IList <t> .Split()扩展方法的方法签名</t>

时间:2009-12-04 14:51:22

标签: c# generics .net-3.5 extension-methods


// contains 500 entries
IList<string> longListOfStrings = ...

// shorterListsOfStrings is now an array of 5 IList<string>,
// with each element containing 100 strings
IList<string>[] shorterListsOfStrings = longListOfStrings.Split(5);


public static TList[] Split<TList>(this TList source, int elementCount)
  where TList : IList<>, ICollection<>, IEnumerable<>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
  return null;


public static TList<TType>[] Split<TList<TType>>(this TList<TType> source, int elementCount)
  where TList : IList<TType>, ICollection<TType>, IEnumerable<TType>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
  return null;


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public static IList<T>[] Split<T>(this IList<T> source, int elementCount)
    // What the heck, it's easy to implement...
    IList<T>[] ret = new IList<T>[(source.Count + elementCount - 1) 
                                  / elementCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
        int start = i * elementCount;
        int size = Math.Min(elementCount, source.Count - i * start);
        T[] tmp = new T[size];
        // Would like CopyTo with a count, but never mind
        for (int j = 0; i < size; j++)
            tmp[j] = source[j + start];
        ret[i] = tmp;
    return ret;


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答案 1 :(得分:3)


public static IList<TResult>[] Split<TSource, TResult>(
    this IList<TSource> source,      // input IList to split
    Func<TSource, TResult> selector, // projection to apply to each item
    int elementCount                 // number of items per IList
) {
    // do something        


 public static IList<T>[] Split<T>(
    this IList<T> source, // input IList to split
    int elementCount      // number of items per IList
) {
      return Split<T, T>(source, x => x, elementCount);      