使用Cloudera Manager初始化一个节点Hadoop时出错

时间:2013-09-13 01:33:59

标签: linux hadoop cloudera

我正在使用Cloudera Virtualbox。我正在尝试使用cloudera manager设置一个节点hadoop集群。这是我得到的错误。

BEGIN yum makecache
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
http://beta.cloudera.com/search/redhat/6/x86_64/search/0/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] 
PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404"
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: cdh-solr.
Please verify its path and try again
END (1)
Installing jdk package...
BEGIN yum list installed jdk
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Installed Packages
jdk.x86_64 2000:1.6.0_31-fcs @cloudera-manager
END (0)
BEGIN echo jdk cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-daemons | grep jdk
jdk cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-daemons
END (0)
BEGIN yum info jdk
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Determining fastest mirrors
* base: mirror.as24220.net
* epel: mirror.as24220.net
* extras: mirror.colocity.com
* updates: centos.mirror.crucial.com.au
http://beta.cloudera.com/search/redhat/6/x86_64/search/0/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14]
PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404"
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: cdh-solr
Please verify its path and try again
END (1)
remote package jdk is not available, giving up
waiting for rollback request 


谢谢, 阿斯温

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$ sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-search.repo
$ sudo yum update

如果您需要使用Cloudera Search,这不是您想要的解决方案。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我找到了问题的解决方案。我以为我会回答我自己的问题。它可能会帮助别人。 问题是最新的clouder经理是4.7.1。但是他们网站上提供的cloudera VM有cloudera manager 4.6。 因此,通过VM升级管理器将有助于通过jdk安装错误。 这是一个链接,其中包含有关更新管理器的所有信息。 http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera-content/cloudera-docs/CM4Ent/latest/Cloudera-Manager-Administration-Guide/cmag_upgrade_cm4_to_4.html