我创建了一个地图显示,绘制了2个点,并且想要创建一个以1个点为中心的MKCircle,并使圆的边缘穿过另一个点。这应该像创建一个半径等于2个点之间的距离并围绕其中一个点居中的圆一样简单。这似乎在较小的距离上工作得很好,但是在一定距离之后,圆的半径不再与第二点匹配。 (在我的测试中,我在洛杉矶和纽约绘制了一个点。)
CLLocationDistance dist = [loc1 distanceFromLocation:loc2];
NSLog(@"dist: %f", dist);
绘制圆圈MKCircle *circle = [MKCircle circleWithCenterCoordinate:coord1 radius:dist];
[circle setTitle:@"background"];
[mMapView addOverlay: circle];
MKCircle *circleLine = [MKCircle circleWithCenterCoordinate:coord2 radius:dist];
[circleLine setTitle:@"line"];
[mMapView addOverlay: circleLine];
答案 0 :(得分:0)
1. Convert the two geo-points to map points
2. Workout the distance in map points
3. use that distance to create a new map point at the same y coordinate offset from the center point (full left or full right won't matter)
4. convert this point to a geo-point
5. workout the distance between it at the center geo-point
6. use that as your radius.