
时间:2013-09-18 06:04:25

标签: java sql



tmt.setInt(1, 35);  // This would set a value such as age
stmt.setInt(2, 'Another value');


构造函数中的变量意味着:     字符串数据:各种文本字段值     字符串表:数据库中将存储值的特定表     String sql:将值bin绑定到参数的部分(我在上面的“the huddle”中提到过)


// STEP 1. Import required packages
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.List;

public class UpdateAndQuerry {

    public static String data;
    public static String table;
    public static String sql;

    public UpdateAndQuerry (String data, String table, String sql) {
        this.data = data;
        this.table = table;
        this.sql = sql;

    // JDBC driver name and database URL
    static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
    static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/EMP";

    //  Database credentials
    static final String USER = "username";
    static final String PASS = "password";

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;

        try {
            // STEP 2: Register JDBC driver

            // STEP 3: Open a connection
            System.out.println("Connecting to database...");
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL,USER,PASS);

            // STEP 4: Execute a query
            System.out.println("Creating statement...");
            // String sql = "UPDATE Employees set age = ? WHERE id = ?";

            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

            // Bind values into the parameters.
            stmt.setInt(1, 35);  // This would set age
            stmt.setInt(2, 102); // This would set ID

            // Let us update age of the record with ID = 102;
            int rows = stmt.executeUpdate();
            System.out.println("Rows impacted : " + rows );

            // Let us select all the records and display them.
            sql = "SELECT id, first, last, age FROM Employees";
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);

            // STEP 5: Extract data from result set

            while (rs.next()) {
                // Retrieve by column name
                int id  = rs.getInt("id");
                int age = rs.getInt("age");
                String first = rs.getString("first");
                String last = rs.getString("last");

                // Display values
                System.out.print("ID: " + id);
                System.out.print(", Age: " + age);
                System.out.print(", First: " + first);
                System.out.println(", Last: " + last);

            // STEP 6: Clean-up environment

        } catch (SQLException se) {

            // Handle errors for JDBC
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle errors for Class.forName

        } finally {
            // finally block used to close resources
            try {
                if (stmt != null)
            } catch (SQLException se2) {
            } // nothing we can do
            try {
                if (conn != null)
            } catch (SQLException se) {
            } // end finally try
        } // end try

    } // end main
} // end JDBCExample

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



不是专注于单个类来完成所有事情,而是可以专注于创建一系列完成所需工作的类,从抽象级别开始并从那里构建功能,随着时间的推移变得更加详细。 ..

例如,您可以使用factory pattern

public class Employee {
    private int id;
    private String first;
    private String last;
    private int age;

    public Employee(int id, String first, String last, int age) {
        this.id = id;
        this.first = first;
        this.last = last;
        this.age = age;

    /* getters and setters */

public class EmployeeQuery extends AbstractQuery<Employee> {

    public EmployeeQuery() {

    protected String getTableName() {
        return "Employees";

    protected String getSelectQuery() {
        return "id, first, last, age";

    protected Employee parse(ResultSet rs) {
        int id  = rs.getInt("id");
        int age = rs.getInt("age");
        String first = rs.getString("first");
        String last = rs.getString("last");
        return new Employee(id, first, last, age);

    protected String getUpdateColumns() {
        return "first = ?, last = ?, age = ?";

    protected String getUpdateConstraint() {
        return "id = ?";

    protected void bindValues(Employee record, PreparedStatement stmt) {
        stmt.bindString(1, record.getFirst());
        stmt.bindString(2, record.getLast());
        stmt.bindInt(3, record.getAge());
        stmt.bindInt(4, record.getID());


public abstract class AbstractQuery<T> {
    protected abstract String getTableName();
    protected abstract String getSelectQuery();
    protected abstract T parse(ResultSet rs);
    protected abstract String getUpdateColumns();
    protected abstract String getUpdateConstraint();
    protected abstract void bindValues(T record, PreparedStatement stmt);

    public List<T> list() throws SQLException {
        List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>(25);
        Connection con = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            con = // get connection
            stmt = con.createStatement();
            String query = "SELECT " + getSelectQuery() + " FROM " + getTableName();
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
            while (rs.hasNext()) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exp) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exp) {
            // Close the connection if you need to...
        return results;

    public int update(T record) throws SQLException {
        int result = -1;
        Connection con = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            con = // get connection
            String query = "UPDATE " + getTableName() + " SET " + getUpdateColumns() + " WHERE " + getUpdateConstraint();
            stmt = con.prepareStatement(query);

            bindValues(record, stmt);

            result = stmt.executeUpdate();
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exp) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exp) {
            // Close the connection if you need to...
        return result;


protected int update(String query, Object[] values) {
    stmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
    for (int index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {
         Object value = values[index];
         stmt.bindObject((index + 1), value);


public int update(int id, String first, String last, int age) {
    return update(
        "UPDATE EMPLOYEES SET first = ?, last = ?, age = ? WHERE id = ?",
        new Object[]{first, last, age, id});



答案 1 :(得分:1)



保存的代码&amp;加载这些DataForms可能应该与DataForm本身分开。 load()create()save()都应该是单独的操作。 Save可以通过是否设置了非零ID来区分INSERT和UPDATE。

您可能还需要DataForms的类型信息,以帮助例如。加载到正确的类型,写入NULL和验证。这将是一个DataFormType,其中(最简单的)是FieldName的地图 - &gt;类,或(更有用)FieldName的地图 - &gt; DataFieldType。

public interface DataFieldType {
    public Class getDataType();
    public int   getSqlType();

    public void storeToDB (Object value, PreparedStatement stmt);
    public Object loadFromDB (ResultSet rs);

    public String formatToUI (Object value);
    public void parseAndValidate (String text, BindingResult errors);  // to work with Spring framework

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

要实现您期望的功能,您必须使用JAVA Reflection API。我还建议采用以下方法

  1. 而不是将String数据传递给构造函数传递一个Objects列表。
  2. 使用反射识别对象的类型并相应地调用setter
  3. 以下是Reflections API链接http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/reflect/