如何在所谓的事件中找到引发事件的控件? Visual C#

时间:2009-12-08 12:46:19

标签: c# winforms




我查看了System.Windows.Controls& System.Windows.Forms类,看看我是否能找到任何可以帮助我的东西。我正在寻找的东西可以让我看到哪个控件有焦点。也许这就是我应该寻找的东西?我还看了一下我在KeyPress事件中可以对发件人做些什么来看看我是否能弄清楚TextBox引发了什么事情并且仍然没有运气。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


TextBox txt = (TextBox) sender; // or "as" if you aren't sure.
                                // you can also just cast to Control for most
                                // common properties
// perhaps look at txt.Name, txt.Text, or txt.Tag


public event EventHandler AcceptClick {
    add { acceptButton.Click += value;}
    remove { acceptButton.Click -= value;}


答案 1 :(得分:7)


void myTextBox_EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
    TextBox textBox = (TextBox)sender;

答案 2 :(得分:1)

您可以使用控件的标记属性来区分多个文本框。 为此,首先,您需要为每个文本框分配标记属性,并且在事件方法中,您可以访问标记属性。假设您要分配多个参数,然后创建一个单独的类,其中参数作为属性,并将类的对象分配给textbox的tag属性。


答案 3 :(得分:1)



    //on the Form where the TextBoxes are : make into a Public Property
    // if you need to access this from outside the Form holding the TextBoxes
    // a Form-level variable
    private TextBox theActiveTB;

然后,在Form上,我会让Form Load事件为我构建一个TextBoxes集合:并确保他们订阅了相同的'KeyPress和'Enter事件:

   // on the Form where the TextBoxes are : a Form-level variable
    private List<TextBox> tbList;

    // build the list of TextBoxes and set the same 'Enter event for each of them
    // note the assumption that every TextBox on the Form is going to be handled
    // in exactly the same way : probably better to isolate them in a Panel in case
    // you have other TextBoxes for other purposes ; then you'd just use the same
    // code here to enumerate all the TextBoxes in the Panel
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         tbList =
            from TextBox theTB in this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>()
            select theTB

         foreach (TextBox theTB in tbList)
            theTB.KeyPress +=new KeyPressEventHandler(theTB_KeyPress);
            theTB.Enter +=new EventHandler(theTB_Enter);

    // so here's what the Enter event might look like :
    private void theTB_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
        theActiveTB = (TextBox)sender;

        // reality check ...
        // Console.WriteLine("entering : " + theActiveTB.Name);

    // so here's what the KeyPress event might look like :
    private void theTB_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
        // do what you need to do here

        // access the Text in the Textbox via 'theActiveTB

        // reality check
        // Console.WriteLine(theActiveTB.Name + " : " + e.KeyChar );

为什么要打扰List&lt; TextBox&gt;使用Linq?毕竟,你可以循环遍历Form(或Panel,或任何容器)并检查每个控件的类型,然后,如果它是TextBox,则在现场分配事件处理程序。我选择创建TextBoxes的通用列表的原因是:当我有一个具有特殊共享标识,目的或行为集的集合时,通常情况下我会想要对其内容执行其他操作作为“集合”或“集团”。
