
时间:2013-09-06 19:51:17

标签: haskell


map anyHeavyFunction [list]

我想在计算过程中显示进度条或添加其他操作(暂停,停止进程等),但由于map是纯函数,我不能直接执行。我猜我必须使用monad,但是monad是合适的吗? IOState

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

我知道至少有一个关于hackage的库有一些预先制作的monad变换器用于此任务,但我通常会在需要时转向管道包以自行滚动。我使用的是管道 - 4.0.0本周末将会出现在hackage上,但你可以在此之前从github repo获取它。

我还使用了terminal-progress-bar package so that it makes a nice terminal animation as well.

{-# language BangPatterns #-}

import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import System.ProgressBar
import System.IO ( hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering), stdout )

-- | Takes the total size of the stream to be processed as l and the function
-- to map as fn
progress l = loop 0
    loop n = do
        liftIO $ progressBar (msg "Working") percentage 40 n l
        !x <- await -- bang pattern to make strict
        yield x
        loop (n+1)

main = do
    -- Force progress bar to print immediately 
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
    let n = 10^6
    let heavy x = last . replicate n $ x -- time wasting function
    r <- P.toListM $ each [1..100] >-> P.map heavy >-> progress 100
    putStrLn ""
    return r


> Working [=>.......................]   7%

> Working [=====>...................]  20%


> main
Working [=========================] 100%

答案 1 :(得分:2)


首先,你需要选择你将要工作的monad。这取决于你的“进度条”到底是什么。对于此讨论,假设IO monad已经足够,我们希望交替显示字符-/|\。你也(很可能)需要某种状态S(这里只是到目前为止处理的元素数量,因此SInt),所以使用了真正的monad将是StateT S IO


m = 100000 -- how many elements the list has

-- Your (pure) function
anyHeavyFunction :: Int -> Bool
anyHeavyFunction n =
  length [1..n] + length [n+1..4217] == 4217

-- Your list
list :: [Int]
list = take m $ repeat 4217

-- The main program
main :: IO ()
main = do
  let l = map anyHeavyFunction list
  if and l
    then putStrLn "OK"
    else putStrLn "WRONG"



import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)

m = 100000 -- how many elements the list has
k = 5000   -- how often you want to "tick"

tick :: a -> StateT Int IO a
tick x = do
  s <- get
  put $ s+1
  when (s `mod` k == 0) $ liftIO $ do
    let r = (s `div` k) `mod` 4
    putChar $ "-/|\\" !! r
    putChar '\b'
    hFlush stdout
  x `seq` return x

-- Your (pure) function
anyHeavyFunction :: Int -> Bool
anyHeavyFunction n =
  length [1..n] + length [n+1..4217] == 4217

-- Your list
list :: [Int]
list = take m $ repeat 4217

-- The main program
main :: IO ()
main = do
  l <- flip evalStateT 0 $ mapM (tick . anyHeavyFunction) list
  if and l
    then putStrLn "OK"
    else putStrLn "WRONG"

一个有趣的观点:seq中的tick强制评估列表中每个元素的结果。如果结果具有基本类型(此处Bool),这就足够了。否则,你不清楚你想做什么 - 记得Haskell很懒!



import Control.Monad.State
import System.ProgressBar
import System.IO (hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering), stdout)

m = 100000 -- how many elements the list has
k = 5000   -- how often you want to "tick"

tick :: a -> StateT Int IO a
tick x = do
  s <- get
  put $ s+1
  when (s `mod` k == 0) $ liftIO $ do
    progressBar (msg "Working") percentage 40 (toInteger s) (toInteger m)
  x `seq` return x

-- Your (pure) function
anyHeavyFunction :: Int -> Bool
anyHeavyFunction n =
  length [1..n] + length [n+1..4217] == 4217

-- Your list
list :: [Int]
list = take m $ repeat 4217

-- The main program
main :: IO ()
main = do
  hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
  l <- flip evalStateT 0 $ mapM (tick . anyHeavyFunction) list
  if and l
    then putStrLn "OK"
    else putStrLn "WRONG"


答案 2 :(得分:0)
