如何使用多个Solrnet facet.query参数将facet_counts结果分组到单独的类别中?

时间:2013-08-27 16:59:01

标签: solrnet faceted-search

我已经实现了CreateDate Field Search和Spatial Search,两者都使用facet.query来生成这样的链接。         Q = &安培;元数=经纬度&安培; PT = 41.3,-73.8&安培; facet.field = AllergenicIngredients&安培; facet.field =食物类型&安培; facet.query = CREATEDATE:2013-08-27T23:00 :23Z至2013-09-10T23:00:23Z]& facet.query = CreateDate:[2013-08-28T23:00:23Z to 2013-09-11T23:00:23Z]& facet.query = {! frange l = 0 u = 100} geodist()“>& facet.query = {!frange l = 100.00 = 3000} geodist()& wt = xml& facet = true& fl = *, dist :geodist()

The facet_counts element of the response XML looks like this.

<lst name="facet_counts">
    *<lst name="facet_queries">
        <int name="CreateDate:[2013-08-27T23:00:23Z TO 2013-09-10T23:00:23Z]">7</int>
        <int name="CreateDate:[2013-08-28T23:00:23Z TO 2013-09-11T23:00:23Z]">4</int>
        <int name="{!frange l=0 u=100}geodist()">2</int>
        <int name="{!frange l=100.001 u=3000}geodist()">6</int>
    <lst name="facet_fields">
      <lst name="AllergenicIngredients">
        <int name="Not Allergenic">6</int>
        <int name="Nuts">2</int>
      <lst name="FoodType">
        <int name="Non-Vegetarian">6</int>
        <int name="Vegetarian">2</int>
    <lst name="facet_dates"/>
    <lst name="facet_ranges"/>

I am able to group the facet_fields count results by their names(AllergenicIngredients,FoodType) but how do I group the facet_queries (*italicized*) count by CreatDate and Distance. My website is .Net based and is using Solrnet.

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