我在 Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary 中使用 Ext.grid.Panel 。我需要为摘要行点击事件添加监听器。是否有任何事件可以进行摘要行点击。
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
ftype: 'groupingsummary'
答案 0 :(得分:1)
方法。为此,您需要保留对分组要素实例的引用,并且快乐的部分,您必须找到与单击的摘要元素匹配的组头元素。为了使事情变得更加有趣,在Ext 4.2中,group和summary元素的标记似乎发生了巨大的变化。
function(e, target) {
// Find group element (header), for the clicked summary
var groupEl;
if (Ext.getVersion().isLessThan('4.2')) {
// Life used to be easy with everything being a row
// in the table (actual rows, group headers,
// summary row)...
groupEl = Ext.fly(target).prev('.x-grid-group-hd');
} else {
// But from Ext4.2, everything became complicated.
// Group headers & summary row seem to be embedded
// in the next or previous regular row... Since I
// haven't entirely understood the logic behind, I
// cannot guarantee this will work with all possible
// cases...
var row = Ext.fly(target).up('.x-grid-row');
while (row && !groupEl) {
groupEl = row.down('.x-grid-group-hd');
row = row.prev('.x-grid-row');
// We can get the group name from the group element,
// but we need a reference to the grouping feature
// instance...
var groupName = groupingSummary.getGroupName(groupEl);
// Here you are...
console.log('Group clicked: ' + groupName);
中的分组摘要网格示例Ext.define('TestResult', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: ['student', 'subject', {
name: 'mark',
type: 'int'
var groupingSummary = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary', {
groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}',
ftype: 'groupingsummary'
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
width: 200,
height: 240,
renderTo: document.body,
features: [groupingSummary],
store: {
model: 'TestResult',
groupField: 'subject',
data: [{
student: 'Student 1',
subject: 'Math',
mark: 84
student: 'Student 1',
subject: 'Science',
mark: 72
student: 'Student 2',
subject: 'Math',
mark: 96
student: 'Student 2',
subject: 'Science',
mark: 68
columns: [{
dataIndex: 'student',
text: 'Name',
summaryType: 'count',
summaryRenderer: function(value){
return Ext.String.format('{0} student{1}', value, value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
}, {
dataIndex: 'mark',
text: 'Mark',
summaryType: 'average'
,listeners: {
click: {
element: 'body'
,delegate: '.x-grid-row-summary'
,fn: function(e, target) {
// Find group element (header), for the clicked summary
var groupEl;
if (Ext.getVersion().isLessThan('4.2')) {
// Life used to be easy with everything being a row
// in the table (actual rows, group headers,
// summary row)...
groupEl = Ext.fly(target).prev('.x-grid-group-hd');
} else {
// But from Ext4.2, everything became complicated.
// Group headers & summary row seem to be embedded
// in the next or previous regular row... Since I
// haven't entirely understood the logic behind, I
// cannot guarantee this will work with all possible
// cases...
var row = Ext.fly(target).up('.x-grid-row');
while (row && !groupEl) {
groupEl = row.down('.x-grid-group-hd');
row = row.prev('.x-grid-row');
// We can get the group name from the group element,
// but we need a reference to the grouping feature
// instance...
var groupName = groupingSummary.getGroupName(groupEl);
// Here you are...
console.log('Group clicked: ' + groupName);