C ++链接列表复制和克隆功能

时间:2009-12-05 18:54:29

标签: c++ linked-list





  1. 首先调用列表_copy()将一个结构复制到一个新结构中。

  2. list _copy()调用clone(),它将递归克隆所有节点

  3. 我现在对该功能的问题是它将复制。但是我只得到一个新结构,它指向相同的值而不是一个独立的新结构。我想知道问题是什么?

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    struct list_item
        int key;                // identifies the data
        double value;           // the data stored
        struct list_item* next; // a pointer to the next data
    // Why do you need this? And why would you want it anyway?
    struct my_list
        struct list_item* first; // a pointer to the first element of the list
    //| Module:      list_init
    //| Description: Initiate the list to an empty list
    //| Input:       A pointer to the uninitialized list
    //| Result:      The list is empty
    //| Conditions:  Assumes the list is uninitialized
    void list_init(struct my_list* my_this)
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 1 line)
        //set the list NULL at beginning
        my_this->first = NULL;
    //| Module:      list_add
    //| Description: Insert a new key, value pair in a sorted list
    //| Input:       The list to insert in and the key, value to insert
    //| Result:      The list is sorted according to keys and include the
    //|              new key, value pair
    //| Conditions:  The list is assumed to be sorted before the insert
    //|              Duplicate keys are allowed. The order of duplicate
    //|              keys is undefined
    void list_add(struct my_list* my_this, int key, double value)
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 23 lines)
        //create new list_item node
        list_item* new_node;
        //allocate memory to it
        new_node = new list_item;
        //adding values
        new_node->key = key;
        new_node->value = value;
        if ( my_this->first != NULL)
            new_node->next = my_this->first;
            new_node->next = NULL;
        my_this->first = new_node;
    //| Module:      list_remove
    //| Description: Remove the value with key from a sorted list
    //| Input:       The list to remove from and the key of the value to remove
    //| Result:      The list is sorted and do not contain a value with that key
    //| Conditions:  The list is assumed to be sorted before the insert
    //|              If duplicates of the key to remove exist only is removed.
    //|              It is undefined which of the duplicates that are removed.
    void list_remove(struct my_list* my_this, int key)
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 23 lines)
        list_item *curr;
        //allokera minne
        curr = new list_item;
        curr = my_this->first;
        list_item *prev = new list_item;
        for(int i=0; i<key;i++)
          prev = curr;
          curr = curr->next;
        prev->next = curr->next;
    //| Module:      destroy
    //| Description: First destroy any next list item, then release the
    //|              memory of the specified list item.
    //|              This will recursively destroy an list starting on this item.
    //| Input:       The list item to relese memory for (delete)
    //| Result:      The memory used by the list item, and any linked items,
    //|              are reclaimed by the OS
    //|              Further use of the list item is invalid
    //| Conditions:  The item is a pointer allocated with new and not
    //|              deleted before
    void destroy(struct list_item* item)
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 5 lines)
            list_item *temp = item;
            item = temp->next;
            cout << "Destroy item" << endl;
            delete temp;
    //| Module:      list_destroy
    //| Description: Free the memory of an entire list.
    //| Input:       The list to destroy.
    //| Result:      All memory used by the list is reclaimed by the OS.
    //|              The list will become a valid but empty list.
    //| Conditions:  The list is initiated and valid.
    void list_destroy(struct my_list* my_this)
      // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 2 lines)
      cout << "Destroy list" << endl;
    //| Module:      clone
    //| Description: First create a new copy of the specified list
    //|              then append to the new item a clone of the next.
    //|              This will recursively create a copy of a entire
    //|              list starting on this item.
    //| Input:       The list item to clone.
    //| Result:      A copy of the specified item and any linked items.
