
时间:2013-09-11 18:41:03

标签: javascript ajax json

我有几个函数可以解析外部/内部JSON数据,并使用localStorage将其返回到本地网页。现在我已经正确显示了外部JSON数据,但是没有在本地提交JSON数据并且出现JSON.parse: unexpected end of data错误。解析此数据的函数是retrieveData()


function saveData () {  //This function take the data from the html inputs and put the values into local storage
    localStorage.setItem("Categories", $("select").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Name", $("Name").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Rating", $("rating").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Recommend", recommendValue);
    localStorage.setItem("Favorite", Favorite);
    localStorage.setItem("Date", $("date").value);
    localStorage.setItem("Notes", $("notes").value);
    alert("Resource Saved!");

    function getRadio () {  //This function takes the radio input; be it checked or unchecked
    var radio = document.forms[0];
    for (var i = 0; i < radio.length; i++) {
        if (radio[i].checked) {
            Favorite = radio[i].value;

function getCheckbox () { //This function takes the value from recommend; either being yes or no
    if ($("Y").checked) {
        recommendValue = $("Y").value;
    else {
        recommendValue = $("N").value;

    function retrieveData () { //this function will retrieve the data in local storage or from json.js if their is no default data
    if (localStorage.length === 0) {
        alert("No data in localStorage. Adding default data.");
    var Makediv = document.createElement('div');
    Makediv.setAttribute("id", "games");
    var list = document.createElement('ul');
    //ImageGrab($("Select").value, Div);
    for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
        var mli = document.createElement('li');
        var keyVal = localStorage.key(i);
        var value = localStorage.getItem(keyVal);
        //convert local storage value back into an object using JSON
        var objct = JSON.parse(value);
        var makesul = document.createElement('ul');
        for (var q in objct) {
            var msl = document.createElement('li');
            var subText = objct[q][0] + " " + objct[q][1];
            msl.innerHTML = subText;

    function fillData () { //this function reads in json.js with Ajax
    var xmlRequest;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
        xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
    else {
        // code for IE6, IE5
         xmlRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (xmlRequest.readyState == 4 && xmlRequest.status == 200) {
        var text = xmlRequest.responseText;
        var json = JSON.parse(text);
    xmlRequest.open("GET", "json.js?_dc" + Math.random(), false);
    for (var i in json) {
        var ID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000001);
        localStorage.setItem(ID, JSON.stringify(json[i]));

    function $(x) { //this function gives me the ability to call an element easily.  $("example")
    var element = document.getElementById(x);
    return element;

    var DisplayRatings = $('DisplayLink');  
    DisplayRatings.addEventListener("click", retrieveData); //on-click display data
    var SubmitRating = $('submit');
    SubmitRating.addEventListener("click", saveData, true); //on-click save the data

有人能指出我正确的方向吗?我之前尝试JSON.readyStatus === 4JSON.status === 200并且无效(在if语句中)。



"Game1": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "7"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "04-01-2010"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is an FPS."]
"Game2": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Playstation 4"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Defiance"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "3"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "04-07-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Massive Multiplayer game."]
"Game3": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Call of Duty: Black Ops II"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "8"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "06-03-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Great game."]
"Game4": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Dark Souls"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "9"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-06-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This game is extremely hard."]
"Game5": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Playstation 4"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Resident Evil 6"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "2"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-01-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is not very great."]
"Game6": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Wii"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Wii Sports"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "5"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-02-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Virtual Sports."]
"Game7": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Mac"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Space Defenders"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a good casual game."]
"Game8": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Spelunky"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2013"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a randomly generated cave game."]
"Game9": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Spelunky"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is the xbox live arcade version that came out first, but had many xbox exclusives."]
"Game10": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Prison Architect"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "8"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-03-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a prison simulation game."]
"Game11": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Don't Starve"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "9"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-04-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is horror survival game."]
"Game12": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Wii"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Super Mario"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-04-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Not as good as the original."]
"Game13": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Playstation 4"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "uncharted 3"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-04-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Hype didn't live up to expectations."]
"Game14": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Dota 2"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "9"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-05-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Great for pro players."]
"Game15": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Xbox360"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "EA MMA"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-06-2011"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Best fighting game ever!"]
"Game16": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Papers, please"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "6"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-07-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a dystopian thiller."]
"Game17": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Mac"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "8"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-07-2009"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "This is a classic."]
"Game18": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["NRatingame:", "Counter Strike: Global Offensive"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "7"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-16-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "One of the best FPS on the market."]
"Game19": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "Wii"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "007: Goldeneye"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "4"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "no"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "no"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-022-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "Controls are not very accesible."]
"Game20": {
    "Categories": ["Categories:", "PC"],
    "Name": ["Name:", "Super Meat Boy"],
    "Rating": ["Rating:", "10"],
    "Recommend": ["Recommend:", "yes"],
    "Favorite": ["Favorite:", "yes"],
    "Date": ["Date:", "08-01-2012"],
    "Notes": ["Notes:", "One of my favorite platformers."]



<div id="headAddGame">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta keyword="Ratings, list, Gaming">
        <meta description="A form that will create a    specific review for each game.">
        <meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX, FOLLOW">
        <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="json.js"/></script>
        <div id="titleAddGame">
                Add A Game
    <body class="bodystyle">
        <fieldset ID="field">
            <legend class="bodyLegend">
                 Add Game
             <form action="#" method="post" id="form">
                 <h1 class="gameh1">
                      Select A Category:
                 <select name="Category dropdown list" id="select">
                <option value="Select One">Select One!</option>
                <option value="Xbox360">Xbox360</option>
                <option value="Playstation 4">Playstation 4</option>
                <option value="PC">PC</option>
                <option value="Mac">Mac</option>
                <option value="Wii">Wii</option>
                <h1 class="hone">
                    Game Information:
                <h2 class="htwo">
                <input type="text" name="Name" id="Name">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                     Rating (from one to ten, ten being the highest, one being the lowest):
                <input type="range" name="rating" min="1" max="10" id="rating">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                   Would you recommend?:
                <label for="Y">Yes</label>
                <input type="checkbox" name="recommend" id="Y" value="Yes"><br>
                <label for="N">No</label>
                <input type="checkbox" name="recommend" id="N" value="No"><br>
                <label for="Fav">
                    Save as a Favorite?
                <input type="radio" name="Favorite" id="Fav" value="Yes">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                    Date of review:
                <input type="date" name="date" id="date">
                <h2 class="htwo">
                <textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="notes">
                <input type="hidden" id="Dev" value="mobileDev">
                <input type="submit" value="submit" id="submit">
<div id="footAddGame">
        <a href="#" ID="Clear">
            clear stored data
        <a href="#" ID="DisplayLink">
            display data
        <a href="addgame.html" id="Addgame" style="display:none;">
            Add New Item
        <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"/></script>



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    - 名字
    - 评级
    - 推荐
    - 最喜欢的
    - 笔记


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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

json.js中的内容是javascript,不是 JSON。而不是&#39; var json = {&#39;你应该只是&#39; {&#39;。