and others)
class ArtifactoryProcess {
public static final Set< String > validFunctions = [ 'mark', 'delete', 'clear', 'download', 'config', 'repoPrint' ];
public static final Set< String > validParameters = [ 'function', 'value', 'mustHave', 'targetDir', 'maxInState', 'webServer', 'repoName', 'domain', 'userName', 'password' ];
@Option(name='--dry-run', usage='Don\'t change anything; just list what would be done')
boolean dryRun;
@Option(name='--full-log', usage='Log miscellaneous steps for processing artifacts')
boolean fullLog;
// eg --function mark
@Option(name='--function', metaVar='function', usage="function to perform on artifacts")
String function;
// eg --value production
@Option(name='--value', metaVar='value', usage="value to use with function above, often required")
String value;
// eg --must-have releasable
@Option(name='--must-have', metaVar='mustHave', usage="property required before applying delete, mark, download or clear, optional")
String mustHave;
// eg --targetDir d:/temp/bin
@Option(name='--targetDir', metaVar='targetDir', usage="target directory for downloaded artifacts")
String targetDir;
// eg --maxInState MaxInState.csv
@Option(name='--maxInState', metaVar='maxInState', usage="name of csv file with states and max counts, optional")
String maxInState;
// eg --web-server 'http://artifactory01/artifactory/'
@Option(name='--web-server', metaVar='webServer', usage='URL to use to access Artifactory server')
String webServer;
// eg --repository 'libs-release-prod'
@Option(name='--repository', metaVar='repoName', usage='Name of the repository to scan.')
String repoName;
// eg --domain 'org/apache'
@Option(name='--domain', metaVar='domain', usage='Name of the domain to scan.')
String domain;
// eg --userName cleaner
@Option(name='--userName', metaVar='userName', usage='userName to use to access Artifactory server')
String userName;
// eg --password SomePswd
@Option(name='--password', metaVar='password', usage='Password to use to access Artifactory server.')
String password;
ArrayList<String> versionsToUse = new ArrayList<String>();
class PathAndDate{
String path;
Date dtCreated;
class StateRecord {
String state;
int cnt;
List< PathAndDate > pathAndDate;
@SuppressWarnings(["SystemExit", "CatchThrowable"])
static void main( String[] args ) {
try {
new ArtifactoryProcess().doMain( args );
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
// Java returns exit code 0 if it terminates because of an uncaught Throwable.
// That's bad if we have a process like Bamboo depending on errors being non-zero.
// Thus, we catch all Throwables and explicitly set the exit code.
println( "Unexpected error: ${throwable}" )
List< StateRecord > stateSet = [];
Artifactory srvr;
RepositoryHandle repo;
private int numProcessed = 0;
String firstFunction;
String lastConfig;
void doMain( String[] args ) {
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser( this );
try {
if( function == 'config' && value == null ) {
throw new CmdLineException("You must provide a config.csv file as the value if you specify the config function.");
firstFunction = function; // Flag in case we recurse into config files, where did we start
if( function == 'config' ) {
} else {
} catch(CmdLineException ex) {
System.err.println("groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy [--dry-run] [--full-log] --function <func> --value <val> --web-server http://YourWebServer --repository libs-release-prod --domain <com/YourOrg> Version1 ...");
System.err.println(" Example: groovy ArtifactoryProcess.groovy"+parser.printExample(ExampleMode.ALL)+" 1.0.1 1.0.2");
System.err.println(" Supported functions include ${validFunctions}" );
System.err.println(" Columns in config csv files can be ${validParameters}" );
String stateLims;
if( maxInState != null && maxInState.size() > 0 ) stateLims = "(using stateLims)" else stateLims = "(no stateLims)"
println( "Started processing of $function with ${(value==null)?mustHave:value} $stateLims on $webServer in $repoName/$domain with $versionsToUse." );
withClient { newClient ->
srvr = newClient;
if( function == 'repoPrint' ) printRepositories();
else {
def processRepo() {
numProcessed = 0; // Reset count from last repo.
repo = srvr.repository( repoName );
processArtifactsRecursive( domain );
if( dryRun ) {
println "$numProcessed folders would have been $function[ed] with $value.";
} else {
println "$numProcessed folders were $function[ed] with $value.";
def processConfig() {
File configCSV = new File( value );
lastConfig = value; // Record which csv file we have last dived into.
