我正在开发基于vb.NET表单的应用程序。我正在尝试向Tabcontrol添加一个控件。要添加到tabcontrol的控件位于不同的项目中。 Tabcontrol是第三方(Infragistics)控件,与.NET Tabcontrol相同,具有一些额外功能。 下面是我将控件添加到Tabcontrol的代码行。
控制 TnImage(0)是一个userControl,位于一些不同的项目中。 我收到以下错误: “在一个线程上创建的控件不能作为另一个线程上的控件的父级。”
fViewerForm.DocumentViewer1.ThumbnailPane.AddControlToTabControl(tnp_PageTab_ID, fViewerForm.DocumentViewer1.ThumbnailPane.TNViewer1.TNImage(0))
Delegate Sub AddControlToTabControlCallback(ByVal key As String, ByVal tnimage As UeWIImageX.UeWIImage)
Public Sub AddControlToTabControl(ByVal key As String, ByVal tnimage As UeWIImageX.UeWIImage)
' Calling from another thread? -> Use delegate.
If Me.TabControl1.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New AddControlToTabControlCallback(AddressOf AddControlToTabControl)
' Execute delegate in the UI thread, pass args as an array.
Me.TabControl1.Invoke(d, New Object() {key, tnimage})
Else ' Same thread.
End If
End Sub
之后我也得到同样的错误。如果我在 AddControlToTabControl 方法中创建相同的控件,那么我可以将该控件添加到 Tabcontrol 。以下是代码:
Public Sub AddControlToTabControl(ByVal key As String, ByVal tnimage As UeWIImageX.UeWIImage)
' Calling from another thread? -> Use delegate.
If Me.TabControl1.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New AddControlToTabControlCallback(AddressOf AddControlToTabControl)
' Execute delegate in the UI thread, pass args as an array.
Me.TabControl1.Invoke(d, New Object() {key, tnimage})
Else ' Same thread.
Dim uewimg As New UeWIImageX.UeWIImage ' creating the same control as tnimage.
uewimg = tnimage
Me.TabControl1.Tabs(key).TabPage.Controls.Add(uewimg) 'able to add this control to the tabcontrol.
End If
End Sub
如何对 TnImage 控件使用Invoke方法,以便我可以将其添加到Tabcontrol。请有人帮助我。