
时间:2013-08-27 22:46:05

标签: macos applescript rename finder


Directory/Company X/1
Directory/Company X/2
Directory/Company X/3
Directory/Company X/4
Directory/Company X/5
Directory/Company X/6
Directory/Company X/7
Directory/Company X/8
Directory/Company X/9
Directory/Company X/10
Directory/Company X/info

Directory/Company X/Project 1_1
Directory/Company X/Project 2_2
Directory/Company X/Project 3_3


tell application "Finder"

-- Defining Pro Folders 
set pro_folder to folder POSIX file "/Users/Jart/Desktop/test"
set all_pro_folders to every folder of pro_folder

-- Iterate through folders and check if folder name is greater than one character
repeat with x in all_pro_folders
    repeat with y in x
        -- Convert the folder name to a string and check if that string is longer than one character
        set incomingName to folder ((y as alias) as text)
        set incomingNameString to name of incomingName
        if length of incomingNameString = 1 then
            -- Set old name (number) to a new variable
            set oldname to folder ((y as alias) as text)
            set oldnameString to name of oldname
            -- Do it again for the second part
            set oldname2 to folder ((y as alias) as text)
            set oldnameString2 to name of oldname2
            -- Rename here
            set name of y to "Project" & " " & oldnameString & "_" & oldnameString
        end if
    end repeat
end repeat

end tell


Directory/Company X/3
Directory/Company X/5
Directory/Company X/7
Directory/Company X/9
Directory/Company X/10
Directory/Company X/info
Directory/Company X/Project 1_1
Directory/Company X/Project 2_2
Directory/Company X/Project 4_4
Directory/Company X/Project 6_6
Directory/Company X/Project 8_8


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



  • 将您的变量从y和x重命名为不那么神秘。
  • 将长度测试更改为支持名称> 9.
  • 我不确定新名称末尾的项目,以及是否应该是增加的数字。 (你可以很容易地恢复)
  • 留在一些日志调用中供您参考,这些可以帮助调试内容
tell application "Finder"
    -- Defining Pro Folders 
    set pro_folder to folder POSIX file "/Users/Jart/Desktop/test"
    set all_pro_folders to every folder of pro_folder

    -- Iterate through folders and check if folder name is greater than one character
    repeat with parent_folder in all_pro_folders
        set counter to 0 -- reset a counter variable we use for the end of the name 
        set child_folders to every folder of parent_folder
        repeat with current_folder in child_folders
            set fold_name to the name of current_folder
            log (fold_name)
            if (the length of fold_name < 3) then -- this will allow names > 9  
                set counter to counter + 1 -- increment the counter every time we find valid folder
                set new_name to "Project" & " " & fold_name & "_" & counter
                log (new_name)
                set the name of current_folder to new_name
            end if
        end repeat
    end repeat
end tell