
时间:2013-09-14 19:02:10

标签: python python-2.7

我有35个文件夹,每个文件夹包含50个图像,每个图像都有不同的名称,如copy(3), rename, youanem等。我想将所有文件夹中的所有图像重命名为序列号,即文件夹0包含50个图像,它应该为它们提供0-49之类的数字,并为其余文件夹及其图像提供相同的数字。文件夹名称为0-9,然后是A-Z。



from os import rename, listdir

folder = "D://images//"
fnames = listdir('.')

for fname in fnames:
    if fname.startswith(folder):
        rename(fname, fname.replace(name, '', 1))



12 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



答案 1 :(得分:4)


import os
for dirname in os.listdir("."):
    if os.path.isdir(dirname):
        for i, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(dirname)):
            os.rename(dirname + "/" + filename, dirname + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp")

答案 2 :(得分:2)


for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
    for i,f in enumerate(files):
        absname = os.path.join(root, f)
        newname = os.path.join(root, str(i))
        os.rename(absname, newname)


答案 3 :(得分:1)








import os, webbrowser as wb, time, re, datetime as dt
from Tkinter import Tk
import tkFileDialog as fd
Tk().withdraw() # to stop shell opening for Tkinter
username = os.environ.get('username')
path = None
open_when_done = False
err_log = os.path.join(os.getenv('dt'),'rename_error_log.txt') # append

# Globals
g_sort_type = 'NATURAL' # options allowed for DATE or NATURAL i.e. how Windows would sort by default

def write_log_file(file_history, reverted=False):
    fname = str(username+'_'+str(dt.datetime.today())[:19]+'.csv').replace(':','-')
    logfile = os.path.join(os.environ.get('logs'), 'rename', fname.replace(' ','_'))
    f = open(logfile, 'w')
    if reverted:
        f.write('These files were reverted!!!\n')
    f.write('Filename, Old Name, New Name\n')
    for row in file_history:
        f.write(str(str(row[0])+', '+row[1]+', '+row[2]+'\n'))

def revert(file_history):
    for row in file_history:
        new_name = row[2]
        old_name = row[1]
        print '...reverting file', new_name, 'to', old_name
        os.rename(os.path.join(path,new_name), os.path.join(path,old_name))

def get_range(specific, file_list, excl_list):
    count = len(file_list)

    #find a zero based index range (which goes upto but not including the upper limit)
    if specific == 'Y':
        print '\n'
        print 'Please specify the name of the file you want to start from, you do not need to'
        print 'write the full name, just enough characters for the input to be unique e.g. if'
        print 'two files are called "P30687" and "P30799", a single file could be identifed by'
        print 'entering "P306".\n'
        print 'You can leave either the start filename or end filename empty.'

        c = 0
        while c <> 1:
            c, tmp = 0, None
            print '\n','Range Start:'
            print '-----------'
            first = raw_input('Please enter the file to start from: ').lower()
            if not first:
                start = 0
            for name in file_list:
                if first in name.lower():
                    if not tmp:
                        tmp = name
                    c += 1
            if c == 0:
                print 'No matches were found for string:', first, ', please try again...'
            elif c > 1:
                print 'More than one file found, do you want to start from the first: '+tmp
                if raw_input('(Y/N?): ').upper() == 'Y':
                    start, c = file_list.index(tmp), 1
                    'Okay, please give a more specific name.\n'
                start = file_list.index(tmp)

        c = 0
        while c <> 1:
            c, tmp = 0, None

            print '\n','Range End:'
            print '---------'
            last = raw_input('Please enter the last file to be included: ').lower()
            if not last:
                end = count
            for name in file_list:
                if last in name.lower():
                    if not tmp:
                        tmp = name
                    c += 1
            if c == 0:
                print 'No matches were found for string:', last, ', please try again...'
            elif c > 1:
                print 'More than one file found, do you want to start from the first: '+tmp+' (Y/N?):'
                if raw_input('> ').upper() == 'Y':
                    last, c = file_list.index(tmp)+1, 1
                    'Okay, please give a more specific name.\n'
                end = file_list.index(tmp)+1

        start, end = 0, count

    return start, end, count

def make_excl_list():
    finished = False
    lst = []
    print '\n'
    print 'You will now be prompted for any text strings that you want to exclude from the'
    print 'renaming process. Please notes that these are not case sensitive i.e. "mar"'
    print 'would exclude any file names containing "MAR" or "Mar" etc. \n'

    while not finished:
        lst.append(raw_input('Enter exclusion text: ').lower())
        if raw_input('Do you want to add any more? (Y/N): ').upper()[0] == 'N':
            finished = True
    return lst

def rename_files(file_list, file_type):
    happy = False
    excl_list = []

    while not happy:
        print 'No of Digits:'
        print '------------'
        print 'How many digits do you want to use for the numbering e.g. 3 for 001 - 999'
        no_of_digits = int(raw_input('> '))

