
时间:2013-09-04 20:19:07

标签: c++ map pointer-to-member

我的计划是评估和描述时间序列信息。数据可能有大约90种不同的信号。每个信号都有一个独特的公式和不同的参数和值集。这个代码和我的问题是从配置文件加载这些值。编译器是VS 2010。

每个信号由一个类表示,这里用类TRI {}来表示,每个这样的类都来自SIGNAL {}类。 SIGNAL包含一个静态映射(我的实际代码使用unordered_map),它用于保存信号名称和指向信号成员函数的指针,该函数将参数值分配给它们各自的变量。我的问题是操纵这个成员函数。

显然,此代码& TRI :: load_cfg_vals中信号的成员函数的地址永远不会存储在地图sig_map中。所以它似乎来自调试器。当我尝试调用TRI信号的加载函数时,编译器说我正在尝试调用不是函数的东西。请参阅我的一些失败尝试的代码。

如何使用这些对象?我真的不知道问题是什么,更糟糕的是,我不知道我对如何使用STL或C ++不了解。

(我准备放弃。我正在考虑一种替代的,更像C的方法。使用地图,将每个信号名称与一个唯一的整数相关联(已经在实际代码中 - 它们都代表了它们)使用信号的加载函数的地址加载void指针数组的每个元素,其整数值是该元素数组的偏移量。我选择的第一种方法,下面的代码,似乎更容易维持,更高层次。)


member function pointers and inheritance

C++ Map of string and member function pointer

C++ pointers to member functions

C++ Call pointer to member with a map from a const function


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

typedef std::map< string, void *>    ARG_MAP;
typedef ARG_MAP::iterator            ARG_ITR;
typedef std::pair < ARG_ITR, bool>   ARG_PAIR;

// forward decl
class SIGNAL;

typedef int (SIGNAL::*PF)(void);
typedef std::map< string, PF>          SIG_MAP;
typedef SIG_MAP::iterator              SIG_MAP_ITR;
typedef std::pair < SIG_MAP_ITR, bool> SIG_MAP_PAIR;

class SIGNAL
    ARG_MAP             arg_map;
    ARG_ITR             ai;
    ARG_PAIR            ap;

    static SIG_MAP      sig_map;

    SIGNAL() {};
    virtual int calc() = 0;
    virtual int load_cfg_vals() = 0;

// tried globals versus members, no difference
SIG_MAP       SIGNAL::sig_map;
SIG_MAP_ITR   smi;

class TRI: public SIGNAL
    float f;

    int calc(){return 1;}
    int load_cfg_vals()
        // the f arg
        ai = arg_map.find("f_descriptive_name");
        *(float *) ai->second = (float)12.005;

        return 1;

        // associates the TRI class function 'load_cfg_vals()' with the
        // signal name 'tri'
        SIGNAL::sig_map.insert(std::make_pair ("tri", 
                                               (PF) &TRI::load_cfg_vals));
        // this apparently doesn't load the address of the function, see below

        //sig_map.insert(std::make_pair ("tri",&TRI::load_cfg_vals));
        // fails with error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 
        // from 'int (__thiscall TRI::* )(void)' to 'PF '

        //SIGNAL::sig_map.insert( map<string, PF>::value_type("tri", 
        //      dynamic_cast< & SIGNAL::load_cfg_vals> (&TRI::load_cfg_vals) ));
        // C2059: syntax error : '&'
        // so, maybe this is right but for my lack of understanding of what
        // types are involved/required here

        // contains the list of descriptive names of the signal's parameters
        // and the addresses of the variables that hold the parameters'values
        arg_map.insert(std::make_pair ("f_descriptive_name", (void*) &f));

int main(void)
    TRI    tri;
    PF     pf;
    char * input_str = "tri";  // this and the names of the many other
                               // signals would be read from the cfg file

    // while there are still more signal names to read in
    // while( fscanf(...input_str...) {  removed
        if( (smi = tri.sig_map.find (input_str)) == tri.sig_map.end())
            cout << "'" << input_str << "' not found\n";
            // smi->second is supposed to contain the function of the
            // signal class that is to properly interpret and handle
            // the list of values stored in the cfg file 
            // error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking
            //              0 arguments

            string s = smi->first;  // OK
            pf = (PF)smi->second;
            // Doesn't contain the address of the function that was
            // loaded, above, in TRI().  The debugger identifies
            // it as TRI::`vcall'{4}', I don't know what that is.
            // Debugger emits the entire type of the operator and 
            // its return value, but I can't get it to format for
            // proper display here.  If someone wants to see it, 
            // I'll supply it unformatted.

            //int z = (*pf)();
            // error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 
            // arguments

            // the following don't help the value in pf.  same error C2064 or 
            // complaints about improper use of the casts
            //pf = reinterpret_cast <int (__thiscall *)(void)>(smi->second);
            //pf = static_cast <int (__thiscall *)(void)>(smi->second);

    // } // end while   removed
  return 1;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


PF pf = &TRI::load_cfg_vals;

由于an answer to one of the questions you linked to中解释的原因,这不会编译,就像这个简化示例不会:

struct A {
  virtual int f() = 0;

struct B : A {
  int f() { return 0; }

int (A::*pf)() = &B::f;



    SIGNAL::sig_map.insert(std::make_pair ("tri", 



    SIGNAL::sig_map.insert( map<string, PF>::value_type("tri", 
          dynamic_cast< & SIGNAL::load_cfg_vals> (&TRI::load_cfg_vals) ));


    SIGNAL::sig_map.insert( map<string, PF>::value_type("tri", 
          static_cast<PF> (&TRI::load_cfg_vals) ));