Artifactory mySrvr = srvr; // Each line of config could have a different web server, preserve connection in case recursing
configCSV.withReader {
CsvIterator csvIt = CsvParser.parseCsv( it );
for( csvRec in csvIt ) {
if (fullLog) println("Step is ${csvRec}");
Map cols = csvRec.properties.columns;
String func = csvRec.function;
def hasFunc = cols.containsKey( 'function' );
def has = cols.containsKey( 'targetDir' );
if( cols.containsKey( 'function' ) && !noValue( csvRec.function ) ) function = csvRec.function ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'value' ) && !noValue( csvRec.value ) ) value = csvRec.value ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'targetDir' ) && !noValue( csvRec.targetDir ) ) targetDir = csvRec.targetDir ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'maxInState' ) && !noValue( csvRec.maxInState ) ) maxInState = csvRec.maxInState;
if( cols.containsKey( 'webServer' ) && !noValue( csvRec.webServer ) ) webServer = csvRec.webServer ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'repoName' ) && !noValue( csvRec.repoName ) ) repoName = csvRec.repoName ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'domain' ) && !noValue( csvRec.domain ) ) repoName = csvRec.domain ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'userName' ) && !noValue( csvRec.userName ) ) userName = csvRec.userName ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'password' ) && !noValue( csvRec.password ) ) password = csvRec.password ;
if( cols.containsKey( 'mustHave' ) ) mustHave = csvRec.mustHave; // Can clear out mustHave value
withClient { newClient ->
srvr = newClient;
srvr = mySrvr; // Restore previous web server connection
def checkParms() {
if( !noValue( maxInState ) ) {
stateSet.clear(); // Throw away any previous states from last step
File stateFile = new File( maxInState );
def RC = stateFile.withReader {
CsvIterator csvFile = CsvParser.parseCsv( it );
for( csvRec in csvFile ) {
String state = csvRec.properties.values[ 0 ];
String strCnt = csvRec.properties.values[ 1 ];
if( fullLog ) println( "State ${state} allowed ${strCnt}" );
int count = 0;
if( strCnt.integer ) count = strCnt.toInteger();
if( count < 0 ) count = 0;
// Iterator lies and claims there is a next when there isn't. Force break on empty state.
stateSet.add( new StateRecord( state: state, cnt: count, pathAndDate: [] ) );
String prefix;
if( firstFunction == 'config' && function != 'config' ) {
prefix = "While processing ${lastConfig} encountered, ";
} else prefix = '';
if( !validFunctions.contains( function ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}Unrecognized function ${function}, function is required and must be one of ${validFunctions}." );
if( function == 'mark' && noValue( value ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide a value to mark with if you specify the mark function." );
if( function == 'clear' && noValue( value ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide a value to clear with if you specify the clear function." );
if( function != 'repoPrint' && noValue( domain ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide a domain to use with the ${function} function." );
if( function == 'download' ) {
if( noValue( targetDir ) ) targetDir = '.';
if( noValue( webServer ) || noValue( userName ) || noValue( password ) || noValue( repoName ) ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide the webServer, userName, password and repository name values to use." );
if( versionsToUse.size() == 0 && stateSet.size() == 0 && function != 'repoPrint' ) {
throw new CmdLineException( "${prefix}You must provide maxInState or a list of artifacts / versions to act upon." );
Boolean noValue( var ) {
return var == null || var == '';
* Print information about all the available repositories in the configured Artifactory
def printRepositories() {
Repositories repos = srvr.repositories();
List repoList = repos.list( RepositoryTypeImpl.LOCAL );
for( it in repoList ) {
println "key :" + it.key
println "type : " + it.type
println "description : " + it.description
println "url : " + it.url
println ""
* Recursively removes all folders containing builds that start with the configured paths.
* @param path String containing the folder to check and use the childs to recursively check as well.
* @return Number with the amount of folders that were processed.
private int processArtifactsRecursive( String path ) {
ItemHandle item = repo.folder( path );
// def RC = item.isFolder(); This lies, always returns true even for a file, go figure!
