
时间:2013-09-10 13:28:32

标签: c# entity-framework linq-to-entities




查找小于10.10.20的最佳匹配版本,并返回其versionID eg1:GetVersion(“10.10.20”)应该返回5(因为在表中没有“10,10,20”major.minor.build组合可用,所以它应该寻找最匹配的版本 这里的下一个可用版本是10.7.1 ie。,versionID 5

eg2:GetVersion(“7.0.0”)应该返回3(因为在表中没有“7,0,0”major.minor.build组合可用,所以它应该寻找下一个可用的匹配版本。 下一个可用版本是6.2.1即。,版本ID 3

eg3:GetVersion(“7.5.1”)应返回4,此处完全匹配可用,因此应返回versionid 4

    public class ProductVersions
        public int Version_Id { get; set; }
        public int Major { get; set; }
        public int Minor { get; set; }
        public int Build { get; set; }


    [version_id , Major,Minor,Build]
        1           3      0    1
        2           4     10    5
        3           6     2     1
        4           7     5     1
        5           10    7     1
        6           11    10   10


private int GetVersion(string versionNumber)
    int version-id=0;

    version-id= //retrieve best matching version

     return version-id

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var data = new List<Version>()
     new Version(3,0,1),
     new Version(4,10,5),
     new Version(6,2,1),
     new Version(7,5,1),
     new Version(10,7,1),
     new Version(11,10,10)

var case1 = new Version("10.10.20");
// match1 is 5; the index of a List is 0-based, so we add 1
var match1 = data.FindLastIndex(d => d <= case1) + 1;

var case2 = new Version("7.0.0");
// match2 is 3
var match2 = data.FindLastIndex(d => d <= case2) + 1;

var case3 = new Version("7.5.1");
// match3 is 4
var match3 = data.FindLastIndex(d => d <= case3) + 1;



public class ProductVersions
   //TODO error checking
   public int Version_Id { get; set; }
   public int Major { get; set; }
   public int Minor { get; set; }
   public int Build { get; set; }

   public ProductVersions(int major, int minor, int build)

   public ProductVersions(string version)
        var tmp = version.Split('.');
        Major = Int32.Parse(tmp[0]);
        Minor = Int32.Parse(tmp[1]);
        Build = Int32.Parse(tmp[2]);

   public static bool operator == (ProductVersions a, ProductVersions b)
        return a.Major==b.Major && a.Minor==b.Minor && a.Build==b.Build;

   public static bool operator != (ProductVersions a, ProductVersions b)
        return !(a==b);

   public static bool operator <= (ProductVersions a, ProductVersions b)
        if (a == b)
            return true;
        return a < b;

   public static bool operator >= (ProductVersions a, ProductVersions b)
        if (a == b)
            return true;
        return a > b;

   public static bool operator < (ProductVersions a, ProductVersions b)
                return a.Build < b.Build;
                return a.Minor < b.Minor;
            return a.Major < b.Major;

   public static bool operator > (ProductVersions a, ProductVersions b)
                return a.Build > b.Build;
                return a.Minor > b.Minor;
            return a.Major > b.Major;


var data = new List<ProductVersions>()
     new ProductVersions(3,0,1)    { Version_Id = 1},
     new ProductVersions(4,10,5)   { Version_Id = 2},
     new ProductVersions(6,2,1)    { Version_Id = 3},
     new ProductVersions(7,5,1)    { Version_Id = 4},
     new ProductVersions(10,7,1)   { Version_Id = 5},
     new ProductVersions(11,10,10) { Version_Id = 6}

// ensure data is sorted by version
data.Sort((a,b) => a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0);

var case1 = new ProductVersions("10.10.20");
// match1 is 5
var match1 = data.Last(d => d <= case1).Version_Id;

var case2 = new ProductVersions("7.0.0");
// match2 is 3
var match2 = data.Last(d => d <= case2).Version_Id;

var case3 = new ProductVersions("7.5.1");
// match3 is 4
var match3 = data.Last(d => d <= case3).Version_Id;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


(TL; DR)

 // assume verArray is already ordered (this would need to be sorted otherwise.)
 // this where checks for less than or equal to.
 int result = verArray.Where(v => (v.Major < major) ||
                                  (v.Major == major && v.Minor < minor) ||
                                  (v.Major == major && v.Minor == minor && v.Build <= build))


public ProductVersions[]verArray = {
      new ProductVersions() { Version_Id = 1, Major = 3, Minor = 0, Build = 1 },
      new ProductVersions() { Version_Id = 2, Major = 4, Minor = 10, Build = 5 },
      new ProductVersions() { Version_Id = 3, Major = 6, Minor = 2, Build = 1 },
      new ProductVersions() { Version_Id = 4, Major = 7, Minor = 5, Build = 1 },
      new ProductVersions() { Version_Id = 5, Major = 10, Minor = 7, Build = 1 },
      new ProductVersions() { Version_Id = 6, Major = 11, Minor = 10, Build = 10 },

void Main()
  string test = "10.10.20";
  Console.WriteLine(test + " gives "+GetVersion(test));

  test = "7.0.0";
  Console.WriteLine(test + " gives "+GetVersion(test));

  test = "7.5.1";
  Console.WriteLine(test + " gives "+GetVersion(test));

private int GetVersion(string versionNumber)
  string [] input = versionNumber.Split(".".ToCharArray());

  int major = int.Parse(input[0]);
  int minor = int.Parse(input[1]);
  int build = int.Parse(input[2]);

  // assume verArray is already ordered (this would need to be sorted otherwise.
  int result = verArray.Where(v => (v.Major < major) ||
                                   (v.Major == major && v.Minor < minor) ||
                                   (v.Major == major && v.Minor == minor && v.Build <= build))

  return result;

public class ProductVersions
  public int Version_Id { get; set; }
  public int Major { get; set; }
  public int Minor { get; set; }
  public int Build { get; set; }


10.10.20 gives 5
7.0.0 gives 3
7.5.1 gives 4

答案 2 :(得分:-3)


private int getver(int m, int n, int b)
    List<ProductVersions> pv = new List<ProductVersions>();
    pv.Add(new ProductVersions { Version_Id = 3, Major = 6, Minor = 2, Build = 1 });
    pv.Add(new ProductVersions { Version_Id = 4, Major = 7, Minor = 5, Build = 1 });
    pv.Add(new ProductVersions { Version_Id = 5, Major = 10, Minor = 7, Build = 1 });
    pv.Add(new ProductVersions { Version_Id = 6, Major = 11, Minor = 10, Build = 10 });

    int mm = m;
    if (m == 0)
        mm = int.MaxValue;
    int nn = n;
    if (n == 0)
        nn = int.MaxValue;
    int bb = b;
    if (b == 0)
        bb = int.MaxValue;
    var v = pv.FindAll(mj => mj.Major <= m).FindAll(mn => n == 0 ? mn.Major <= mm - 1 && mn.Minor <= nn : mn.Minor <= n).FindAll(bl => b == 0 ? bl.Minor <= nn - 1 && bl.Build <= bb : bl.Build <= b).Last().Version_Id;

    return v;


答案 3 :(得分:-3)


    var v = from p in pv
            select new { version = p.Version_Id, val = p.Major * 100000000 + p.Minor * 10000 + p.Build };
    int vver=v.ToList().FindAll(pp => pp.val <= m * 100000000 + n * 10000 + b).Last().version;