
时间:2013-09-17 12:43:28

标签: android map bitmap projection getpixel

我在美国有一个温度位图,可以显示为地图叠加层。该部分工作正常 - 位图温度叠加完美地位于地图上相对于边界和地理点。


点击工作正常,但我注意到哪些像素被检索不准确。例如,我可以点击位图的可见部分下方(如墨西哥)并仍然返回彩色像素 - 相反,在地图的顶部(加拿大附近),我可以点击可见的位图而不返回任何像素。就好像返回的像素值都向南移动了大约50英里。当缩小时误差不是很大或很明显,但是当放大时它们变得很明显,因为显然会返回错误的像素(温度)值。



public class BitmapOverlay extends Overlay {

Bitmap bmp;
Bitmap bmp2;
Context mContext;
GeoPoint upperLeft;
GeoPoint lowerRight;
Paint paint;
Paint lpaint;
Point ppupperLeft;
Point pplowerRight;
Rect src;
Rect src2;
Rect dst;
int frame;
int complete=100;

boolean shadow;
AnimationDrawable animation;
ImageView radarView;

Double W=(-129.357400913)* 1E6;
Double S=(23.560962423770285)* 1E6;
Double E=(-64.6787004566)* 1E6;
Double N=(50.3092170302897)* 1E6;

Projection currentProjection;

boolean mExternalStorageAvailable = false;
String fullPath;

boolean running;

public BitmapOverlay (Context freshContext){

    paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);


    String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();

    if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(state)) {
    // We can read and write the media
    mExternalStorageAvailable = true;

    Log.i("isSdReadable", "External storage card is readable.");

    } else if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY.equals(state)) {
    // We can only read the media
    Log.i("isSdReadable", "External storage card is readable.");
    mExternalStorageAvailable = true;
    } else {
    // Something else is wrong. It may be one of many other
    // states, but all we need to know is we can neither read nor write
    mExternalStorageAvailable = false;

    upperLeft=new GeoPoint(N.intValue(),W.intValue());
    lowerRight=new GeoPoint(S.intValue(),E.intValue());

    ppupperLeft = new Point();
    pplowerRight = new Point();



public void UpdateFrame(int sentframe , String ET){
//  complete=sentcomplete;

    if ( mExternalStorageAvailable == true) {

    //  Log.i("MyRadarOverlay", "got BMP Frame="+frame);

        //have to convert complete to frame to sequence... otherwise it gets to 5     
and stops..
        //might need to figure better wayt o tell when bmp is done

        if (ET.equals("temp")){fullPath =  
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +  

        if (ET.equals("radar")){fullPath = 
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +  

        // Look for the file on the external storage
        try {

        bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(fullPath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("getThumbnail() on external storage", e.getMessage());

        if (ET.equals("radar")){    
        fullPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +  

    //  Log.i("MyRadarOverlay", "sifile path="+fullPath);

        // Look for the file on the external storage
        try {
        //if (tools.isSdReadable() == true) {

        bmp2 = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(fullPath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("getThumbnail() on external storage", e.getMessage());
        //end of second if et == radar



  public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {


    currentProjection.toPixels(upperLeft, ppupperLeft);
    currentProjection.toPixels(lowerRight, pplowerRight);

    dst = new Rect( ppupperLeft.x, ppupperLeft.y, pplowerRight.x, pplowerRight.y );

    if (bmp2 != null ){

        src = new Rect( 0,0, bmp2.getWidth() , bmp2.getHeight()  );

        canvas.drawBitmap(bmp2, src, dst, paint);


  if (bmp != null ){

    src = new Rect( 0,0, bmp.getWidth() , bmp.getHeight()  );

    canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, src, dst, paint);



//###################ON TAP#################################   

public boolean onTap( GeoPoint geoPoint, MapView mapView) {

//  Log.i("My Info", "overlay-on tap called");
     Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "TAP at"+geoPoint);     

 //  take left lon add right lon...add basically get a range of lons that the point can  
fall under//
//   if it falls within the range get the percentage ...

 //  the start left most lon is equivalent to 0 the right most is equavalent to the 
//   find the relative position on that range

     double xpixel=0;
     double ypixel=0;

     double latgeopoint=geoPoint.getLatitudeE6();
     double longeopoint=geoPoint.getLongitudeE6();

    //find out if it is within longitude range of bitmap
    if (longeopoint>W && longeopoint<E){
        //find out if it is within latitude range of bitmap
        if (latgeopoint>S && latgeopoint<N){

        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "passed if statement- 

        //work  on lon side
        double lonrange=W-longeopoint;
        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "lonrange="+lonrange);

        double lonratio=lonrange/W-E;
        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "lonratio="+lonratio);

        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "xpixel="+xpixel);

        //work on lat side

        double latrange=N-latgeopoint;
        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "latrange="+latrange);

        double latratio=latrange/N-S;
        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "latratio="+latratio);

        Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "ypixel="+ypixel);

        //end if lat
    //end if lon    

     //convert doubles to ints
    int pixelx = (int)xpixel;
    int pixely = (int)ypixel;

    Log.i("BITMAP OVERALY", "pixelx,pixely="+pixelx+","+pixely);

    int pixel = bmp.getPixel(pixelx, pixely);

    int redValue =;
    int greenValue =;
    int blueValue =;

    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Color.RGBToHSV(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, hsv);

    String mytemp="";

    if (hsv[0]<5){mytemp="Greater than 110";}
    if (hsv[0]<=20 && hsv[0]>5){mytemp="100 to 110";}
    if (hsv[0]<=45 && hsv[0]>20){mytemp="90 to 100";}
    if (hsv[0]<=60 && hsv[0]>45){mytemp="80 to 90";}
    if (hsv[0]<=80 && hsv[0]>60){mytemp="70 to 80";}
    if (hsv[0]<=120 && hsv[0]>80){mytemp="60 to 70";}
    if (hsv[0]<=150 && hsv[0]>120){mytemp="50 to 60";}

            AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext);

                      new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                          public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {



              dialog.setTitle("BITMAP TAP hsv=" + hsv[0] + " " + hsv[1] + " " + 
hsv[2] + " TEMP="+mytemp);


    return false; 
 //end on tap   


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果其他人偶然发现了这一点 - 我找到了解决方案。显然,错误是由于发生了web mercator映射转换。我覆盖在地图上的位图只能在远北和南边界准确。那是错误为零的地方。我越接近我的位图相对于纬度的中点,误差就越大。我能够通过在位图上绘制一组像素然后将它们与已知的lat线进行比较来量化中点处的误差。在这种特殊情况下,误差在中点处约为54个像素。我还在已知的纬度上测试了南北方的一些其他点,以便创建错误数据集。现在,我知道我的错误,我可以插入一个修正,以应用于每个特定的纬度。为了准确插值,我正在使用Cubic插值。