        print '\n', 'Start No:'
        print '--------'
        if raw_input('Do you want to start from 1? (Y/N): ').upper() == 'Y':
            file_no = 1
            file_no = int(raw_input('Please enter the number that you want to start from: '))

        print '\n', 'Exclusions:'
        print '----------'
        print 'Do you want to specify any exclusions (i.e. files to be left unchanged) (Y/N)?'
        excl = raw_input('> ').upper()

        if excl == 'Y':
            excl_list = make_excl_list()

        print '\n', 'Range:'
        print '-----'
        print 'Do you want to specify a range of filenames to be renamed (Y/N)?'
        rnge = raw_input('> ').upper()
        start, end, count = get_range(rnge, file_list, excl_list)

        print '\n', 'Prefix:'
        print '------'
        print 'Please enter the prefix that you want to use before the numbers (can be empty)'
        prefix = raw_input('> ')

        print '\n', 'Suffix:'
        print '------'
        print 'Please enter the suffix that you want to use after the numbers (can be empty)'
        print 'For a special suffix of _ and the month the file was last modified enter _mon'
        suffix = raw_input('> ')

        l = len(str(file_no))
        eg = prefix+'0'*(no_of_digits-l)+str(file_no)+suffix+' to '+prefix+'9'*no_of_digits+suffix
        print '\n', 'Naming schema set to:', eg

        print '\n', 'Proceed?'
        print '-------'
        if raw_input('Are you happy to proceed? (Y/N): ').upper() == 'Y':
            happy = True
            if raw_input('Do you want to change directory? (Y/N): ').upper() == 'Y':
                return False
                print 'Okay, we can go through the instructions again for the current directory\n'

    file_history = [] # contains a row per file with (file_no, old_name, new_name)

    print '\n', (end - start), file_type, 'files found wuthin range.'
    if raw_input('Do you want to rename these files? (Y/N): ').upper() == 'Y':
        print '\n', 'Starting renaming process...', '\n'

        # loop through specified range within file_list
        for n in range(start,end):
            excluded = False
            if excl == 'Y':
                for ex in excl_list:
                    if ex in file_list[n].lower():
                        excluded = True
                        print '***leaving file', file_list[n], 'because of exclusion:', ex

            if not excluded:        
                if suffix == '_mon':
                    use_suffix = '_'+time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(path, file_list[n])))[4:7]
                    use_suffix = suffix
                l = len(str(file_no))
                ext = file_list[n][file_list[n].rfind('.'):].lower()
                new_name = prefix+'0'*(no_of_digits-l)+str(file_no)+use_suffix+ext
                file_history.append((file_no, file_list[n], new_name))
                print '...renaming file', file_list[n], 'to', new_name
                os.rename(os.path.join(path,file_list[n]), os.path.join(path,new_name))
                file_no += 1
        if open_when_done:
            print '\n', 'Opening directory...', '\n'
        return False

    print 'The files have now been re-named. However, a record has been taken of the old'
    print 'file names so that they can be reverted if required.','\n'

    if raw_input('Are you happy with the changes? (Y/N): ').upper() == 'Y':
        write_log_file(file_history, False)
        return True
        if raw_input('Do you want to revert to the old file name? (Y/N): ').upper() == 'Y':
            write_log_file(file_history, True)
            print '\n', 'The files should now be restored to their original names'
        return True

def sort_list(l):
    if g_sort_type.upper() == 'DATE':
        file_date_tuple_list, sorted_files = [], []

        for i in l:
            d = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(path,i))
            file_date_tuple = (i,d)

        file_date_tuple_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

        for i in file_date_tuple_list:
        return sorted_files
        convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
        alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
        return sorted(l, key = alphanum_key)

def get_file_extensions(file_type):
    if file_type == 'image':
        lst = [
            '.bmp',      #Bitmap Image File
            '.dds',      #DirectDraw Surface
            '.dng',      #Digital Negative Image File
            '.gif',      #Graphical Interchange Format File
            '.jpg',      #JPEG Image
            '.png',      #Portable Network Graphic
            '.psd',      #Adobe Photoshop Document
            '.pspimage', #PaintShop Pro Image
            '.tga',      #Targa Graphic
            '.thm',      #Thumbnail Image File
            '.tif',      #Tagged Image File
            '.yuv',      #YUV Encoded Image File
            '.mov',      #Movie File
    return lst

def make_list():
    selected = False

    while not selected:
        # Date or natural sort used to order contents as Windows does
        content = sort_list(os.listdir(path))
        print '\n', 'The current directory selected is:','\n', path,'\n'

        file_type = 'image'
        ext_list = get_file_extensions(file_type)
        file_list = []
        for name in content:
            if name[name.rfind('.'):].lower() in ext_list:
        print ''

        if len(file_list) == 0:
            print 'No image files have been found', '\n'
            selected = rename_files(file_list, file_type)
    return path

def get_dir():
    global path
    tmp_path, pict = None, None
    computer = os.environ.get('computername')

    if computer.lower() == 'prosser-pc':
        if os.getenv('username').lower() == 'rachel.prosser':
            pict = os.path.join('E:\Users', os.getenv('username'), 'Pictures', 'Family Photos')
            pict = os.path.join('E:\Users', os.getenv('username'), 'Pictures')
        pict = os.path.join(os.environ.get('userprofile'), 'Pictures')