    //| Conditions:  The item is valid.
    struct list_item* clone(struct list_item* item)
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 10 lines)
        list_item *new_node = new list_item;
        if(item != NULL)
            new_node->key = item->key;
            new_node->value = item->value;
            new_node->next = item->next;
            cout <<"Clone "<< item->key << ". " << item->value << endl;
            new_node->next = NULL;
            cout << "END" << endl;
        return new_node;
    //| Module:      list_copy
    //| Description: Copy an entire list
    //| Input:       The list to copy
    //| Result:      A new and valid list that are an independent copy
    //| Conditions:  The list is initiated and valid.
    struct my_list list_copy(struct my_list* my_this)
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 3 lines)
        //copy of the list which will be returned
        my_list *foo = new my_list;
        list_item *temp = new list_item;
        list_item *temp2 = new list_item;
        temp = my_this->first; //head
        temp2 = clone(temp);
        foo->first = temp2;
        //this is to check whether clone() worked
            cout << "Did it work? " << temp2->value << endl;
        return *foo;
    struct my_iterator
       struct list_item* current; // a pointer to the "current" list element
    //| Module:      list_begin
    //| Description:
    //| Input:
    //| Result:
    //| Conditions:
    struct my_iterator list_begin(struct my_list* my_this)
      struct my_iterator i;
      i.current = my_this->first;
      return i;
    //| Module:      iterator_end
    //| Description:
    //| Input:
    //| Result:
    //| Conditions:
    bool iterator_end(struct my_iterator* i)
      return i->current == NULL;
    //| Module:      iterator_next
    //| Description:
    //| Input:
    //| Result:
    //| Conditions:
    void iterator_next(struct my_iterator* i)
      i->current = i->current->next;
    //| Module:      iterator_get_key
    //| Description:
    //| Input:
    //| Result:
    //| Conditions:
    int iterator_get_key(struct my_iterator* i)
      return i->current->key;
    //| Module:      iterator_get_value
    //| Description:
    //| Input:
    //| Result:
    //| Conditions:
    double iterator_get_value(struct my_iterator* i)
      return i->current->value;
    //| Module:      main
    //| Description:
    //| Input:
    //| Result:
    //| Conditions:
    int main()
        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE (approx 50 lines)
        my_list*list = NULL;
        list = new my_list;
        //list->first = NULL;
        int key = 0;
        double value = 0;
        int i =0;
        while(i <5)
            cin>> value;
            value = (int) value;
            key = (int) value;
            cout << "Adding" << endl;
        my_list *list2 = new my_list;
    //    list_init(list2);
        list2 = &list_copy(list);
        list_remove(list, 3);
        cout << endl << "Print list1" << endl;
        for(my_iterator i = list_begin(list); !iterator_end(&i); iterator_next(&i))
            cout << iterator_get_key(&i) << " " << iterator_get_value(&i) << endl;
        cout << endl << "Print list2" << endl;
        for(my_iterator i = list_begin(list2); !iterator_end(&i); iterator_next(&i))
            cout << iterator_get_key(&i) << " " << iterator_get_value(&i) << endl;
        cout << endl << endl;
        cout << endl << "Print list1" << endl;
        for(my_iterator i = list_begin(list); !iterator_end(&i); iterator_next(&i))
            cout << iterator_get_key(&i) << " " << iterator_get_value(&i) << endl;
    //    list_destroy(list2);
        return 0;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我将从纯C ++ /面向对象的角度回答这些问题(问题标记为C ++),即使您的代码更接近C并且您可能期望C解决方案。从评论中可以看出,这是您正在尝试实施的某种练习,而且评论似乎是针对C课程的。






在C中,没有析构函数,也没有RAII ...但同样的事实也是如此:它不会为你释放列表的其余部分,你必须手动删除其余的列表中的元素。




答案 1 :(得分:0)



答案 2 :(得分:0)


new_node->next = item->next;





list_item* clone(list_item* item)
    list_item *new_node = new list_item;

    if(item != NULL)
        new_node->key = item->key;
        new_node->value = item->value;
        //NOTE: this is probably what you want
        new_node->next = clone(item->next);
        cout <<"Clone "<< item->key << ". " << item->value << endl;

    // NOTE: the clone of NULL should be NULL, not a new list item !
    return new_node;

但是,由于它是出于教育目的(否则你会使用std :: list),尝试用C语言开发,而不是用C ++开发。每次添加新函数或成员时,运行valgrind以确保没有问题。只有这样才能实现新功能。