* Order
* The WooCommerce order class handles order data.
* @class WC_Order
* @version 1.6.4
* @package WooCommerce/Classes
* @category Class
* @author WooThemes
class WC_Order {
/** @public int Order (post) ID */
public $id;
/** @public string Order status. */
public $status;
/** @public string Order date (placed). */
public $order_date;
/** @public string Order date (paid). */
public $modified_date;
/** @public string Note added by the customer. */
public $customer_note;
/** @public array Order (post) meta/custom fields. */
public $order_custom_fields;
global $wpdb, $woocommerce;
if ( empty( $type ) )
$type = array( 'line_item' );
if ( ! is_array( $type ) )
$type = array( $type );
$items = $this->get_items( $type );
$count = 0;
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
if ( ! empty( $item['qty'] ) )
$count += $item['qty'];
$count ++;
return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_get_item_count', $count, $type, $this );
* Return an array of fees within this order.
* @access public
* @return array
public function get_fees() {
return $this->get_items( 'fee' );
* Return an array of taxes within this order.
* @access public
* @return void
public function get_taxes() {
return $this->get_items( 'tax' );
* Get taxes, merged by code, formatted ready for output.
* @access public
* @return void
public function get_tax_totals() {
$taxes = $this->get_items( 'tax' );
$tax_totals = array();
foreach ( $taxes as $key => $tax ) {
$code = $tax[ 'name' ];
if ( ! isset( $tax_totals[ $code ] ) ) {
$tax_totals[ $code ] = new stdClass();
$tax_totals[ $code ]->amount = 0;
$tax_totals[ $code ]->is_compound = $tax[ 'compound' ];
$tax_totals[ $code ]->label = isset( $tax[ 'label' ] ) ? $tax[ 'label' ] : $tax[ 'name' ];
$tax_totals[ $code ]->amount += $tax[ 'tax_amount' ] + $tax[ 'shipping_tax_amount' ];
$tax_totals[ $code ]->formatted_amount = woocommerce_price( $tax_totals[ $code ]->amount );
return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_tax_totals', $tax_totals, $this );
* has_meta function for order items.
* @access public
* @return array of meta data
public function has_meta( $order_item_id ) {
global $wpdb;
return $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_key, meta_value, meta_id, order_item_id
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta WHERE order_item_id = %d
ORDER BY meta_key,meta_id", absint( $order_item_id ) ), ARRAY_A );
* Get order item meta.
* @access public
* @param mixed $item_id
* @param string $key (default: '')
* @param bool $single (default: false)
* @return void
public function get_item_meta( $order_item_id, $key = '', $single = false ) {
return get_metadata( 'order_item', $order_item_id, $key, $single );
我希望匹配所有Wordpress钩子:“do_action”和“apply_filters”有三个选项: apply_filters('woocommerce_order_tax_totals',$ tax_totals,$ this),文件,行号
我可以在这里看到我想要做的一个例子: http://etivite.com/api-hooks/buddypress/trigger/apply_filters/bp_get_total_mention_count_for_user/
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-content/plugins/iphorm-form-builder';
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)) as $filename) {
if (substr($filename, -3) == 'php') {
$file = file($filename);
if ($file !== false) {
$matches1 = preg_grep( '/do_action\((.+)\);/', $file);
$matches2 = preg_grep( '/apply_filters\((.+)\);/', $file );
$arr = array_filter(array_merge($matches1, $matches2));
$out = '';
echo "found in $filename:";
echo "<pre>";
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$out .= $file[$key-2];
$out .= $file[$key-1];
$out .= $file[$key];
$out .= $file[$key+1];
$out .= $file[$key+2];
echo htmlentities($out);
echo "</pre>";
} else {
echo "failed reading to array";
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-content/plugins/iphorm-form-builder';
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)) as $filename) {
if (substr($filename, -3) == 'php') {
$context = shell_exec('grep -H -n -C4 do_action ' . escapeshellarg($filename));
if (!empty($context)) {
echo "found in $filename:";
echo "<pre>";
echo htmlentities($context);
echo "</pre>";
} else {
echo "failed reading to array";
Grep searches the named input FILEs (or standard input if no files are named, or the file name - is given) for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN. By default, grep prints the matching lines. -C NUM, --context=NUM Print NUM lines of output context. Places a line containing -- between contiguous groups of matches. -H, --with-filename Print the filename for each match. -n, --line-number Prefix each line of output with the line number within its input file.
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-content/plugins/iphorm-form-builder';
$grep = shell_exec('grep --include=*.php -RHn -C4 do_action ' . escapeshellarg($path));
$matches = explode("\n--\n", $grep);
if (empty($matches)) {
echo "failed reading to array";
else {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
echo "<pre>";
echo htmlentities($match);
echo "</pre>";
答案 1 :(得分:0)
$data = file_get_contents( $filename );
if (preg_match_all(
'~((?:[^\n]*\n){0,4}) *do_action\s*\(\s*([^)]+)\s*\)\s*;[^\n]*\n((?:[^\n]*\n){0,4})~',
$data, $arr)) {
// match found, now dump the results
// $arr[1] will print 4 lines before the match
// $arr[2] will print function arguments for do_action
// $arr[3] will print 4 lines after the match
答案 2 :(得分:0)
你需要留意的原因是如果你在连续的行上出现 do_action 或 apply_filters ,那么如果你没有,第一场比赛将阻止第二场比赛展望未来,即使你使用前瞻,也没有办法在不看后面的情况下获得第二场比赛的前两行。更不用说我甚至不知道你是否甚至可以在结果中包含查看断言的内容。
$offset = 0;
while (preg_match('/^.*?(?:apply_filters|do_action)\s*\(.+?\)\s*;.*(?:\n\r|\n|\r|$)/m', $file, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset))
$index = $match[0][1];
$offset = $index + strlen($match[0][0]);
$hasBefore = preg_match('/(?:.*(?:\n\r|\n|\r).*$)|[^\n\r].*$/',
substr($file, 0, $index), $beforeMatch);
$hasAfter = preg_match('/^(?:.*(?:\n\r|\n|\r|$)){0,2}/',
substr($file, $offset), $afterMatch);
if ($hasBefore) print_r($beforeMatch);
if ($hasAfter) print_r($afterMatch);