
时间:2013-09-17 14:37:57

标签: java multithreading swing swingworker

我有一个管理单独串行协议线程的Java GUI应用程序。应用程序的本质是,当协议数据线程中的数据发生变化时,我需要闪存文本字段 - 想想实时数据监视器的一部分,它会查看随时间变化的稳定数据帧。我当前处理动画视图的方式是通过自定义SwingWorker(在下面的示例代码中显示为ComponentAnimator,动画实现AnimatableComponent的Swing对象列表 - 实际上只是用于我的应用程序的文本字段),它是从事件线程绑定协议数据数据的变化。 SwingWorker闪烁一个Text组件(在闪烁之间以指定的持续时间将前景和背景文本反转N次)。这是一种粗略的动画形式,当协议中的数据变化缓慢时效果很好。


 * Handles bound Frame Info property.  For this particular panel,
 * the frameInfo may be associated with this Simulator (Panel)
 * or from frames received from the Prosim737 translated TCP
 * strings.
 * @param aNewFrameInfo
 *               new frame of 429 words
 * @param aOldFrameInfo
 *               old frame of 429 words - if this is null
 *               then this represents the first time
 *               callback of that frame.  This is particularly
 *               important when processing the first Prosim737
 *               Frame for the indicator bits as we must ensure
 *               that we update all indicator bits.  For
 *               subsequent frames we are only interested in
 *               deltas.
private void handleNewFrameData(
    final ProsimLabelInfo aNewFrameInfo,
    final ProsimLabelInfo aOldFrameInfo) {
    // log the event to the log area (this is done in the EVT queue)
    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            // log changes, don't need a verbose date
            // SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss:SSS");
            java.util.Date lastLogTimeStamp = (aOldFrameInfo == null)?
                aNewFrameInfo.getTimeStamp() : aOldFrameInfo.getTimeStamp();
            // Code added to handle updating the widgets to default when
            // this is the first callback to handleNewFrameData (i.e
            // when aOldFrameInfo null)
            java.util.Date deltaT = new java.util.Date(
                aNewFrameInfo.getTimeStamp().getTime() -
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
                "DT" + gTimeFormat.format(deltaT));
            // make sure we behave like tail -f by setting the caretPosition
            // to the end of the stream of data
            StyledDocument doc = jEventLogTextPane.getStyledDocument();
            // only print changed label details
            boolean bFromPanel = aNewFrameInfo.isFromPanel();
            for (Base429Word newWord : aNewFrameInfo.getDataWords().values()) {
                List<AnimatableComponent> flashingText = new ArrayList<>();
                // get the corresponding label from
                // the previous frame update if any
                Base429Word oldWord = (aOldFrameInfo == null)? null :
                // update GUI elements - if first time word encountered
                if (oldWord == null || !oldWord.equals(newWord)) {
                    processUpdatedWord(bFromPanel, oldWord, newWord);
                    if ((oldWord == null) || !newWord.equals(oldWord)) {
                        JTextComponent textField = bFromPanel? 
                        if (textField != null) {
                            flashingText.add(new TextFieldAnimator(
                                Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE,   // final colors
                                Color.YELLOW, Color.RED));  // animating colors
                    if (flashingText.size() > 0) {
                        // flash first time or changed received words
                            new ComponentAnimator(flashingText, 1, 70));
            // red for changed areas, blue for timestamp prefix
            try {
                doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), sb.toString(), gBlueTextAttrs);
                if ( !jSaveLogButton.isEnabled() ) {
            } catch (BadLocationException ex) {}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  • SwingWorker不可共享,因为被指定为单个实例运行,没有非错误的方式将值从一个实例传递到另一个实例(意味着来自publish()process()setProgress()),因为getProgress()不适用{/ 1>}

  • 这是标准线程的工作

  • 使用信号量进行线程处理,但是已经可见的Swing GUI的所有输出都必须包装到invokeLater中,仅包含在AWT,Swing中实现的方法,而不是整个方法生成此输出

  • 您可以从SwingWorker调用Executor并开始第二名。 (SwingWorker

  • 中以done()实例传递值的(任意数量的实例)实例 例如
  • 1)对于信号量,你会need to naming SwingWorkers instances

    2)another reference code

    3)注意添加PropertyChangeListener,....没有实现任何AWT,Swing Listener