如何在约束编程中声明以下约束? (最好是在Gurobi或Comet)。
S是大小为n的整数数组。我可以用来填充数组的整数集在1-k范围内。对于可以使用的每个整数,存在约束 ci 。 ci 表示连续整数的最小数量 i 。
例如,如果c1 = 3,c2 = 2则1112211112111不是有效序列,因为必须有两个连续的2,而1112211122111是有效序列。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
int: n;
int: k;
% number of consecutive integers for each integer 1..k
array[1..k] of int: c;
% decision variables
array[1..n] of var 1..k: x;
% starts[i] = 1 -> x[i] starts a new sequence
% starts[i] = 0 -> x[i] is in a sequence
array[1..n] of var 0..k: starts;
% sum of sequences
var 1..n: z = sum([bool2int(starts[i] > 0) | i in 1..n]);
solve :: int_search(x, first_fail, indomain_min, complete) satisfy;
forall(a in 1..n, b in 1..k) (
(starts[a] = b ) ->
forall(d in 0..c[b]-1) (x[a+d] = b )
forall(d in 1..c[b]-1) (starts[a+d] = 0 )
(if a > 1 then x[a-1] != b else true endif) % before
(if a <= n-c[b] then x[a+c[b]] != b else true endif) % after
% more on starts
starts[1] > 0 /\
forall(i in 2..n) (
starts[i] > 0 <-> ( x[i]!=x[i-1] )
forall(i in 1..n) (
starts[i] > 0 -> x[i] = starts[i]
output [
"z : " ++ show(z) ++ "\n" ++
"starts: " ++ show(starts) ++ "\n" ++
"x : " ++ show(x) ++ "\n"
% data
%% From the question above:
%% It's a unique solution.
n = 13;
k = 2;
c = [3,2];