
时间:2009-12-04 21:58:43

标签: python


我正在寻找一个依赖于随机数的程序,特别是骰子。这些将以“2D6”,“4D10 + 3”,“2D2 + 3D3”等形式呈现,依此类推。因此,我开始创建一个能够接受这种形式的输入的骰子滚轮模块。



Link to code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Created by Teifion Jordan

Notes: The roller does not correctly apply * and / signs:
A + B * C is worked out as (A + B) * C, not A + (B * C) as would be correct

import random
import re
import math

class Roller_dict (object):
    """A 'dictionary' that stores rollers, if it's not got that roller it'll make a new one"""
    def __init__(self, generator=random.randint):
        super(Roller_dict, self).__init__()
        self.rollers = {}

        # Generator is used to supply a "rigged" random function for testing purposes
        self.generator = generator

    def __call__(self, constructor):
        constructor = constructor.replace(" ", "")
        if constructor not in self.rollers:
            self.rollers[constructor] = Roller(constructor, self.generator)

        return self.rollers[constructor]()

# Regular expressions used by the Roller class
# Compiled here to save time if we need to make lots of Roller objects
pattern_split       = re.compile(r"(\+|-|\*|/)")
pattern_constant    = re.compile(r"([0-9]*)")
pattern_die         = re.compile(r"([0-9]*)[Dd]([0-9]*)")
pattern_sign        = re.compile(r"^(\+|-|\*|/)")

class Roller (object):
    def __call__(self):
        return self.roll()

    def __init__(self, constructor, generator=random.randint):
        super(Roller, self).__init__()
        self.items = []
        self.generator = generator

    def rebuild(self, constructor):
        """Builds the Roller from a new constructor string"""
        # First we need to split it up
        c = pattern_split.split(constructor.replace(" ", ""))

        # Check for exceptions
        if len(c) == 0:
            raise Exception('String "%s" did not produce any splits' % constructor)

        # Stitch signs back into their sections
        parts = []
        last_p = ""
        for p in c:
            if p in "+-*/":
                last_p = p

            if last_p != "":
                p = "%s%s" % (last_p, p)
                last_p = ""


        # We have the parts, now we need to evaluate them into items
        for p in parts:
            # Look for a sign, default to positive
            sign = pattern_sign.search(p)
            if sign == None: sign = "+"
            else: sign = sign.groups()[0]

            # Strip out the sign, we're left with just the pure value
            body = p.replace(sign, "")

            # Now we find out what our main body is

            # Die
            value = pattern_die.search(body)
            if value != None:
                # Sign, Number, Sides
                self.items.append(("die", sign, int(value.groups()[0]), int(value.groups()[1])))

            # Constant
            value = pattern_constant.search(body)
            if value != None:
                self.items.append(("constant", sign, int(value.groups()[0])))

            # No matches
            raise Exception('The part string "%s" had no matches' % body)

    def roll(self):
        """Rolls the die/dice and returns the result"""
        result = 0

        for i in self.items:
            # Get value
            if i[0] == "die":           value = self._derive_die(i[2], i[3])
            elif i[0] == "constant":    value = self._derive_constant(i[2])
            else: raise Exception('No handler for item type "%s"' % i[0])

            # Apply sign
            if i[1] == "+":     result += value
            elif i[1] == "-":   result -= value
            elif i[1] == "*":   result *= value
            elif i[1] == "/":   result /= value

        return result

    def _derive_die(self, number, sides):
        result = 0
        for n in range(0, number):
            result += self.generator(0, sides)

        return result

    def _derive_constant(self, value):
        return value

# Useful for running the tests to make sure that it uses "random" numbers
false_numbers = (int(math.cos(x)*5)+5 for x in range(0,1000))
def false_numbers_func(*args):
    return false_numbers.next()

# If it's main, run unit tests?
if __name__ == '__main__':
    r = Roller_dict(false_numbers_func)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



import random
R = random.Random()

class Roller(object):
    # map signs to operations
    op = { "+" : lambda a,b: a+b,
           "-" : lambda a,b: a-b,
           "*" : lambda a,b: a*b,
           "/" : lambda a,b: a/b }

    def __init__(self, dice, sides, sign=None, modifier=0):
        self.dice = dice
        self.sides = sides
        self.sign = sign
        self.modifier = modifier
        self.next_sign = None
        self.next_roller = None

    def roll(self):
        self.dice_rolled = [R.randint(1, self.sides) for n in range(self.dice)]
        result = sum(dice_rolled)
        if self.sign:
            result = self.op[self.sign](result, self.modifier)
        if self.next_sign and self.next_roller:
            result = self.op[self.next_sign](result, self.next_roller.roll())
        return result



>>> p = """
# trailing sign and modifier are optional, but if one is present both must be
>>> r = re.compile(p, re.VERBOSE+re.IGNORECASE)
>>> m=r.match('2 d 20 +1')
>>> m.group('dice'), m.group('sides'), m.group('sign'), m.group('modifier')
('2', '20', '+', '1')
>>> r.findall('3D6*2-1D4+1*2D6-1')
[('', '3', '6', '*2', '*', '2'), ('-', '1', '4', '+1', '+', '1'), ('*', '2', '6', '-1', '-', '1')]

语法允许的词汇含糊不清 - 2D6+1D4被解析为2D6+1后跟无法匹配的D4,而且我不清楚如何在正则表达式中解决这个问题。也许这可以用负前瞻断言来解决。


答案 1 :(得分:1)



答案 2 :(得分:1)

pyparsing examples page包含类似的dice expression parser and roller,包括以下测试用例:



我意识到这更像是一个“银盘”答案,而不是对你发布的代码的反馈 - 罗伯特罗斯尼的答案有一个共同点就是解析与滚动的明确分离。也许在这个和罗伯特的样本之间,你可以为自己的骰子收集一些花絮。