// def RC = path.endsWith('.xml'); // item.info() fails for simple files, go figure!
if( !path.endsWith( '.xml' ) &&
!path.endsWith( '.jar' ) &&
item.isFolder() ) {
Folder fldr;
fldr = item.info()
} catch( Exception e ) {
println( "Error accessing $webServer/$repoName/$path" );
throw( e );
for( kid in fldr.children ) {
boolean processed = false;
if( stateSet.size() > 0 ) {
if( isEndNode( kid.uri )) {
processed = groupFolders( path + kid.uri );
} else {
versionsToUse.find { version ->
if( kid.uri.startsWith( '/' + version ) ) {
numProcessed += processItem( path + kid.uri );
return true; // Once we find a match, no others are interesting, we are outta here
} else return false; // Just formalize the on to next iterator
if( !processed ) {
processArtifactsRecursive( path + kid.uri );
/* If we are counting number in each state, our lists should be all set now */
if( stateSet.size() > 0 ) {
return numProcessed;
private boolean processedThis( String vrsn, kid ) {
if( kid.uri.startsWith('/' + vrsn )) {
numProcessed += processItem( vrsn + kid.uri );
return true; // Once we find a match, no others are interesting, we are outta here
} else return false; // Just formalize the on to next iterator
// True if nodeName is of form int.int.other, could be one line, but how would you debug it.
private boolean isEndNode( String nodeName ){
int firstDot = nodeName.indexOf( '.' );
if( firstDot <= 1 ) return false; // nodeName starts with '/' which is ignored
int secondDot = nodeName.indexOf( '.', firstDot + 1 );
if( secondDot <= 0 ) return false;
String firstInt = nodeName.substring( 1, firstDot ); // nodeName starts with '/' which is ignored
if( !firstInt.isInteger() ) return false;
String secondInt = nodeName.substring( firstDot + 1, secondDot );
if( secondInt.isInteger() ) return true;
return false;
private boolean groupFolders( String path ) {
Map<String, List<String>> props;
stateSet.find { rec ->
ItemHandle folder = repo.folder( path );
if( rec.state.size() > 0 ) {
props = folder.getProperties( rec.state );
if( rec.state.size() <= 0 || props.size() > 0 ) {
PathAndDate nodePathDate = new PathAndDate();
nodePathDate.path = path;
nodePathDate.dtCreated = folder.info().lastModified;
rec.pathAndDate.add( nodePathDate ); // process this one
return true; // No others are interest, break out of iterator
} else return false; // On to next iterator
return true; // We always process all nodes which are end nodes
private boolean processSet() {
for( set in stateSet ) {
int del = set.cnt;
if( set.pathAndDate.size() < del ) {
del = set.pathAndDate.size() }
else {
set.pathAndDate.sort() { a,b -> b.dtCreated <=> a.dtCreated }; // Sort newest first to preserve newest
while( del > 0 ) {
set.pathAndDate.remove( 0 );
while( set.pathAndDate.size() > 0 ) {
numProcessed += processItem( set.pathAndDate[ 0 ].path );
set.pathAndDate.remove( 0 );
return true;
private int processItem( String path ) {
int retVal = 0;
if( fullLog ) println "Processing folder: ${path}, ${function} with ${value}.";
def RC;
ItemHandle folder = repo.folder( path );
Map<String, List<String>> props;
boolean hasRqrd = true;
if( !noValue( mustHave ) ) {
props = folder.getProperties( mustHave );
if( props.size() > 0 ) hasRqrd = true; else hasRqrd = false; // I like this better than ternary operator, you?
if( !hasRqrd ) return retVal;
switch( function ) {
case 'delete':
if( !dryRun ) RC = repo.delete( path );
case 'download':
if( folder.isFolder() ) {
Folder item = folder.info();
item.children.find() { kid ->
if( kid.uri.endsWith('.jar') ) {
DownloadableArtifact DA = repo.download( path + kid.uri );
InputStream dlJar = DA.doDownload(); // Open Source
FileWriter lclJar = new FileWriter( targetDir + kid.uri, false ); // Open Dest
for( id in dlJar ) { lclJar.write( id ); } // Copy contents
if( fullLog ) println( "Downloaded ${path + kid.uri} to ${targetDir + kid.uri}." );
return true;
case 'mark':
props = folder.getProperties( value );
if( props.size() == 0 ) {
PropertiesHandler item = folder.properties();
PropertiesHandler PH = item.addProperty( value, 'true' );
if( !dryRun ) RC = PH.doSet();
case 'clear':
props = folder.getProperties( value );
if( props.size() == 1 ) {
if( !dryRun ) RC = folder.deleteProperty( value ); // Null return is success, go figure!
println( "Unknown function $function with $value encountered on ${path}.")
if( retVal > 0 ) println "Completed $function on $path with ${(value==null)?mustHave:value}.";
return retVal;
private <T> T withClient( @ClosureParams( value = SimpleType, options = "org.jfrog.artifactory.client.Artifactory" ) Closure<T> closure ) {
def client = ArtifactoryClient.create( "${webServer}artifactory", userName, password )
try {
return closure( client )
} finally {