
时间:2013-09-12 18:43:42

标签: xslt






    When a file is transformed using this stylesheet the output will be
    formatted as follows:

    1.)  Elements named "info" will be removed
    2.)  Duplicate sibling elements will be removed
    3.)  Attributes named "file_line_nr" or "file_name" will be removed
    4.)  Comments will be removed
    5.)  Processing instructions will be removed
    6.)  XML declaration will be removed
    7.)  Extra whitespace will be removed
    8.)  Empty attributes will be removed
    9.)  Elements which have no attributes, child elements, or text will be removed
    10.) All elements will be sorted by name recursively
    11.) All attributes will be sorted by name

    <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

        Elements/attributes to remove.  Note that comments are not elements or
        attributes.  Since there is no template to match comments they are
        automatically ignored.
    <xsl:template match="@*[normalize-space()='']|info|@file_line_nr|@file_name"/>

    <!-- Match any attribute -->
    <xsl:template match="@*">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>

    <!-- Match any element -->
    <xsl:template match="*">
        <xsl:variable name="elementFragment">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="@*">
                    <xsl:sort select="name()"/>
                    <xsl:sort select="name()"/>
        <xsl:variable name="element" select="xalan:nodeset($elementFragment)/*"/>
        <xsl:if test="$element/@* or $element/* or normalize-space($element)">
            <xsl:copy-of select="$element"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><!-- XML declaration should be removed -->
<z b="b" a="a" c="c">
    <?some-app inst="some instruction"?><!-- Processing instructions should be removed -->
    <a><!-- Keep elements like this because it has child elements -->
        <x c="c" b="b" a="a"/><!-- Keep elements like this because it has attributes -->
        <c>some text</c><!-- Keep elements like this because it has text -->
        <info a="a"/><!-- Elements named "info" are to be removed -->
        <w file_line_nr="42" file_name="somefile.txt"/><!-- Attributes named "file_line_nr" and "file_name" are to be removed which will leave this element empty, so it should be removed too -->
        <d/><!-- Remove elements like this because it has not attributes, no children, and no text -->

        <v a="a"><!-- Keep this element because it and it sibling "v" element are unique.. It does not have the same exact descendants as its sibling "v" element -->
            some text
            <i a="a">some text</i>
            <q a="a">some text</q>
        <v a="a">
            some text
            <i a="a">some different text</i><!-- text is different -->
            <q a="a">some text</q>

        <e a="a"><!-- Keep this element because it and it sibling "e" element are unique.. It does not have the same exact descendants as its sibling "e" element -->
            some text
            <j a="a">
                <p>some text</p>
        <e a="a">
            some text
            <j a="a">
                <p>some different text</p><!-- text is different -->

        <u a="a"><!-- Keep this element because it and it sibling "e" element are unique.. It does not have the same exact descendants as its sibling "e" element -->
            some text
            <k a="a">some text</k>
            <n a="a">some text</n>
        <u a="a">
            some text
            <k b="b">some text</k><!-- attribute is different -->
            <n a="a">some text</n>

        <f a="a"><!-- Keep this element because it and it sibling "f" element are unique.. It does not have the same exact attributes as its sibling "f" element -->
            some text
            <l a="a">some text</l>
            <m a="a">some text</m>
        <f b="b"><!-- attribute is different -->
            some text
            <l a="a">some text</l>
            <m a="a">some text</m>

        <t a="a"><!-- Keep this element because it and it sibling "t" element are unique. It does not have the same exact text as its sibling "t" element -->
            some text
            <az a="a">some text</az>
            <aa a="a">some text</aa>
        <t a="a">
            some different text<!-- text is different -->
            <az a="a">some text</az>
            <aa a="a">some text</aa>

        <g a="a"><!-- Remove this element because it is NOT unique. Its attributes, descendants, and text are exactly the same as its sibling "g" element -->
            some text
            <ay a="a">some text</ay>
            <ab a="a">some text</ab>
        <g a="a">
            some text
            <ay a="a">some text</ay>
            <ab a="a">some text</ab>

        <s a="a"/>
    <y a="a"/>
        <h a="a" />
        <r a="a"/>


<z a="a" b="b" c="c">
        <c>some text</c>
        <e a="a">
            some text
            <j a="a">
                <p>some text</p>
        <e a="a">
            some text
            <j a="a">
                <p>some different text</p>
        <f a="a">
            some text
            <l a="a">some text</l>
            <m a="a">some text</m>
        <f b="b">
            some text
            <l a="a">some text</l>
            <m a="a">some text</m>
        <g a="a"><!-- The sibling "g" element of this element was removed because it was an exact duplicate -->
            some text
            <ab a="a">some text</ab>
            <ay a="a">some text</ay>
        <s a="a"/>
        <t a="a">
            some text
            <aa a="a">some text</aa>
            <az a="a">some text</az>
        <t a="a">
            some different text
            <aa a="a">some text</aa>
            <az a="a">some text</az>
        <u a="a">
            some text
            <k a="a">some text</k>
            <n a="a">some text</n>
        <u a="a">
            some text
            <k b="b">some text</k>
            <n a="a">some text</n>
        <v a="a">
            some text
            <i a="a">some text</i>
            <q a="a">some text</q>
        <v a="a">
            some text
            <i a="a">some different text</i>
            <q a="a">some text</q>
        <x a="a" b="b" c="c"/>
        <h a="a"/>
        <r a="a"/>
    <y a="a"/>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

以下是我的建议,以展示deep-equal和XSLT 2.0如何提供帮助:


    <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

    <!-- identity for most attributes -->
    <xsl:template match="@*">

    <xsl:template match="*">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*">
            <xsl:sort select="local-name()"/>
           <xsl:for-each-group select="node() except (processing-instruction(), comment())" group-adjacent="boolean(self::*)">
               <xsl:when test="current-grouping-key()">
                 <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()">
                   <xsl:sort select="local-name()"/>
                 <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()"/>

        Elements/attributes to remove.
    <xsl:template match="@*[normalize-space()='']|info|@file_line_nr|@file_name
                         | *[not(@* | node())]"/>

    <!-- remove (well, don't copy) element nodes which are deep-equal to
         a preceding sibling element 
    <xsl:template match="*[some $ps in preceding-sibling::* satisfies deep-equal(., $ps)]"/>
