
时间:2013-09-18 01:47:45

标签: c windows




/* example.c

This is a Win32 C application (ie, no MFC, WTL, nor even any C++ -- just plain C) that demonstrates
how to embed a browser "control" (actually, an OLE object) in your own window (in order to display a
web page, or an HTML file on disk). The bulk of the OLE/COM code is in DLL.c which creates a DLL that
we use in this simple app. Furthermore, we use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress, so our DLL is not
actually loaded until/unless we need it.

NOTE: The DLL we create does not normally use UNICODE strings. If you compile this example as UNICODE,
then you should do the same with DLL.C.

#include <windows.h>
#include "..\CWebPage.h"    /* Declarations of the functions in DLL.c */

// A running count of how many windows we have open that contain a browser object
unsigned char WindowCount = 0;

// The class name of our Window to host the browser. It can be anything of your choosing.
static const TCHAR  ClassName[] = "EAS";

// Where we store the pointers to CWebPage.dll's functions
EmbedBrowserObjectPtr       *lpEmbedBrowserObject;
UnEmbedBrowserObjectPtr     *lpUnEmbedBrowserObject;
DisplayHTMLPagePtr          *lpDisplayHTMLPage;
DisplayHTMLStrPtr           *lpDisplayHTMLStr;

/****************************** WindowProc() ***************************
 * Our message handler for our window to host the browser.

    if (uMsg == WM_CREATE)
        // Embed the browser object into our host window. We need do this only
        // once. Note that the browser object will start calling some of our
        // IOleInPlaceFrame and IOleClientSite functions as soon as we start
        // calling browser object functions in EmbedBrowserObject().
        if ((*lpEmbedBrowserObject)(hwnd)) return(-1);

        // Another window created with an embedded browser object

        // Success

    if (uMsg == WM_DESTROY)
        // Detach the browser object from this window, and free resources.

        // One less window

        // If all the windows are now closed, quit this app
        if (!WindowCount) PostQuitMessage(0);


    // NOTE: If you want to resize the area that the browser object occupies when you
    // resize the window, then handle WM_SIZE and use the IWebBrowser2's put_Width()
    // and put_Height() to give it the new dimensions.

    return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam));

/****************************** WinMain() ***************************
 * C program entry point.
 * This creates a window to host the web browser, and displays a web
 * page.

int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hInstNULL, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    HINSTANCE       cwebdll;
    MSG             msg;
    WNDCLASSEX      wc;

    // Load our DLL containing the OLE/COM code. We do this once-only. It's named "cwebpage.dll"
    if ((cwebdll = LoadLibrary("cwebpage.dll")))
        // Get pointers to the EmbedBrowserObject, DisplayHTMLPage, DisplayHTMLStr, and UnEmbedBrowserObject
        // functions, and store them in some globals.

        // Get the address of the EmbedBrowserObject() function. NOTE: Only Reginald has this one
        lpEmbedBrowserObject = (EmbedBrowserObjectPtr *)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)cwebdll, "EmbedBrowserObject");

        // Get the address of the UnEmbedBrowserObject() function. NOTE: Only Reginald has this one
        lpUnEmbedBrowserObject = (UnEmbedBrowserObjectPtr *)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)cwebdll, "UnEmbedBrowserObject");

        // Get the address of the DisplayHTMLPagePtr() function
        lpDisplayHTMLPage = (DisplayHTMLPagePtr *)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)cwebdll, "DisplayHTMLPage");

        // Get the address of the DisplayHTMLStr() function
        lpDisplayHTMLStr = (DisplayHTMLStrPtr *)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)cwebdll, "DisplayHTMLStr");

        // Register the class of our window to host the browser. 'WindowProc' is our message handler
        // and 'ClassName' is the class name. You can choose any class name you want.
        ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX));
        wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
        wc.hInstance = hInstance;
        wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc;
        wc.lpszClassName = &ClassName[0];

        // Create another window with another browser object embedded in it.
        if ((msg.hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, &ClassName[0], "Emergency Alert System", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0,
                        HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, hInstance, 0)))
            // For this window, display a URL. This could also be a HTML file on disk such as "c:\\myfile.htm".
            (*lpDisplayHTMLPage)(msg.hwnd, "http://www.google.com");

            // Show the window.
            ShowWindow(msg.hwnd, nCmdShow);

        // Do a message loop until WM_QUIT.
        while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))

        // Free the DLL.


    MessageBox(0, "Can't open cwebpage.dll! You are not protected by Emergency Alerting System. Click OK to terminate this application. Contact the developer, Scott Plunkett.", "ERROR", MB_OK);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果为WM_SYSCOMMAND message创建处理程序并检查SC_SYSCLOSE参数,则可以阻止它执行关闭窗口的默认操作。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我注意到它不是MFC应用程序,因此您必须调用Win32 Library才能启用该功能。 试试这个:http://www.davekb.com/browse_programming_tips:win32_disable_close_button:txt

--- --- EDIT



wc.style = CS_NOCLOSE;//in your code