    # start user from relevant pictures directory...

    while not path:
        # if tmp_path assigned at end of previous loop use this, otherwise prompt for dir...
        if tmp_path:
            path = tmp_path
            tmp_path = None
            print 'Please select a directory to rename images...', '\n'
            path = fd.askdirectory()

        # false is returned if something goes wrong causing the loop to continue
        path = make_list()

        if raw_input('Do you want to Continue? (Y\N): ').upper() == 'Y':
            if raw_input('Do you want to use the same directory again? (Y\N): ').upper() == 'Y':
                tmp_path = path #store to use in next loop
            path = None #this will cause the loop to continue

def main():
    print 'Program written by Chris Prosser for his beloved wife Rachel.', '\n'
    print 'This program allows the user to select a directory and rename all of the files'
    print 'of a given type within that directory.', '\n'

    except NameError:
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
        print 'An error occurred, the details shown below will be written to an error log file:'
        print err_log
        print ''.join('!! ' + line for line in lines)
        with open(err_log, "a") as myfile:
            myfile.write(''.join('!! ' + line for line in lines))
        print '\n', '*** PROCESS COMPLETE ***'

if __name__ == '__main__':

答案 4 :(得分:0)

import os
import os.path
img_types = ['jpg', 'tif']
for dirpath, dirnames, fnames in os.walk(base_path):
    imgs = [f for f in fnames if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in img_types]
    for j, im in enumerate(imgs):
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(im)
        os.rename(os.path.join(dirpath, im), os.path.join(dirpath,'{}.{}'.format(j, ext)))

答案 5 :(得分:0)

在Python 3.7.x中(我不知道以前的版本),该解决方案可以在目录中使用任何类型的文件,并且到目前为止我还没有出现任何错误。

import os

directory = 'C:/...'

for i, f in enumerate(os.listdir(directory)):
    f_name, f_ext = os.path.splitext(f)
    new_name = 'asyouwant {}'.format(asyouwant, f_ext)
    os.rename(f, new_name)

请注意,定义“ new_name”时,必须提供文件的扩展名(末尾)。

答案 6 :(得分:0)


import os
# Function to rename multiple files
def main():
   i = 0
   for filename in os.listdir(path):
      my_dest ="Object " + str(i) + ".jpg"
      my_source =path + filename
      my_dest =path + my_dest
  # rename() function will
  # rename all the files
      os.rename(my_source, my_dest)
      i += 1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
   # Calling main() function

答案 7 :(得分:0)

此代码将重命名该路径中具有四位数字的所有文件,例如- 0001.jpg,0002.jpg,....,0999.jpg,1000.jpg

import os


path = "Images/test/"
file_type = "jpg"

for i, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(path)):

    i = str(i)

    if len(i)==1:
        i = "000"+i
    elif len(i)==2:
        i = "00"+i
    elif len(i)==3:
        i = "0"+i
        i = str(i)

    os.rename(path + filename, path + str(i) + "." + file_type)

答案 8 :(得分:0)

"mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",

答案 9 :(得分:0)



import os
import glob

current_files = glob.glob('./*.png')

for i, filename in enumerate(current_files):
    os.rename(filename, './' + '0'*(2-len(str(i))) + str(i) + '.png')


答案 10 :(得分:0)


import os
collection = "/home/jerald/Downloads/whatsapp-images/xyz"
for i, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(collection)):
    os.rename("/home/jerald/Downloads/whatsapp-images/xyz/" + filename, "/home/jerald/Downloads/whatsapp-images/xyz/" + str(i) + ".jpg")

答案 11 :(得分:0)

截至 2021 年 3 月,假设您的图像文件名是“ABC_1234_5678_pre_fire.png”,文件夹中还包含“ABC_1234_5678_post_fire.png”,您只需重命名“pre”,而不会影响图像名称的顺序。这是一个也可以尝试的片段:

import glob
import os
from os.path import basename, splitext

imageFile = glob.glob("/path_to_folder/*.png") # Folder containing images with name format "ABC_1234_5678_pre_fire.png" & "ABC_1234_5678_post_fire.png"

l = len(imageFile)

for i in range(l):                          
   imageName = imageFile[i]
   a, b, c, d, e = basename(imageName).split('_')

   if d == 'pre':
      d = '' # Replace with string you require
      os.rename(imageName, "/path_to_folder/" + a + "_" + b + "_" + c + "_" + d + e) # Rename the images file in the same folder at once