
时间:2013-09-01 12:20:09

标签: c++ ogre

作为我游戏中最大的方面的一个主要困境似乎是无法正常运作。 我正在制作一个3D太空入侵者游戏,我正试图让玩家(和敌人)互相发射子弹。但似乎都没有这样做。


* Prepares a bullet for firing if the current time is greater than 
*   the last fired time + the firing delay. This purpose of this is to 
*   put a delay between each bullet as it is fired.  A bullet is only
*   'readied' for firing if it is available, i.e. it's alive property
*   is set to false.
void PlayerAttackManager::fireBullet() {
    if ( mCurrentTime > ( mLastFiredTime + sFIRE_DELAY ) ) {
        // Find the next available bullet (if one exists)
        std::vector<Bullet>::iterator end = mBullets.end();
        std::vector<Bullet>::iterator curr = mBullets.begin();
        for ( ; curr != end && (*curr).alive() == true; ++curr ); 

        // If there is a bullet available.
        if ( curr != end ) {
        // Move bullet to firing location and set alive.
            Vector3 bulletPos = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( "PlayerParentNode" )->getPosition();

            Vector3 bulletDir = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( "PlayerParentNode" )->getOrientation() * Vector3::UNIT_Z;
            // Pass the initial screen position and direction of travel for the bullet.
            (*curr).reset( bulletPos, bulletDir );


        mLastFiredTime = mCurrentTime;


敌人应该进行攻击(每秒一次),这是为了让EnemyAttackManager从main.cpp中发射出来的frameRenderingQueued方法 EnemyAttackManager的更新如下:

void EnemyAttackManager::update(Real const & timeSinceLastFrame, string name)
    mName = name;
    std::vector<Bullet>::iterator end = mBullets.end();
    std::vector<Bullet>::iterator curr = mBullets.begin();
    for ( ; curr != end && (*curr).alive() == true; ++curr ) {

        if ( curr != end ) {
        // Move bullet to firing location and set alive.
            Vector3 bulletPos = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( mName + "Node" )->getPosition();

            Vector3 bulletDir =mSceneMgr->getSceneNode(mName+ "Node" )->getOrientation() * Vector3::UNIT_Z;
            // Pass the initial screen position and direction of travel for the bullet.
            (*curr).reset( bulletPos, bulletDir );

    // Add time since last frame.
    mCurrentTime += timeSinceLastFrame;


void Bullet::update( Real const & timeSinceLastFrame ) {
    mTtl -= timeSinceLastFrame;
    if ( mTtl <= 0 ) {
        mNode->setVisible( false );
    else {
        Enemy* enem = new Enemy();
        mNode->translate( sMOVE * mDir * timeSinceLastFrame, Node::TS_LOCAL );
        // Retrieve a list of possible enemies.
        std::vector<Enemy *> enemyVec = enem->getEnemies();
        std::vector<Enemy *>::iterator curr = enemyVec.begin();
        std::vector<Enemy *>::iterator end = enemyVec.end();
        // Check if the ray intersected any of the enemies
        for ( ; curr != end && !CollisionManager::instance()->rayIntersects( mNode->getPosition(), 0, (*curr)->meshName(), mDir )
            ; ++curr );
        if ( curr != end ) { // if bullet has collided with an enemy.
            mTtl = 0;
            //JetPack3D::score += 10;
            mNode->setVisible( false );
        //Check the current bullet pos vs. player       

void Bullet::reset( Vector3 const & bulletPos, Vector3 const & bulletDir ) {
    mNode->setPosition( bulletPos );
    mNode->setVisible( true );
    mTtl = sLIFE_TIME;
    mDir = bulletDir;
    // Need to reverse x and z components so bullet fires forward into the scene.
    //now need it to fire right?
    mDir.z *= -1;
    mDir.x *= -1;


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