如何从没有服务器访问repo的git repo进行部署?

时间:2013-09-16 20:04:52

标签: git deployment rsync scp

我在BitBucket git repo中有一个PHP项目。



但我真的不希望我的服务器能够访问我的仓库,因为这会增加安全性。如果你关心安全性,你希望你的仓库尽可能少的地方。如果您的服务器遭到入侵,这是一个非常糟糕的情况,但如果攻击者可以访问我的完整仓库则会更糟。 This person同意。

所以我假设我想使用git archive master这样的内容,例如https://stackoverflow.com/a/163769/470749解释。

如何设置一个检测推送“master”的钩子,然后运行git archive master将最新的代码(不是作为回购)导出到压缩的zip文件中,然后通过该文件发送(通过SCP和/或Rsync?)到远程服务器,将其解压缩到一个新目录,然后(可能通过更改符号链接)将服务器指向该新目录?

奖金问题:我怎样才能启用简单的紧急回滚? (我想可能会出现我想要快速恢复到之前提交的情况。)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<强> deploy.sh:

##This executable file will export your latest code from master (via "git archive") and will upload it 
##to the remote server and then call a script on the server to handle from there.

source dev-ops/archive_and_upload.sh

##On the remote server, run a script to archive the existing production site files and then deploy the uploaded package.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa myUserName@vientiane.dreamhost.com <<'ENDSSH'

set -e

cd /home/myUserName/myProjectName/latest

##Unzip the zip file, then delete it.
echo "Unzipping the package.zip..."
unzip -o package.zip && rm package.zip  

cd /home/myUserName/myProjectName/

nowTime=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d__%H:%M:%S")
echo "The archive will have this timestamp: " $nowTime

##Copy the "latest" folder to a dated "packages" subfolder.
cp -R latest/ packages/$nowTime 
echo "Copied the existing site to an archive."

##Install Laravel dependencies.
echo "Running Composer so that the remote server downloads and installs dependencies..."
cd packages/$nowTime 
php -d memory_limit=256M ~/bin/composer.phar install   

##Delete the "live" symlink and immediately create a new "live" symlink to the most recent subfolder within "packages".
echo "Updating the symlinks..."
cd /home/myUserName/myProjectName/
echo `pwd`
rm previous
mv live previous && ln -s packages/$nowTime live && ls -lah  

##Clear out the "latest" folder in preparation for next time.
echo "Deleting the contents of the 'latest' folder in preparation for next time..."
rm -rf latest/* && ls latest   


<强> archive_and_upload.sh:

##This executable file will export your latest code from master (via "git archive") and will upload it 
##to the remote server.

##Clear out the contents of the previous export package.
rm -rf dev-ops/package/*   

##Export the "master" branch of this git repo. (The result is not a repo but is just code.)
git archive --format zip --output dev-ops/package/package.zip master  

##Send zip file to remote server.
scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa dev-ops/package/package.zip myUserName@vientiane.dreamhost.com:/home/myUserName/myProjectName/latest/package.zip 

<强> revert_to_previous_package.sh:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa myUserName@vientiane.dreamhost.com <<'ENDSSH'

set -e

cd /home/myUserName/myProjectName/

mv live rollingBack && mv previous live && mv rollingBack previous && ls -lah


